American Wrestling Trivia

World Wrestling Federation 2000


Royal Rumble 2000

2000-01-23, Madison Square Garden, New York, New York, USA

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  1. Tazz def. Kurt Angle (referee stoppage)
    Angle's opponent was not revealed until at the event itself. Referee stopped the match after Tazz hit a sleeper hold on Angle.
  2. Tagteam table match:
    Hardy Boyz (Jeff & Matt) def. Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray)
    The Hardyz send both Dudleys through tables to win the match.
  3. Triple threat, Intercontinental championship:
    Chris Jericho (ch) def. Chyna (ch), Hardcore Holly
    Chyna and Chris Jericho were intercontinental championship co-holders coming into this match, which was set up to crown an undisputed champion. Chyna had Hardcore in a Boston crab, but Jericho did a bulldog on Chyna and then a moonsault to win the championship by pinfall.
  4. Tagteam championship:
    New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Mr. Ass) (ch) def. Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw)
    Farooq had Dogg in a pin, but the referee was out. Mr. Ass performed the fame-ass-er on Bradshaw to retain the championship.
  5. Street fight, WWF championship:
    Triple H (ch) [w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley] def. Cactus Jack
    Cactus Jack "replaced" Mankind, after the latter had been previously injured (of course, both are personas of Mick Foley). Triple H performs a pedigree on a pile of thumbtacks, and retains the championship by pinfall.
  6. The Royal Rumble:
    Elim. Ent. #Ent. Name By
    1 3 5Headbanger MoshRikishi (5)
    2 4 5ChristianRikishi (5)
    3 1 5D'Lo BrownRikishi (5)
    4 2 6Grandmaster SexayRikishi (5)
    5 6 6Scotty Too HottyRikishi (5)
    6 7 7Steve BlackmanRikishi (5)
    7 8 8VisceraRikishi (5)
    8 514RikishiBig Boss Man (9), Test (10), British Bulldog (11), Gangrel (12), Edge (13) & Bob Backlund (14)
    91415Bob BacklundChris Jericho (15)
    101517Chris Jericho (IC ch)Chyna (17)
    111717ChynaBig Boss Man (9)
    121818FaarooqBig Boss Man (9)
    131120British BulldogRoad Dogg (19)
    141322EdgeAl Snow (20) & Val Venis (21)
    15 924Big Boss ManThe Rock (24)
    161625Crash HollyThe Rock (24)
    171026TestBig Show (26)
    181226GangrelBig Show (26)
    192727BradshawRoad Dogg (19) & Mr. Ass (25)
    202128Val VenisKane (28)
    212229Prince AlbertKane (28)
    222330Hardcore HollyAl Snow (20)
    232930GodfatherBig Show (26)
    242030Al SnowThe Rock (24)
    251930Road DoggMr. Ass (25)
    262530Mr. AssKane (28)
    272830KaneX-Pac (30)
    283030X-PacBig Show (26)
    292630Big ShowThe Rock (24)
    24The Rock

    Winner: The Rock (24).
    The Rock won the Royal Rumble, eliminating Big Show for the win.

No Way Out

2000-02-27, Hartford Civic Center, Hartford, Connecticut, USA

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  1. Intercontinental championship:
    Kurt Angle (European ch) def. Chris Jericho (ch) [w/Chyna]
    Angle pins Jericho after Jericho lands a moonsault on the championship belt, leaving with both the European and Intercontinental championships.
  2. Tagteam championship:
    Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray) def. New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Mr. Ass) (ch)
    Bubba Ray hit Billy Gunn with a lead pipe, allowing D-Von to pin Road Dogg after a 3D, to win the titles.
  3. Mark Henry def. Viscera
    Mae Young comes to the ring to the aid of Henry, allowing him to get a pinfall victory.
  4. Edge & Christian def. Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff) [w/Terri]
    The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) came out to ringside, after having been hired by Terri for protection earlier in the night. Terri attacked her own team, allowing Christian to pin Matt Hardy after the impaler, making them the number one contenders for the tagteam championships. After the match, Matt Hardy tries to attack Terri, but is stopped by The Acolytes.
  5. Tazz def. Big Boss Man [w/Prince Albert] (DQ)
    Tazz had Boss Man in the Tazzmission when Prince Albert interfered, causing a disqualification.
  6. No holds barred:
    X-Pac [w/Tori] def. Kane [w/Paul Bearer]
    Kane chokeslams X-Pac, but is attacked by Tori. Kane tombstones Tori, and is about to attack X-Pac with the ring steps when X-Pac dropkicks him and gets the pinfall victory.
  7. Too Cool (Scotty Too Hotty & Grand Master Sexay) & Rikishi Phatu def. The Radicals (Perry Saturn, Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko) [w/Eddie Guerrero]
    Phatu planted Malenko with the Rikishi driver to get the pinfall victory.
  8. Big Show def. The Rock
    This match was for the championship contendership at WrestleMania, as Big Show claimed The Rock's victory at Royal Rumble was incorrect. Show throws Rock into the referee, and while he is out, Shane McMahon hit The Rock with a chair. Show gets the pinfall victory.
  9. WWF championship, Hell in a cell match:
    Triple H (ch) def. Cactus Jack
    Stipulation: If Triple H won, Cactus Jack's career was over. The match spills out of the cage, where Jack had hid a 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire. The match continues onto the top of the cage, where Triple H takes control of the barbed wire. After falling back into the ring, Cactus Jack is pedigreed by Triple H thus ending his career.

