American Wrestling Trivia

World Wrestling Entertainment 2005


New Year's Revolution 2005 (Raw)

2005-01-09, Coliseo de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA

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  1. World tagteam championship:
    William Regal & Eugene (ch) def. Christian & Tyson Tomko
    Christian and Tomko takes out Regal, but as Christian throws Regal out of the ring, Eugene rolls up Tomko to get the pinfall to retain the championships.
  2. Women's championship match:
    Trish Stratus def. Lita (ch)
    Stratus performs a Thesz press on Lita from the apron, but injures her leg. Lita attempts a DDT, but the leg gives out. Stratus then hits the Chick Kick to get the pinfall victory.
  3. Intercontinental championship:
    Shelton Benjamin (ch) def. Maven
    Maven spends a lot of time insulting the local crowd. When the match eventually starts, Benjamin quickly rolls him up for a three-count to retain the championship. Maven talks Benjamin into restarting the match, only lose to another quick pinfall after a T-bone suplex from Benjamin.
  4. Muhammad Hassan [w/Daivari] def. Jerry "The King" Lawler [w/Jim Ross]
    Daivari comes into the ring, distracting Lawler enough to allow Hassan to hit a facebuster on Lawler to get the pinfall.
  5. Kane def. Gene Snitsky
    Kane pins Snitsky after a tombstone piledriver.
  6. World heavyweight championship, Elimination chamber match, Guest referee: Shawn Michaels
    Triple H def. Randy Orton, Batista, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Edge
    The match was for the vacated World heavyweight championship. Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit start out. Triple H enters third, Edge fourth and Orton fifth without there being any eliminations. Edge spears referee Shawn Michaels, and receives the Sweet Chin Music for the trouble. Jericho hits the lionsault on Edge to eliminate him. Jericho hits the Walls of Jericho on Triple H as Batista's door opens and he can break the hold. Benoit is second to be eliminated, after a spinebuster from Batista. He then performs a Batista bomb on Chris Jericho, and pins him for the elimination. Batista is eliminated next, when Randy Orton hits an RKO and gets a three-count. When Batista is on his way out, Ric Flair comes in, distracting the referee allowing Batista to attack Orton. Triple H then hits the pedigree to get the pinfall victory and become the new champion.

Royal Rumble 2005

2005-01-30, Save Mart Center, Fresno, California, USA

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  1. Edge def. Shawn Michaels
    Michaels tries a roll-up on Edge, but Edge turns him over, grabs the ropes and gets the pinfall using the ring ropes as leverage.
  2. Casket match:
    Undertaker def. Heidenreich
    Gene Snitsky comes out mid-match, attacking Undertaker, and then him and Heidenreich double-team Undertaker. The referee cannot stop it as it is no-DQ match. The two men try to put Undertaker into the casket, but it opens to reveal Kane, who removes Snitsky. Heidenreich rams Undertaker with the casket and manages to put him into the casket, but Undertaker just barely makes it out, performs a leg drop on the casket with Heidenrich half-way inside. Undertaker hits a chokeslam and a tombstone piledriver on Heidenreich, before putting him into the casket to win the match.
  3. WWE championship, triple threat match:
    John Bradshaw Layfield (ch) def. Big Show, Kurt Angle
    Big Show has Angle down for a pin when Angle's protégés Mark Jindrak and Luther Reigns drags the referee out of the ring. Layfield, who had been thrown out into the audience earlier, is brought back to the ring by Orlando Jordan. Layfield delivers a clothesline from hell to Angle, who is still in the ring, getting the pinfall victory to retain the championship.
  4. World heavyweight championship:
    Triple H (ch) def. Randy Orton
    Members of Triple H's Evolution were banned from ringside. Triple H counters Orton's RKO several times, but Orton also blocks Triple H from hitting the pedigree. Eventually, Triple H takes out Orton with the help of his sledgehammer, hits the pedigree and gets the pinfall to retain the championship.
  5. The Royal Rumble:
    Elim. Ent. #Ent. Name By
    1 3 5Daniel Puder Hardcore Holly (4)
    2 4 5Hardcore Holly Chris Benoit (2) & Eddie Guerrero (1)
    3 5 5The Hurricane Chris Benoit (2) & Eddie Guerrero (1)
    4 6 8Kenzo Suzuki Rey Mysterio (8)
    51313Muhammad Hassan Chris Benoit (2) & Edge (7) & Shelton Benjamin (9) & Booker T (10) & Chris Jericho (11) & Luther Reigns (12)
    61515Scotty 2 Hotty See below
    71216Luther Reigns Booker T (10)
    81416Orlando Jordan Booker T (10)
    91016Booker T Eddie Guerrero (1)
    10 917Shelton Benjamin (IC ch)Edge (7)
    11 118Eddie Guerrero Edge (7)
    121819 Simon Dean Shawn Michaels (19)
    131619Charlie Haas Shawn Michaels (19)
    142020Kurt Angle Shawn Michaels (19)
    151922Shawn Michaels Kurt Angle (20)
    161724Réné Duprée Chris Jericho (11)
    172325Viscera John Cena (25)
    182426Paul London Gene Snitsky (26)
    192227Mark Jindrak Kane (27)
    202628Gene Snitsky Batista (28)
    211128Chris Jericho Batista (28)
    222729Kane John Cena (25)
    232130Jonathan Coachman Ric Flair (30)
    242930Christian Batista (28)
    25 230Chris Benoit Batista (28) & Ric Flair (30)
    263030Ric Flair Edge (7)
    27 830Rey Mysterio Edge (7)
    28 730Edge Batista (28) & John Cena (25)
    292530John Cena (US ch) Batista (28)