WrestleMania XVI

2000-04-02, Arrowhead Pond, Anaheim, California, USA

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  1. Big Boss Man & Bull Buchanan def. Godfather & D'Lo Brown [w/Ice T]
    Boss Man performs a sidewalk slam on D'Lo, setting up Buchanan for a legdrop and the pinfall victory.
  2. Hardcore championship battle royal:
    Hardcore Holly def. Crash Holly (ch), Tazz, Viscera, Mean Street Posse (Pete Gas & Joey Abs & Rodney), Kai En Tai (Funaki & Taka Michinoku), Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher), Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw)
    1. Tazz pinned Crash Holly after a rollup
    2. Viscera pinned Tazz outside the ring
    3. Funaki pinned Viscera (together with everyone else)
    4. Rodney pinned Funaki in the back of the arena
    5. Joey Abs pinned Rodney a few seconds later
    6. Thrasher pinned Joey Abs, still backstage
    7. Pete Gas pinned Thrasher on the way back to the ring, after spraying him with a fire extinguisher
    8. Tazz pinned Pete Gas just outside the ring
    9. Crash Holly pinned Tazz with about 40 seconds remaining after hitting Tazz with a street sign
    10. Hardcore Holly pinned Crash Holly with 1 second remaining
    The match had a 15-minute time limit and unlimited pinfalls for the championship.
  3. T&A (Test & Albert) [w/Trish Stratus] def. Al Snow & Steve Blackman
    Test pins Blackman after an elbow drop from the top rope.
  4. Tagteam championship, triangle ladder match:
    Edge & Christian def. Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff), Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray) (ch)
    Edge and Christian climbs onto a table set on top of a pair of ladders, and after pushing Matt Hardy off they claimed the championships.
  5. Cat fight, Special guest referee: Val Venis
    Terri [w/The Fabulous Moolah] def. The Kat [w/Mae Young]
    The first wrestler to throw her opponent from the ring onto the floor would be the winner. Moolah and Young kept distracting the referee, so he missed Terri being thrown out and coming back in, announcing her the winner instead.
  6. Chyna & Too Cool (Scotty Too Hotty & Grand Master Sexay) def. The Radicalz (Eddie Guerrero & Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko (light heavyweight ch))
    Chyna pins Guerrero after two powerbombs and an inverted DDT.
  7. Intercontinental/European championship, two-fall triple threat match:
    Kurt Angle (ch) vs. Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho
    1. 1st fall, for the intercontinental championship:
      Chris Benoit def. Chris Jericho
      Benoit pins Jericho after a headbutt from the top rope.
    2. 2nd fall, for the European championship:
      Chris Jericho def. Chris Benoit
      Jericho pinned Benoit after a springboard suplex.
  8. Kane & Rikishi Phatu [w/Paul Bearer] def. Road Dogg & X-Pac [w/Tori]
    Kane pins X-Pac after a tombstone.
  9. WWF championship, Fatal four-way elimination match, no DQ:
    Triple H (ch) [w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley (Women's ch)] def. Mick Foley [w/Linda McMahon], Big Show [w/Shane McMahon], The Rock [w/Vince McMahon]
    Foley was reinstated for one night only.
    Order of elimination:
    1. Big Show (by The Rock) after the Rock Bottom
    2. Mick Foley (by Triple H) after a pedigree
    3. The Rock (by Triple H) after Vince attacked Rock with a steel chair


2000-04-30, MCI Center, Washington, D.C., USA

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  1. Tagteam championship:
    Edge & Christian (ch) def. Road Dogg & X-Pac [w/Tori]
    Christian hits X-Pac with the ring bell and pins him to retain the championships.
  2. Light heavyweight championship:
    Dean Malenko (ch) def. Scotty 2 Hotty
    Malenko pin Scotty after a DDT off the top rope.
  3. Big Boss Man & Bull Buchanan def. Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw)
    Buchanan pinned Bradshaw after Boss Man hit him with the nightstick.
  4. Hardcore championship, Six man free-for-all:
    Crash Holly (ch) def. Tazz, Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff), Hardcore Holly, Perry Saturn
    Stipulation: The match ends when anyone pins the champion Crash, or when he pins anyone. No disqualifications, no count-outs. Crash pinned Tazz to retain the championship.
  5. Big Show def. Kurt Angle
    Big Show, dressed as Hulk Hogan and calling himself "The Showster" pins Angle after a chokeslam.
  6. T&A (Test & Prince Albert) [w/Trish Stratus] def. The Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray)
    Test pinned Bubba Ray after Trish distracted him.
  7. European championship:
    Eddie Guerrero [w/Chyna] (ch) def. Essa Rios [w/Lita]
    Guerrero pins Rios after an airplane spin into a neckbreaker.
  8. Intercontinental championship:
    Chris Benoit (ch) def. Chris Jericho (DQ)
    Benoit wins by disqualification after the championship belt is used inside the ring.
  9. WWF championship, special referee: Shane McMahon
    The Rock [w/Stone Cold Steve Austin] def. Triple H (ch) [w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley (Women's ch), Vince McMahon]
    After Shane McMahon is sent through the announcer's table, Pat Patterson & Jack Brisco come out as replacement referees, attacking The Rock. Stone Cold come out, taking them out, and after he leaves Linda McMahon and referee Earl Hebner comes out, counting the pinfall for The Rock.


2000-05-06, Earl's Court Exhibition Centre, London, England, UK

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  1. Too Cool (Scotty Too Hotty & Grandmaster Sexay) def. Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko (light heavyweight ch)
    Grandmaster performs the hip hp drop on Saturn, and gets a pinfall victory.
  2. Kane [w/Paul Bearer] def. Bull Buchanan
    Pinfall after a chokeslam.
  3. Road Dogg [w/Tori] def. Bradshaw
    Road Dogg pins Bradshaw after a pumphandle slam.
  4. Arm wrestling match:
    The Kat [w/Mae Young] def. Terri [w/The Fabulous Moolah]
    Young poured water over Terri, allowing Kat to win.
  5. Rikishi Phatu & Showkishi (The Big Show) def. The Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray)
    Edge and Christian came in, attacking the Dudleyz, allowing Showkishi to chokeslam Bubba Ray and get a pinfall victory.
  6. Kurt Angle def. Chris Benoit
    Pinfall after a bodyslam.
  7. Hardcore championship:
    The British Bulldog def. Crash Holly (ch)
    Crash was doing commentary about how he couldn't find an Englishman tough enough to challenge him. Bulldog came out, pinning Holly after a running powerslam to become the new champion.
  8. Tagteam championship:
    The Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff) def. Edge & Christian (ch) (DQ)
    Edge attacks the Hardys with the ring bell, getting his team disqualified.
  9. European championship:
    Eddie Guerrero (ch) [w/Chyna] def. Chris Jericho (IC champion)
    The referee flipped a coin to decide that the European championship was the one on the line. Guerrero hit Jericho with the championship belt to get a pinfall victory.
  10. WWF championship, Triple threat match:
    The Rock (ch) def. Triple H [w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley] & Shane McMahon [w/Vince McMahon]
    Rock pins Shane McMahon after the people's elbow.