    Winner: Batista (28)
    Everyone unites to throw Muhammed Hassan out of the ring just after he enters. Scotty 2 Hotty is set to enter a little bit later, but Muhammed Hassan attacks him on the way in, and he is unable to enter. Kurt Angle comes in, suplexing everyone until he tries to go for Shawn Michaels. After Michaels eliminates him, Angle runs back in, eliminating Michaels and keeps attacking Angle before being removed from the ring area by officials. After eliminating Edge together, Cena and Batista battle it out, eliminating each other simultaneously, with the referees disagreeing. Mr. McMahon comes to the ring, restarting the match. Batista wins, to face the world champion at WrestleMania XXI.

No Way Out 2005 (SmackDown)

2005-02-20, Mellon Arena, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, USA

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  1. WWE tagteam championships:
    Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio def. Basham Brothers (Doug & Danny) (ch)
    With the refere distracted, Guerrero hits Doug Basham with the tagteam belt, allowing him to get the pinfall victory and win the championships.
  2. Booker T def. Heidenreich (DQ)
    The match spills outside and Heidenreich is disqualified when he attacks Booker T with a steel chair.
  3. Cruiserweight championship, elimination match:
    1. Paul London def. Funaki (ch)
      Dudley hits a Funaki with a knee to the back, allowing London to pin the former champion.
    2. Paul London def. Spike Dudley
      Funaki takes is revenge on Dudley with a superkick, allowing London to get a second pinfall.
    3. Paul London def. Shannon Moore
      London pins Moore after a 450 splash from the top rope.
    4. Paul London def. Akio (KO)
      London hits a neckbreaker from the top rope, and the referee counts a knock-out on both men. London gets to his feet just in time, but Akio is counted out.
    5. Chavo Guerrero def. Paul London
      London rolls up Guerrero for a pinfall, but Guerrero counters the roll-up, holding on to the rope for the pinfall victory, becoming the new champion.
  4. Undertaker def. Luther Reigns [w/Mark Jindrak]
    Undertaker pins Reigns after a tombstone piledriver.
  5. SmackDown Rookie Diva of the Year:
    Joy Giovanni def. Michelle McCool, Rochelle Loewen, Lauren Jones
    The contest was held over three rounds during the night, with an Evening Gown contest after the tagteam championship match, a talent contest following the cruiserweight championship, and the final swimsuit contest before the number one contenders tournament final. The winner was decided by an on-line vote, where Joy Giovanni received 65% of the votes, followed by Michelle McCool (18%), Rochelle Loewen (11%) and Lauren Jones (6%).
  6. #1 contenders tournament final:
    John Cena def. Kurt Angle
    Since Raw wrestler Batista won the Royal Rumble, a tournament was held to find a number one contender to meet the WWE champion at WrestleMania. The tournament started on SmackDown 2002-02-03 and held over three episodes with the finals at No Way Out. Angle locks Cena in the Ankle lock, but Cena gets to the bottom rope, forcing Angle to release the lock. Angle locks it again, knocking out the referee who is counting him to release the hold. Angle goes for Cena's chain, but Cena hits a FU and covers Angle for the pinfall.
    Rey Mysterio Kurt AngleKurt AngleJohn Cena
    Kurt Angle
    Undertaker 2xCO
    René Duprée
    Orlando JordanJohn Cena John Cena
    John Cena
    Booker T Booker T
    Eddie Guerrero
  7. WWE championship, barbed wire steel cage match:
    John Bradshaw Layfield (ch) def. Big Show
    Orlando Jordan and the Basham Brothers tried to climb in to the ring. Jordan brought some bolt cutters, which he left for JBL. JBL attacks Big Show with them and then tries to climb the steel cage walls, trying to use the bolt cutters to remove the barb wire. Big Show climbs after JBL, chokeslamming JBL through the ring floor. Show destroys the chain that locks the cage door and walks out of the ring. The bell rings, but JBL is announced the winner as he has crawled out from under the busted ring.