Judgment Day

2000-05-21, Freedom Hall, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

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  1. Six-man tag team Match:
    Too Cool (Scotty Too Hotty & Grandmaster Sexay) & Rikishi def. Kurt Angle & Edge & Christian
    Edge & Christian was the tag team champions. Rikishi pins Edge for the victory.
  2. European championship, triple threat match:
    Eddie Guerrero (ch) [w/Chyna] def. Perry Saturn, Dean Malenko
    Chyna hits Saturn with flowers with a led pipe in them, and then goes on to hit Malenko, allowing Guerrero to roll up Malenko to retain the championship.
  3. Falls count anywhere (no holds barred, no disqualification):
    Shane McMahon def. Big Show
    Shane broke a cinderblock on Big Show, to get the pinfall victory.
  4. Intercontinental championship, submission match:
    Chris Benoit (ch) def. Chris Jericho
    The referee stops the match when Jericho becomes unconscious from Benoit's Crippler Crossface.
  5. Table match:
    X-Pac & Road Dogg [w/Tori] def. the Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray)
    D-Von and X-Pac are sent through tables, so that it is one on one. The Dudleys send Road Dogg through a table, but the referee is out. X-Pac sends Bubba Ray through the table, this time the referee sees it, awarding the match to X-Pac and Road Dogg.
  6. WWF championship, Iron Man 60-minute match, Special referee: Shawn Michaels Triple H [w/Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, Shane McMahon] def. The Rock (ch)
    1. The Rock pins Triple H after the Rock Bottom (Rock-HHH 1-0).
    2. Triple H pins The Rock after a pedigree (1-1).
    3. Triple H quickly pins The Rock after an inside cradle (1-2).
    4. Triple H pins The Rock after a piledriver (1-3).
    5. The Rock pins Triple H after a DDT (2-3).
    6. Triple H is disqualified after hitting The Rock with a chair (3-3).
    7. Triple H quickly pins The Rock, who is still down (3-4).
    8. The Rock fails to respond when Triple H has him in a sleeper hold (3-5).
    9. Triple H is counted out (4-5).
    10. The Rock pins Triple H after a people's elbow (5-5).
    11. The Rock is disqualified for outside interference, when Undertaker arrives, clearing the ring from the McMahon faction and D-X (5-6).

King of the Ring 2000

2000-06-25, FleetCenter, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

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First round matches (not on the main event):

  1. Raw 2000-05-29:
    Rikishi def. Shane McMahon (DQ)
  2. Bull Buchanan [w/Big Boss Man] def. Steve Blackman
  3. SmackDown 2000-06-01:
    Kurt Angle def. Bradshaw
  4. Crash Holly def. Albert
  5. Sunday Night Heat 2000-06-04:
    Chyna [w/Eddie Guerrero] def. The Godfather [w/Dean Malenko]
  6. Val Venis [w/Trish Stratus] def. Al Snow
  7. Raw 2000-06-05:
    Chris Benoit (IC ch) def. Road Dogg [w/X-Pac & Tori]
  8. Hardcore Holly def. Farooq
  9. SmackDown 2000-06-08 :
    Chris Jericho def. Test [w/Trish Stratus]
  10. Eddie Guerrero [w/Chyna] (European ch) def. Matt Hardy
  11. Sunday Night Heat 2000-06-11:
    Bubba Ray Dudley def. Big Boss Man
  12. Perry Saturn def. D-Von Dudley
  13. Raw 2000-06-12:
    X-Pac [w/Road Dogg & Tori] def. Dean Malenko
  14. Jeff Hardy def. Christian [w/Edge]
  15. SmackDown 2000-06-15:
    Edge [w/Christian] def. Grand Master Sexay [w/Scotty Too Hotty] (tagteam ch)
  16. Scotty Too Hotty (tagteam ch) def. D'Lo Brown

Second round matches (not on the main event):

  1. Sunday Night Heat 2000-06-18:
    Bull Buchanan def. Parry Saturn
  2. Val Venis def. Jeff Hardy
  3. Raw 2000-06-19:
    Kurt Angle def. Bubba Ray Dudley
  4. Chris Benoit def. X-Pac [w/Tori] (subm.)
  5. Eddie Guerrero (European ch) def. Chyna
  6. Chris Jericho def. Edge (subm.)
  7. Rikishi def. Scotty 2 Hotty
  8. Crash Holly (Hardcore ch) def. Hardcore Holly (DQ)

Matches on the main event:

  1. King of the Ring Quarter finals:
    Rikishi (IC ch) def. Chris Benoit (DQ)
    Benoit is disqualified when attacking Rikishi with a steel chair. He continues attacking Rikishi after the match is stopped.
  2. Val Venis [w/Trish Stratus] def. Eddie Guerrero (European ch) [w/Chyna]
    Pinfall after fisherman's suplex.
  3. Crash Holly def. Bull Buchanan
    Buchanan misses a scissor kick, allowing Holly to do a quick roll-up and get the pinfall victory.
  4. Kurt Angle def. Chris Jericho
    Stephanie McMahon comes in, distracting the referee, allowing Kurt Angle to get a pinfall victory after an Olympic slam.
  5. Tagteam championship, Fatal four-way elimination match:
    Edge & Christian def. T & A (Test & Albert), Hardy Boyz (Jeff & Matt) [w/Lita], Too Cool (Scotty Too Hotty & Grand Master Sexay) (ch)
    Order of elimination:
    1. T&A (Jeff Hardy pinned Test)
    2. Hardy Boyz (Christian pinned Jeff Hardy)
    3. Too Cool (Christian pinned Grandmaster Sexay after hitting him with a tag team belt)
  6. King of the Ring Semi finals:
    Rikishi def. Val Venis [w/Trish Stratus]
    Rikishi pins Venis after a belly-to-belly suplex.
  7. Kurt Angle def. Crash Holly
    Angle pins Holly after the Olympic slam.
  8. Hardcore championship, evening gown match:
    Pat Patterson (ch) vs. Gerald Brisco (no contest)
    The match was interrupted when Crash Holly used the 24/7 rule, hitting Patterson with a trash can.
  9. Hardcore championship:
    Crash Holly def. Pat Patterson (ch)
    Holly gets a quick pinfall on Patterson.
  10. Handicap Table Dumpster Match:
    D-Generation X (X-Pac & Road Dogg & Tori) The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von)
    To win, you had to either put all the members of the opposite team through tables, or in a dumpster. DX throws the Dudleys in the dumpster, but the referee is distracted and they escape before the referee sees it. The second time they do that, they win the match. Tori, who had hidden in the dumpster, is thrown through a table by the Dudleys after the match.
  11. King of the Ring final:
    Kurt Angle def. Rikishi
    Angle pinned Rikishi after a belly-to-belly suplex from the top rope. Angle's coronation would take place the next night on Raw.
  12. Six-man tagteam match, WWF championship:
    The Rock & Undertaker & Kane def. Triple H (WWF champion) & Shane McMahon & Vince McMahon
    Stipulation: If anyone on Triple H's team got pinned he lost the title. Undertaker throws Shane McMahon through the announcer table, leaving The Rock in the ring, pinning Vince McMahon after the Rock Bottom, to become the new WWF Champion.
Chris JerichoKurt AngleKurt AngleKurt Angle
Kurt Angle
Crash HollyCrash Holly
Bull Buchanan
Chris BenoitRikishiRikishi
Val VenisVal Venis
Eddie Guerrero

Fully Loaded 2000

2000-07-23, Reunion Arena, Dallas, Texas, USA

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  1. Six man inter-gender tag team match: The Hardy Boyz (Jeff & Matt) & Lita def. T&A (Test & Albert & Trish Stratus
    Lita superplexes Stratus from the top rope, follows up with a moonsault from the top rope, getting the pinfall victory on Stratus.
  2. Tazz def. Al Snow [w/Head] (subm.)
    Snow taps out to the Tazzmission.
  3. European championship:
    Perry Saturn [w/Terri] def. Eddie Guerrero (ch) [w/Chyna]
    Saturn pins Guerrero after an elbow drop from the top rope.
  4. Tagteam championship:
    The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) def. Edge & Christian (ch) (DQ)
    Edge and Christian are disqualified when they hit Farooq with a tag-team championship belt.
  5. Intercontinental championship, steel cage match:
    Val Venis (ch) [w/Trish Stratus] def. Rikishi
    After Lita has chased away Stratus, Tazz enters the cage, attacking Rikishi with a TV camera, allowing Venis to get a pinfall victory to retain the championship.
  6. Undertaker def. Kurt Angle
    Undertaker pins Angle after a powerbomb.
  7. Last man standing match:
    Triple H [w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley] def. Chris Jericho
    Triple H slams Jericho through the American announce table, himself only getting up on the count of nine.
  8. WWF championship:
    The Rock (ch) def. Chris Benoit [w/Shane McMahon]
    Stipulation: The title could change hand by disqualification. Benoit wins the title when when The Rock has him in a crippler cross-face and refuses to release the hold. However after the match commissioner Mick Foley comes out and orders the match to restart. Benoit applies the cross-face, but The Rock reverses it and pins him after a Rock Bottom.

Summerslam 2000

2000-08-27, Raleigh Entertainment and Sports Complex, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