WrestleMania 21

2005-04-03, Staples Center, Los Angeles, California, USA

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  1. Rey Mysterio def. Eddie Guerrero
    Mysterio and Guerrero were the WWE tagteam champions at the time. Guerrero catches Mysterio's West Coast Pop into a power bomb, but Mysterio kicks out. Mysterio hits a hurricanrana on Guerrero, to get the pinfall victory.
  2. Money in the Bank, Ladder match:
    Edge def. Chris Jericho, Christian [w/Tyson Tomko], Shelton Benjamin, Chris Benoit, Kane
    A briefcase containing a contract for a world heavyweight championship match at anytime within the next year is suspended above the ring. Benoit and Kane climb the ladder. Benoit knocks Kane off the ladder and reaches for the briefcase when Edge hits Benoit's injured arm with a chair shot. Edge clibms the ladder and unhooks the briefcase to win the match.
  3. Undertaker def. Randy Orton
    Orton, in his "Legend Killer" gimmick, set out to be the first to defeat Undertaker, who had won his previous twelve matches. Undertaker goes for the Last Rites, but Orton manages to kick out. With the referee out, "Cowboy" Bob Orton, Randy's father, comes out, attacking Undertaker with a fake cast. Orton goes for the pin, but Undertaker kicks out just in time. Undertaker eventually pins Orton after the tombstone piledriver ans is now at 13-0.
  4. Women's championship:
    Trish Stratus (ch) def. Christy Hemme [w/Lita]
    Hemme reverses Stratus' roll-up, but only gets a two-count. Stratus hits the Chick Kick to get the pinfall victory to retain the championship.
  5. Kurt Angle def. Shawn Michaels (subm.)
    Angle hits an Angle slam from the top rope, but only gets a two count. Michaels hits the Sweet Chin Music, and both men go down. Michaels eventually goes for a cover, but only gets a two count. Angle gets up and manages to lock the Ankle lock and Michaels eventually have no option but to tap out.
  6. Sumo match:
    Akebono def. Big Show
    Big Show holds his own for a while and manages to get Akebono off his feet ever so slighlty, but then Akebono tosses him out of the ring to win the match.
  7. WWE championship:
    John Cena def. John Bradshaw Layfield (ch)
    Cena hits a side-slam and follows up with the FU to get a pinfall victory, winning the championship.
  8. World heavyweight championship:
    Batista def. Triple H (ch) [w/Ric Flair]
    With the referee distracted, Triple H hits a low blow and sets up Batista for the pedigree. Batista counters it into a back body drop and hits the Batista Bomb to get the pinfall victory and become the new champion.

Backlash 2005 (Raw)

2005-05-01, Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, New Hampshire, USA

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  1. Intercontinental championship match:
    Shelton Benjamin (ch) def. Chris Jericho
    Jericho misses the lionsault and goes for the walls of Jericho, but Benjamin counters into a sunset flip to get the pinfall victory.
  2. World tagteam championship, Tagteam turmoil:
    The Hurricane & Rosey def. Heart Throbs (Romeo & Antonio), Simon Dean & Maven, Steven Regal & Tajiri (ch), La Résistance (Robert Conway & Sylvain Grenier)
    Matches in order:
    1. Steven Regal & Tajiri (ch) def. Heart Throbs (Romeo & Antonio)
      Antonio runs Tajiro into the ring corner, but Tajiri rolls him up for a pin.
    2. Steven Regal & Tajiri (ch) def. Simon Dean & Maven
      Regal pinned Dean after a kick to the head.
    3. La Résistance (Sylvain Grenier & Rob Conway) def. Steven Regal & Tajiri (ch)
      Conway rolls up Regal, pinning in while holding on to the tights.
    4. The Hurricane & Rosey def. La Résistance (Robert Conway & Sylvain Grenier)
      Rosey bodyslams Conway and Hurricane performs a splash from Rosey's shoulders to get the pinfall and win the championships.
  3. Last man standing match:
    Edge def. Chris Benoit
    "Mr. Money in the Bank" Edge brings a brick in his briefcase, which he uses to knock out Benoit. The referee counts out Benoit, giving Edge the victory.
  4. Kane [w/Lita] def. Viscera [w/Trish Stratus]
    Kane chokeslams Viscera after Viscera goes for Lita. Kane gets the pinfall victory.
  5. Hulk Hogan & Shawn Michaels def. Khosrow Daivari & Muhammad Hassan
    Michaels hits the Sweet Chin Music on Daivari, allowing Hogan to get the pinfall victory.
  6. World heavyweight championship:
    Batista (ch) def. Triple H
    Batista inadvertently knocks out the referee, so when Triple H hits the pedigree and has him down for a pin attempt there is no-one to count. Batista hits a Batista bomb for the pinfall to retain the championship.

Judgment Day 2005 (SmackDown)

2005-05-22, Target Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

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  1. WWE tagteam championship:
    MNM (Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro) [w/Melina] (ch) def. Hardcore Holly & Charlie Haas
    With the referee distracted, Nitro takes a cheap shot on Haas. MNM then hits the Snapshot to allow Mercury to roll up Haas to retain the championships.
  2. Carlito [w/Matt Morgan] def. The Big Show
    Big Show throws Carlito into the corner, but Carlito hits the referee on the way there. Carlito hits a low blow, but Big Show gets up and sets him up for a chokeslam when Matt Morgan interferes by F-5'ing the Big Show, allowing Carlito to get the pinfall victory.
  3. Cruiserweight championship:
    Paul London (ch) def. Chavo Guerrero
    Guerrero tries to perform a gory bomb on London from the top rope, but London reverses it into a back body drop. London hits the 450 splash to get the pinfall victory.
  4. Booker T. def. Kurt Angle
    Angle hits a belly-to-belly but only gets a two count. Booker T gets up and rolls up Angle in a small package with the legs hooked, getting the pinfall victory. Angle continued beating Booker after the match and tries to handcuff Booker's wife Sharmell to the ropes. Booker instead handcuffs Angle allowing Sharmell to get revenge for the nasty things Angle had said about her.
  5. US championship:
    Orlando Jordan (ch) def. Heidenreich
    Heidenreich had a kid at ringside from the audience cheering him on through the match. Jordan drives Heidenreich into the ring ropes and hits a DDT to get the pinfall victory.
  6. Rey Mysterio def. Eddie Guerrero (DQ)
    Chavo Guerrero comes to ringside, distracting the referee. Eddie Guerrero brings a chair to the ring, which he uses when Mysterio tries to peform a springboard dropkick off the top rope, causing Eddie Guerrero to be disqualified. Afterwards Eddie repeatedly hit Mysterio in the back with chair shots.
  7. WWE championship, "I quit" match: John Cena (ch) def. John Bradshaw Layfield
    Cena was about to hit JBL with a tailpipe, and JBL came out and said I quit with no force. Cena then charged JBL with the pipe, and knocked him through the Judgment Day set.

ECW One Night Stand

2005-06-12, Hammerstein Ballroom, New York, New York, USA

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  1. Lance Storm [w/Dawn Marie] def. Chris Jericho
    Jericho has Storm in the Walls of Jericho when Marie interferes, allowing Storm to escape. Storm's former tag-team partner Justin Credible hits Jericho with a Singapore cane, allowing Storm to get the pinfall victory.
  2. Three-way dance:
    Super Crazy def. Tajiri [w/The Sinister Minister & Mikey Whipwreck], Little Guido Mariato [w/Tracy Smothers, Tony Mamaluke, Big Guido & J.T. Smith]Mist on Gudo
    Little Guido is eliminated first when Tajiri pins him after Whipwreck hits the Whipper snapper from the top rope. Super Crazy blocks Tajiri's buzzsaw kick and hits a moonsault from the top rope, getting the pinfall victory.
  3. Rey Mysterio, Jr. def. Psicosis
    Mysterio hits the 619 and follows up with the West Coast Pop, to get the pinfall victory.
  4. Sabu [w/Rob Van Dam & Bill Alfonso] def. Rhyno
    This impromptu match was set up when Sabu came to the rescue when Rhyno attacked Rob Van Dam who was talking in the ring. Sabu pins Rhyno after an Arabian Skullcrusher (a diving leg drop through a table from the top rope, with a steel chair).
  5. Chris Benoit def. Eddie Guerrero (subm.)
    Benoit hits the Three Amigos and a suicide headbutt on Guerrero, before locking him in the Crippler Crossface, forcing Guerrero to tap out.
  6. Mike Awesome def. Masato Tanaka
    Awesome powerbombs Tanaka through a table outside the ring and then performs a suicide dive onto him to get the pinfall victory.
  7. Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von) def. Tommy Dreamer & Sandman
    The Dudley Boyz, with the help from Spike Dudley, powerbomb Dreamer through a flaming table, to get the pinfall victory. Several former ECW wrestlers interfere with the match. After the match Stone Cold Steve Austin comes to the ring, asking the rest of the ECW alumni to a beer party. The invading Raw and SmackDown superstars attack them, but are defeated by the ECW alumni. The show ends with Eric Bischoff receiving a 3-D from the Dudley Boyz, a diving headbutt from Chris Benoit, a 619 from Rey Mysterio and a stunner from Austin.

Vengeance 2005 (Raw)

2005-06-26, Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

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  1. Intercontinental championship:
    Carlito (ch) def. Shelton Benjamin
    Benjamin hits the springboard bulldog, but Carlito manages to kick out from the pinfall. Carlito gets up, removing the turnbuckle pad and makes Benjamin run into it. He then grabs the tights to get the pinfall victory.
  2. Victoria def. Christy Hemme
    Hemme hits Victoria with a DDT, but Victoria kicks out. Hemme goes to the top rope and tries to perform a sunset flip on Victoria. Victoria blocks Hemme by holding on to the ropes and sits down for the pinfall.
  3. Kane def. Edge [w/Lita]
    Gene Snitsky comes to ringside. Lita uses the confusion to bring a steel chair into the ring, but is choked by Kane, who sets her up for a chair attack. Snitsky hits a big boot on Kane, allowing Lita to escape. Snitsky keep attacking Kane when Edge reaches for the Money in the Bank briefcase, but he accidentally hits Snitsky instead, allowing Kane to hit a chokeslam and get the pinfall victory.
  4. Shawn Michaels def. Kurt Angle
    Angle climbs the ring ropes but jumps directly into a Sweet Chin Music, allowing Michaels to get the pinfall victory.
  5. WWE championship, triple threat match:
    John Cena (ch) def. Chris Jericho, Christian [w/Tyson Tomko]
    Christian rolls up Jericho, but Jericho kicks out. Christian then goes for the kill switch, but Jericho throws him into Cena, who picks him up and performs a FU, while kicking Jericho out of the ring. Cena gets the victory by pinfall.
  6. World heavyweight championship, hell in a cell match:
    Batista (ch) def. Triple H
    Triple H hits Batista with the pedigree, but Batista kicks out. Triple H goes for a second pedigree onto the steel steps, but Batista reverses into a spinebuster onto the steps. Batista gets the pinfall after a Batista Bomb, to retain the championship.