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  1. Right to Censor (Steven Richards & Bull Buchanan & Goodfather) def. Too Cool (Scotty Too Hotty & Grandmaster Sexay) & Rikishi
    Steven Richards kicks Scotty Too Hotty, who is doing the Worm around the ring, getting the pinfall victory.
  2. X-Pac def. Road Dogg
    X-Pac gets the pin after a low blow (after the match road dogg backslams X-Pac out of anger
  3. Intercontinental championship, Mixed tagteam match:
    Chyna & Eddie Guerrero def. Trish Stratus & Val Venis (ch)
    Stipulation: If Chyna or Guerrero gets a pinfall victory, that person wins Venis' Intercontinental championship. Chyna pins Trish after a body press slam to become the IC champ.
  4. Jerry Lawler def. Tazz
    Lawler gets the pin after Jim Ross nails Tazz in the head with a pitcher.
  5. Hardcore championship:
    Steve Blackman def. Shane McMahon (ch)
    Blackman gets the pin after making Shane fall off a TitanTron and an elbow drop from the TitanTron.
  6. Two out of three falls:
    Chris Benoit def. Chris Jericho
    Chris Benoit gets the 1st fall when Jericho submits to the crippler crossface. Jericho gets 2nd fall when Benoit tapped out to the Walls of Jericho. Benoit gets the 3rd fall when he pins Jericho after a cradle, while holding on to the ring ropes.
  7. Tagteam championship, Tables, ladders and chairs match:
    Edge & Christian (ch) def. The Hardy Boys (Jeff & Matt), The Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray)
    Edge and Christian win by hitting Jeff Hardy (who is hanging onto belts) with a ladder and climbing to victory. (The only people who didn't go through a table were Edge and Christian)
  8. Thong Stinkface Match:
    The Kat [w/Al Snow] def. Terri [w/Perry Saturn]
    The Kat attacking Terri with Al Snow's Head, she then wins my giving Terri the stinkface.
  9. Undertaker vs. Kane (no contest)
    Undertaker just takes Kane's mask off and he runs away.
  10. WWF championship, Triple threat, no countout, no disqualification:
    The Rock (ch) def. Kurt Angle, Triple H
    Triple H sends Angle on a stretcher early in the match. Angle comes down and costs Triple H the title after he was going to pin The Rock. Rock gets the people's elbow on Triple H to win.

Unforgiven 2000

2000-09-24, First Union Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

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  1. Eight-man tagteam match:
    Right to Censor (Steven Richards & Goodfather & Val Venis & Bull Buchanan) def. Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray) & The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw)
    Steven Richards hit a Steviekick on Bubba, and Val covered him for the pin.
  2. Strap match:
    Tazz def. Jerry Lawler (subm.)
    You can win by pin, submission or by touching all four corners. Raven appeared, DDT'ing Lawler, allowing Tazz to win by submission.
  3. Hardcore open invitational:
    Steve Blackman (ch) def. Al Snow (European ch), Crash Holly, Test, Perry Saturn [w/Terri], Funaki
    Whoever has the title after ten minutes keeps it. Crash Holly pinned Blackman after Test had kicked a can in Blackman's face, becoming the champion. Saturn then pinned him to become the champion. Blackman then pinned Saturn, and then lost it back to Saturn, and then won it back again, retaining it to the end of the ten minute period.
  4. Chris Jericho def. X-Pac (subm.)
    Jericho won after X-Pac submitted to the Walls of Jericho.
  5. Tagteam championship, cage match:
    Hardy Boyz (Jeff & Matt) [w/Lita] def. Edge & Christian (ch)
    The Hardy Boyz captured the title after climbing out of the cage first.
  6. Intercontinental championship:
    Eddie Guerrero (ch) [w/Chyna] def. Rikishi (DQ)
    Rikishi sidekicks Chyna and is disqualified.
  7. Guest referee: Mick Foley, No disqualification match:
    Triple H [w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley] def. Kurt Angle
    Triple H got a pinfall after a pedigree, after Stephanie delivered a low blow.
  8. Fatal 4-Way, WWF championship:
    The Rock (ch) def. Undertaker, Chris Benoit, Kane
    Chris Benoit hit Undertaker with a chair, and got a pinfall victory, but commissioner Mick Foley reversed the decision. The Rock pinned Chris Benoit after a Rock Bottom to retain the championship.