The Great American Bash (SmackDown)

2005-07-24, HSBC Arena, Buffalo, New York, USA

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  1. WWE tagteam championship:
    Legion of Doom (Animal & Heidenreich) def. MNM (Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro) [w/Melina] (ch)
    Legion of Doom hits the Doomsday device on Mercury, allowing Animal to get the pinfall to become the new tagteam champions.
  2. Booker T [w/Sharmell] def. Christian
    Pinfall after the scissor kick from the ring ropes.
  3. US championship:
    Orlando Jordan (ch) def. Chris Benoit
    Jordan exposes the top turnbuckle, and runs Benoit into it, allowing him to get the pinfall victory.
  4. #1 contender for the heavyweight championship:
    Undertaker def. Muhammad Hassan [w/Daivari]
    Hassan promised that he would never show his face on SmackDown again if he did not win the match. Hassans sympathizers keep attacking Undertaker, but Undertaker kicks them out, hits a chokeslam to get the pinfall, becoming the number one contender for the heavyweight championship. After the match, Undertaker performs the Last Ride on Hassan through the entrance stage floor.
  5. Six-man tagteam:
    The Mexicools (Super Crazy & Juventud & Psicosis) def. Blue World Order (Big Stevie Cool & Blue Meanie & Hollywood Nova)
    Steven Richards tries to jump Psicosis in the corner, but Psicosis jumps out of the way and Richards hits the ropes crotch first. Psicosis hits a legdrop from the ring ropes to get the pinfall victory for his team.
  6. Rey Mysterio def. Eddie Guerrero
    Stipulation: If Guerrero won the match, he would reveal a secret about Mysterios son Dominick. Guerrero hits a frog splash on Mysterio, but Mysterio reverses the roll-up to get the pinfall victory.
  7. Bra & panties match, Special guest referee: Candice Michelle
    Melina def. Torrie Wilson
    Melina wins by stripping Wilson's pants.
  8. World heavyweight championship:
    John "Bradshaw" Layfield [w/Orlando Jordan] def. Batista (ch) (DQ)
    Jordan jumps the ring apron with a steel chair, but is stopped by Batista, who attackbs both Jordan and JBL with the chair. Referee Nick Patrick disqualifies Batista, giving JBL the victory but with Batista retaining the championship.

Summerslam 2005

2005-08-21, MCI Center, Washington, D.C., USA

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  1. US championship:
    Chris Benoit def. Orlando Jordan (ch) (subm.)
    Benoit quickly hits a German suplex and locks Jordan in the crippler crossface, getting the submission victory to become the new champion.
  2. Edge [w/Lita] def. Matt Hardy (refree stoppage)
    Edge keeps attacking Hardy, driving a knee into his face several time. The referee stops the match as Hardy is no longer able to defend himself.
  3. Ladder match:
    Rey Mysterio def. Eddie Guerrero
    Stipulation: The winner would get the custody of Dominick. The legal documents were in a briefcase suspended above the ring. Guerroro runs Mysterio ribs first into a ladder and climbs the ladder, when Dominick comes out. Guerrero comes down and begins to argue with him until Mysterio comes back. Guerroro takes him out again and climbs the ladder when his wife Vickie Guerrero comes out, throwing him off the ladder and holding him back allowing Mysterio to climb up and grab the briefcase.
  4. Kurt Angle def. Eugene [w/Christy Hemme] (subm.)
    The match was for Kurt Angle's Olympic gold medal which Eugene had one in Angle's open challenge a couple of weeks prior. Eugene hits both the Rock Bottom, the Stone Cold stunner and the ankle lock on Angle, but is unable to get the victory. Angle hits the Angle slam and locks the ankle lock, forcing Eugene to submit.
  5. Randy Orton def. Undertaker
    Undertaker sets up Orton for a chokeslam when "Cowboy" Bob Orton, disguised as a fan, comes to the ring distracting Undertaker. This allows Orton to hit the RKO to get the pinfall victory.
  6. WWE championship:
    John Cena (ch) def. Chris Jericho
    Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho, but Cena manages to eventually get to the ropes, forcing Jericho to break the hold. Cena hits the FU on Jericho to get the pinfall victory.
  7. World heavyweight championship, No holds barred:
    Batista (ch) def. John "Bradshaw" Layfield
    Batista hits the Batista Bomb on JBL, but does not go for the cover. He picks him up again and Batista Bombs JBL onto the steel steps, which has been moved into the ring, to get the pinfall victory.
  8. Hulk Hogan def. Shawn Michaels
    Michaels hits a running fore-arm on Hogan and sets up for an elbow drop from the top rope but Hogan rolls out of the way. Michaels locks the sharpshooter, but Hogan taps out. Michaels hits the Sweet Chin Music, but Hogan kicks out of the pinfall attempt. After Hulking up, Hogan hits the big boot and a leg drop to get the pinfall.

Unforgiven 2005 (Raw)

2005-09-18, Ford Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA

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  1. Intercontinental championship:
    Ric Flair def. Carlito (ch) (subm.)
    Carlito works on Flair outside the ring, but Flair makes a comeback. Flair hits a clothesline from the top rope and Carlito goes outside. Carlito is distracted, allowing Flair to lock the figure-four leglock to get the submission victory.
  2. Trish Stratus & Ashley Massaro def. The Ladies in Pink (Victoria & Torrie Wilson) [w/Candice Michelle]
    Strash hits a spinebuster on Victoria, but Michelle distracts the referee, blocking the count. Stratus hits the chic kick on Victoria to get the pinfall victory.
  3. Big Show def. Gene Snitsky
    Big Show dominates the match and eventually hits a chokeslam to get the pinfall.
  4. Shelton Benjamin def. Kerwin White
    White, the new alter-ego of Chavo Guerrero, brings a golf club to the ring, but Benjamin ducks out of it and hits a bodyslam to get the pinfall.
  5. Steel cage match:
    Matt Hardy def. Edge [w/Lita]
    Both men try to repeatedly escape the cage, over the top and through the door, but after a few unsuccessful attempts the match transitions to a regular mat-based wrestling match. Lita hands Edge his Money in the Bank briefcase, which he uses to attack Hardy, but it just makes Hardy angrier and allows Hardy to hit a bulldog onto the briefcase. Lita enters the ring, helping out Edge, but receives a Twist of Fate from Hardy. Hardy climbs the top of the cage and hits a legdrop on Edge to get the pinfall.
  6. World tagteam championship:
    Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch def. Rosey & The Hurricane (ch)
    Murdoch hits a DDT on The Hurricane from the ring apron onto the floor, leaving him knocked out and Rosey fending for himself. Cade hits a neckbreaker on Rosey, and after Cade and Murdoch double-team Rosey, Hurricane walks back to the ring, tagging himself in. Cade hits a lariat on Hurricane, allowing Murdoch to get the pinfall victory to win the championships.
  7. Shawn Michaels def. Chris Masters
    Masters goes for the Masterlock before the match officially begins, surprising Michaels. Masters picks up Michaels in a standing backbreaker, and Michaels almost fades out, letting his arm fall twice when the referee checks. Masters goes for the Masterlock, but Michaels counters with a low blow. Michaels goes for the Sweet Chin Music, but is caught in the Masterlock. Michaels eventually manages to get a rope break, forcing Masters to release the hold. Masters goes for the Masterlock again, but this time Michaels escapes the attempts, hits the Sweet Chin Music and get the pinfall victory.
  8. WWE championship:
    Kurt Angle def. John Cena (ch) (DQ)
    Angle dominates the match from the start, getting several near pinfalls, but Cnea keeps kicking out. Angle locks the Ankle lock when Bischoff comes into the ring, mocking Cena. Cena manages to break the lock, running Angle crashing into Bischoff. Cena picks up the championship belt Bischoff has brought into the ring and hits Angle with it, causing Cena to be disqualified. Angle gets the victory but Cena retains the championship.

No Mercy 2005 (SmackDown)

2005-10-09, Toyota Center, Houston, Texas, USA

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  1. Six-person intergender tagteam match:
    Legion of Doom (Animal & Heidenreich) & Christy Hemme def. MNM (Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro & Melina)
    Animal and Hemme hits the doomsday device on Melina. Hemme pins Melina.
  2. Bobby Lashley def. Simon Dean
    Dean brings a plate of hamburgers to the ring, promising to eat them if he loses. Dean attacks Lashley with the plate, but to no avail. Lashley picks up Dean and hits an inverted powerbomb to get the pinfall victory.
  3. Fatal four-way match, US championship:
    Chris Benoit (ch) def. Christian, Booker T [w/Sharmell], Orlando Jordan (subm.)
    Booker T shoves Jordan over the top rope with a clothesline. Christian goes for the unprettier, but Benoit reverses and locks a sharpshooter. Christian taps out, allowing Benoit to retain his championship by submission.
  4. Mr. Kennedy def. Hardcore Holly
    Holly climbs the top rope, but Kennedy goes after, picking up Holly. Kennedy hits the Green Bay plunge to get the pinfall victory. After the match, Sylvain comes out attacking the injured Holly.
  5. John "Bradshaw" Layfield [w/Jillian Hall] def. Rey Mysterio
    Mysterio hits the 619 and goes for the West Coast pop, but Layfield moves out of the way. Layfield lands the clothesline from hell on Mysterio to get the pinfall.
  6. Handicap casket match:
    Randy Orton & "Cowboy" Bob Orton def. Undertaker
    Stipulation: Undertaker had to put both Ortons into the casket to win the match, whereas the Ortons need only place the Undertaker. Undertaker placed Bob in the casket, but Randy got out. Undertaker worked on Randy and when he was ready to put Randy in it, the referee opened the casket only for Bob to spray a fire extinguisher in Undertaker's eyes. Randy hits Undertaker with the fire extinguisher and with a steel chair to place him in the casket. They then put the casket on fire.
  7. Cruiserweight championship:
    Juventud Guerrera [w/Psicosis & Super Crazy] def. Nunzio [w/Vito] (ch)
    Juventud hits a crossbody from the top rope, but Nunzio reverses and gets a two-count. Juventud hits the Northern Lights suplex, followed by a Juvi driver to get the pinfall victory to become the new champion.
  8. World heavyweight championship:
    Batista (ch) def. Eddie Guerrero
    Guerrero hits the Three Amigos on Batista and follows up with a frog splash. Batista rolls out of the way and hits the Batista bomb on Guerrero to get the pinfall.