No Mercy 2000

2000-10-22, Pepsi Arena, Albany, New York, USA

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  1. Dudley Boyz tagteam elimination table invitational:
    Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray) def. Lo Down (D'Lo Brown & Chaz), Too Cool (Grand Master Sexay & Scotty 2 Hotty), Tazz & Raven, Right to Censor (Bull Buchanan & Goodfather)
    Elim. Ent. Name Who By
    1 2Lo DownD'Lo Brown & ChazScotty 2 Hotty
    2 1Too CoolScotty 2 HottyTazz & Raven
    3 3Tazz & RavenTazzD-Von Dudley
    4 5Right to CensorGoodfatherD-Von Dudley & Bubba Ray Dudley
    4Dudley Boyz
    A team is eliminated when one of its members is put through a table. Two teams start, and as soon as one team is eliminated, another enters. Bubba Ray throws Bull Buchanan through a table, but the referee is out, and instead sees Right to Censor to win. Another referee comes in, restarting the match and the Dudleys win when they perform the 3-D on Goodfather through a table.
  2. Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) & Lita vs. T&A (Test & Albert) & Trish Stratus (no contest)
    Farooq & Bradshaw are attacked backstage, so Lita starts the match 1-on-3. The Hardy Boyz enter to help her, and the match never got started.
  3. Steel cage match:
    Chris Jericho def. X-Pac
    Jericho wins by exiting the cage.
  4. Right to Censor (Val Venis & Steven Richards) def. Mr. Ass & Chyna
    "Mr. Ass" Billy Gunn was scheduled for an intercontinental championship match against Eddie Guerrero, but he was injured. Despite that, he comes into the ring, hitting Chyna on the head with a led pipe allowing Venis to pin Chyna.
  5. No holds barred:
    Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Rikishi (no contest)
    Austin puts Rikishi in the back of his truck and drives outside the arena. Austin drops him off and tries to run him over when a police car intervenes, stopping him.
  6. European championship:
    William Regal (ch) def. Naked Mideon
    Mideon starts out clothed, but soon dropped to his "naked" persona. Not wanting to hold him in a submission move, Regal instead goes for a pinfall victory.
  7. Tagteam championship:
    Los Conquistadors (Uno & Dos) def. Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff) (ch)
    Uno pins Matt hardy after an inverted DDT, to win the championships.
  8. Triple H def. Chris Benoit
    Triple H tries to apply the pedigree to Benoit, but he reverses it twice. Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley comes out distracting the referee, allowing Triple H to hit a low blow. After that, Triple H pins Benoit with a pedigree.
  9. WWF championship, no disqualifications:
    Kurt Angle [w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley] def. The Rock (ch)
    Angle taps out to Rock's submission move, but Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley distracts the referee so he doesn't see it. After The Rock performed the Rock Bottom on McMahon, Triple H comes in, taking out both men and carrying McMahon out. Angle pins Rock after an Olympic slam after Rikishi comes to the ring and inadvertently kicks Rock.

Survivor Series 2000

2000-11-19, Tampa Ice Palace, Tampa, Florida, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. Crash Holly & Molly Holly & Steve Blackman def. T & A (Test & Albert) & Trish Stratus
    Molly pinned Trish after a sunset flip.
  2. Radicalz (Dean Malenko (IC ch), Eddie Guerrero & Chris Benoit & Perry Saturn) [w/Terri] def. Road Dogg & Chyna & Billy Gunn & K-Kwik
    Eliminated in order:
    1. Chyna (by Eddie Guerrero)
    2. Eddie Guerrero (by Billy Gunn)
    3. K-Kwik (by Chris Benoit)
    4. Road Dogg (by Perry Saturn)
    5. Dean Malenko (by Billy Gunn)
    6. Billy Gunn (by Chris Benoit)
    Survivors: Chris Benoit, Perry Saturn
  3. Kane def. Chris Jericho
    Kane caught Jericho's lionsault, performed a chokeslam and got a pinfall.
  4. European championship:
    William Regal (ch) def. Hardcore Holly (DQ)
    Holly attacked Regal with the championship belt, and was disqualified.
  5. Rock def. Rikishi
    Rikishi gave Rock the stink-face, but Rock countered with a clothesline and gave him the people's elbow to get a pinfall victory. Rikishi continues to attack the Rock after the match.
  6. Women's championship:
    Ivory (ch) def. Lita
    Ivory got her knees up when Lita was doing a moonsault from the top rope. She covers Lita to retain the championship.
  7. WWF championship:
    Kurt Angle (ch) def. Undertaker
    Angle tapped to Undertaker's arm bar, but the referee was distracted by Edge & Christian. Undertaker chokeslammed Angle and had him down for a pin, but the referee was distracted again. Angle goes under the ring, and Undertaker gave him the Last Ride and pinned him, but it wasn't Angle, but a body-double. Angle came back, quickly rolled up Undertaker, grabbing the tights, and got a pinfall.
  8. Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff) & Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray) def. Edge & Christian & Right to Censor (Goodfather & Bull Buchanan) (tag ch) [w/Val Venis]
    Eliminated in order:
    1. Matt Hardy (by Edge)
    2. D-Von (by Christian)
    3. Bull Buchanan (by Bubba Ray)
    4. Edge (by Bubba Ray)
    5. Bubba Ray (by Goodfather)
    6. Christian (by Jeff Hardy)
    7. Goodfather (by Jeff Hardy)
    Survivor: Jeff Hardy
  9. No disqualification:
    Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Triple H (no contest)
    Match ended after Steve Austin dropped the car, in which Triple H had fled, from a forklift.