Taboo Tuesday 2005 (Raw)

2005-11-01, iPayOne Center, San Diego, California, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

All of the matches were decided by an on-line vote by fans.

  1. Rey Mysterio & Matt Hardy (SmackDown) def. Chris Masters & Gene Snitsky (Raw)
    Edge was scheduled as Masters' partner, but did not want to represent Raw, and was replaced with Snitsky. Mysterio hits the 619 on Masters, followed by a Twist of fate from Hardy. Mysterio then hits a springboard suplex to get the pinfall victory.
    Matt Hardy (31%) and Rey Mysterio (29%) won the vote on representing SmackDown, over John "Bradshaw" Layfield (17%), Christian (13%), Hardcore Holly (10%).
  2. Eugene & Jimmy Snuka def. Rob Conway & Tyson Tomko
    Eugene hits the Rock Bottom on Conway, allowing Snuka to hit the superfly splash to get the pinfall victory.
    "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka won the fans' vote (42%) on being Eugene's partner, over Jim WHacksaw" Duggan (40%) and Kamala (17%).
  3. Mankind def. Carlito (subm.)
    Mankind hits a double-underhook DDT on Carlito, brings out Mr. Socco to get Carlito to submit to the Mandible Claw.
    The fans voted Mick Foley to wrestle as Mankind (52%), over Cactus Jack (35%) and Dude Love (13%).
  4. World tagteam championship:
    Kane & Big Show def. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch (ch)
    Kane clotheslines Murdoch to the outside. Kane and Big Show to hit a double chokeslam on Cade, allowing Big Show to pin Cade to win the tagteam championships.
    Shawn Michaels was voted as the third competitor for the WWE championship triple threat match with 46%, over Kane (38%) and Big Show (16%), who instead got the tagteam championship match.
  5. Street fight:
    Batista (world champion) def. Jonathan Coachman [w/Vader & Goldust]
    Being a street fight, both Vader and Goldust got involved in the match, attacking Batista. Vader takes out Goldust with a leather belt and Vader with a Batista bomb, leaving Coach on his own. Batista slaps Coach and hits a Batista bomb to get the pinfall victory.
    The match was voted a street fight (91%) over verbal debate (6%) and arm wrestling match (3%).
  6. Women's championship, Fulfill your fantasy battle royal:
    Trish Stratus (ch) def. Ashley Massaro & Mickie James & Maria & Candice Michelle & Victoria
    Victoria tries to eliminate Stratus, but Mickie James saves her. Victoria then eliminates both James and herself, leaving Stratus in the ring, allowing her to retain the championship.
    The fans chose lingerie (43%) as the fulfill your fantasy outfit, over leather and lace (32%) and cheerleader (25%).
  7. Intercontinental championship, Steel cage match:
    Ric Flair (ch) def. Triple H
    Flair grabs Triple H by the nuts, and counters a pedigree into a back body drop onto a steel chair. After hitting Triple H over the head with the steel chair three times, he escapes through the cage door to win the match and retain the championship.
    The match was voted a steel cage match (83%) over submission match (13%) and one fall to a finish (4%).
  8. WWE championship, Triple threat match:
    John Cena (ch) def. Kurt Angle & Shawn Michaels
    Cena locks the FU on Angle, but Angle reverses it into an Ankle lock. Michaels breaks the hold with an elbow drop and hits the Sweet Chin Music on Angle. But before Michales can capitalize, Cena hits the FU on Michaels, getting a pinfall to retain the championship.
    The other possible contenders were Kane and Big Show (see tag team championship match above).