Rebellion 2000

2000-12-02, Sheffield Arena, Sheffield, England, UK

Watch on Netflix.

  1. Tagteam elimination tables match:
    The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von) def. T & A (Test & Albert) [w/Trish Stratus], Edge & Christian
    Elimination order:
    1. T & A (Albert by Edge)
    2. Edge & Christian (Christian by Bubba Ray & D-Von)
  2. Women's championship:
    Ivory (ch) [w/Steven Richards] def. Lita
    Ivory pins Lita while holding on to Steven Richards' hands for leverage.
  3. Hardcore championship:
    Steve Blackman (ch) def. Perry Saturn
    Blackman kicks Saturn's steel chair into Saturn, and gets a pinfall victory.
  4. European championship:
    Crash Holly [w/Molly Holly] def. William Regal (ch)
    Regal's pin of Crash is nullified when Crash's arm is under the ring ropes. Molly Holly performs a missile dropkick on Regal while the referee is distracted, allowing Crash to get a pinfall to win the championship.
  5. Billy Gunn & Chyna def. The Radicalz (Eddie Guerrero & Dean Malenko)
    Gunn pins Malenko after a cobra clutch slam.
  6. One fall to a finish match:
    Kane def. Chris Jericho
    Kane pins Jericho after a high chokeslam.
  7. Tagteam championship:
    Right to Censor (Bull Buchanan & Goodfather) (ch) [w/Val Venis] def. Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff)
    Jeff covers Goodfather after a Swanton bomb, but Venis interferes while the referee is distracted, to allow Goodfather to get the pinfall victory.
  8. Special challenge match:
    Undertaker def. Chris Benoit
    Benoit headbutts Undertaker, but he counters the cover into a rollup and gets a pinfall victory.
  9. WWF championship, fatal four-way, no disqualification, no count-out:
    Kurt Angle (ch) def. Rikishi, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, The Rock
    Edge and Christian take out The Rock, The Radicalz takes out Austin, allowing Angle to perform an Olympic slam on Rikishi to retain his championship.

Armageddon 2000

2000-12-10, Jefferson Civic Center, Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. Six-person intergender elimination match:
    Radicalz (Perry Saturn & Eddie Guerrero & Dean Malenko (light heavyweight ch)) [w/Terri] def. Lita & Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff)
    Order of elimination:
    1. Eddie Guerrero (pin by Jeff Hardy after a swat bomb)
    2. Jeff Hardy (pin by Saturn after a powerslam)
    3. Saturn (pin by Matt Hardy after the Twist of fate)
    4. Matt Hardy (pin by Dean Malenko after a roll-up)
    5. Lita (submitted to Dean Malenko after the Texas cloverleaf)

    Survivor: Dean Malenko
  2. European championship:
    William Regal (ch) def. Hardcore Holly
    Pinfall after Raven interfered.
  3. Val Venis [w/Ivory] def. Chyna
    Ivory tripped Chyna and Venis caught Chyna chasing after Ivory, and won by pinfall after a fisherman's suplex.
  4. Last man standing match:
    Chris Jericho def. Kane
    Chris won after tumbling a pile of barrels over Kane, making it impossible for him to get up before the ten-count.
  5. Four-corners match, Tagteam championship:
    Edge & Christian def. Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray), Right to Censor (Bull Buchanan & Goodfather) (ch), Road Dogg & K-Kwik
    Edge pinned Bubba Ray to win.
  6. Intercontinental championship:
    Chris Benoit def. Billy Gunn (ch) (subm.)
    Gunn tapped out to the crippler crossface.
  7. Triple-threat, Women's Championship:
    Ivory (ch) def. Trish Stratus, Molly Holly
    Ivory pined Trish after throwing Holly out of the ring.
  8. WWF championship, Hell in the cell match:
    Kurt Angle def. The Rock, Steve Austin, Undertaker, Triple H, Rikishi
    Vince McMahon brought a truck to the ring, ripping the door off the cage. Commissioner Mick Foley came to the ring, making sure McMahon was removed from the ring. With the door removed, the match continued outside the ring. Undertaker threw Rikishi from the top of the cage onto the parked truck. Inside the ring Austin performs the Stone Cold Stunner on The Rock and Triple H, but Angle managed to get a hand on The Rock to get the pinfall victory.
Peter Krefting / $Date: 2025-01-30 23:31:02 $ /