Survivor Series 2005

2005-11-27, Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, Michigan, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. US championship, match 1 in a best of 7 series:
    Booker T [w/Sharmell] def. Chris Benoit
    The US championship was vacated when a match between champion Booker T and Chris Benoit earlier in the week ended in a double pin. Benoit headbutts Booker T off the ring ropes, but when Benoit tries to hit a free fall headbutt Booker T rolls out just in time. Booker T performs an Oklahoma roll and pins Benoit, with his feet on the ring ropes and with the support of Sharmell.
  2. Women's championship:
    Trish Stratus (ch) [w/Mickie James] def. Melina [w/Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro]
    Melina rolls out of the ring to attack James, allowing Nitor and Mercury to attack Stratus in the ring. The referee noties, though, and ejects the two men. Stratus hits Melina with the stratusfaction to get the pinfall victory to retain the championship.
  3. Last man standing match:
    Triple H def. Ric Flair (KO)
    Ric Flair was the intercontinental champion, but the championship was at stake. Triple H repeatedly attack Flair using foreign objects, among others a screwdriver. Triple H sets up Flair for a pedigree on the announce table, but Flair reverses it into a backdrop. Triple H performs three pedigrees on Ric Flair, but after Flair almost gets up, Triple H hits him with a sledgehammer to get the ten-count.
  4. WWE championship, Special guest referee: Daivari
    John Cena (ch) def. Kurt Angle
    Daivari refuses to count a pinfall on Angle, causing Cena to slap Daivari a couple of time. Angle stops Daivari from disqualifying Cena, allowing Cena to run both Angle and Daivari out of the ring. A new referee runs in, who is not as biased. Cena goes for the FU, when Angle clotheslines the new referee. A third refere runs in, Angle misses a moonsault from the top rope, and when Cena goes for the FU, Angle grabs the third referee with an uppercut. Angle tries to get Daivari back in, when a fourth referee runs in. Angle tries to stop him, allowing Cena to hit the DDT on Daivari. When Angle arrives back in the ring, Cena finally manages to hit the FU on Angle, to get the three-count.
  5. Theodore Long [w/Palmer Cannon] def. Eric Bischoff
    Long hits Bischoff with one of his shoes and Bischoff responds with a karate chop. The Boogeyman arrives in the ring, taking out Bischoff with a pump handle slam. With Bischoff knocked out, Long rolls in to cover Bischoff for the pinfall.
  6. 5-on-5 elimination match: Team SmackDown (Batista (World ch) & John "Bradshaw" Layfield & Rey Mysterio & Bobby Lashley & Randy Orton) [w/Bob Orton & Jillian Hall] def. Team Raw (Shawn Michaels & Carlito & Chris Masters & Big Show (Word tagteam ch) & Kane (World tagteam ch))
    Order of elimination:
    1. Bobby Lashley (by Shawn Michaels)
    2. Kane (by Batista)
    3. Batista (by Big Show)
    4. Big Show (by Mysterio)
    5. Carlito (by JBL)
    6. Chris Masters (by Mysterio)
    7. Rey Mysterio (by Shawn Michaels)
    8. JBL (by Shawn Michaels)
    9. Shawn Michaels (by Randy Orton)

    Survivor: Randy Orton.
    Randy Orton replaced Eddie Guerrero, who died two weeks prior to the event. Shawn Michaels was the last survivor for Team Raw at 3-on-1. Michaels quickly eliminated Mysterio and JBL, before going head-to-head with Randy Orton. Michaels goes for the Sweet Chin Music, when JBL runs in again, allowing Orton to hit the RKO for the pinfall.

Armageddon 2005 (SmackDown)

2005-12-18, Dunkin' Donuts Center, Providence, Rhode Island, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. John "Bradshaw" Layfield [w/Jillian Hall] def. Matt Hardy
    Layfield removes the top turnbuckle cover and drives Hardy into it. Layfield gets the pinfall after the clothesline from Hell.
  2. MNM (Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro) [w/Melina] def. The Mexicools (Super Crazy & Psicosis)
    MNM hits the snapshot on Super Crazy, allowing Mercury to get the pinfall victory.
  3. US championship, match 4 in a best of 7 series:
    Chris Benoit def. Booker T [w/Sharmell] (subm.)
    The series, that begun at Survivor Series was at 3-0 in favour of Booker T. Booker T accidentally knocks out the referee, so he is not around to see that Booker T taps out to the sharpshooter. Sharmell hits Benoit over the head with a broom to break the hold, allowing Booker T to attack Benoit, but Benoit locks the crippler crossface to get the submission victory.
  4. Handicap match:
    Bobby Lashley def. William Regal & Paul Burchill
    Lashley hits the dominator on Burchil to get the pinfall victory.
  5. Cruiserweight championship:
    Kid Kash def. Juventud (ch)
    Kash hits the dead level on Juventud to get the pinfall and become the new cruiserweight champion.
  6. Champions vs. champions match:
    Kane & Big Show (World tagteam ch) def. Rey Mysterio & Batista (WWE tagteam ch)
    Batista was also World heavyweight champion at the time. Batista slams Big Show onto the announce table, while Mysterio hits the 619 on Kane. Kane catches Mysterio for a chokeslam, getting the pinfall victory.
  7. Hell in a cell match:
    Undertaker def. Randy Orton [w/"Cowboy" Bob Orton]
    Bob Orton takes out the referee, and is attacked by Undertaker, allowing Randy to come back. Randy hits a tombstone piledriver on Undertaker, but the referee is out and cannot count the pinfall. A new referee runs in, but Undertaker kicks out on two. Undertaker delivers tombstone piledrivers to both Ortons, before covering Randy for the pinfall.
Peter Krefting / $Date: 2024-05-25 20:52:53 $ /