American Wrestling Trivia

World Wrestling Federation 1999


Royal Rumble 1999 - No Chance in Hell

1999-01-24, Arrowhead pond, Anaheim, California, USA

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  1. The Big Boss Man def. "Road Dogg" Jesse James (hardcore champion)
    This was a non-title match. Boss Man pinned Road Dogg after a sidewalk slam.
  2. Intercontinental championship:
    Ken Shamrock (ch) def. "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn (subm)
    Val Venis attacked Shamrock while the referee was out, but Gunn only managed a two-count. Gunn eventually submitted to Shamrock's ankle lock, to retain the title.
  3. European championship:
    X-Pac (ch) def. Gangrel
    X-Pac pinned Gangrel after the X-Factor to retain the title.
  4. Women's championship, leather strap match:
    Sable (ch) def. Luna [w/Shane McMahon]
    Shane came out, stating that Sable had a back injury and was about to forfeit the title. Sable, however, asked for the match to be started. Luna dragged Sable, trying to choke here, unaware that Sable also hit all turnbuckles. Sable manages to hit the fourth to win the match and retain the title.
  5. WWF championship, "I Quit" match:
    The Rock def. Mankind (ch)
    The Rock had Mankind handcuffed and kept attacking him with a chair, but Mankind refused to give up. When Mankind no longer could answer, The Rock played back a recording of Mankind saying "I Quit").
  6. The Royal Rumble:
    Elim. Ent. #Ent. Name By
    1 3 3Golga"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (1)
    2 6 6GillbergEdge (5)
    3 811Dan "The Beast" SevernMabel (11)
    4 711"The Lethal Weapon" Steve BlackmanEdge (5)
    5 911Tiger Ali SinghMabel (11)
    61011The Blue MeanieMabel (11)
    7 411Darren DrozdovMabel (11)
    8 512Edge"Road Dogg" Jesse James (12)
    91112MabelBradshaw, Faarooq & Mideon (non-participants)
    101313Gangrel"Road Dogg" Jesse James (12)
    111515Al Snow"Road Dogg" Jesse James (12)
    121218"Road Dogg" Jesse JamesKane (18)
    131418KurrganKane (18)
    141718The GodfatherKane (18)
    151618GoldustKane (18)
    161818Kanehimself (18)
    171922"The World's Most Dangerous Man" Ken Shamrock"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (1)
    182024"Bad Ass" Billy Gunn"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (1)
    192128Test"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (1)
    202528X-PacBig Boss Man (22)
    212728Jeff JarrettTriple H (23)
    222630"Sexual Chocolate" Mark HenryChyna (30)
    233030Chyna"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (1)
    242430Val VenisTriple H (23)
    252330Triple H"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (1)
    262930Owen Hart"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (1)
    272830D'Lo BrownBig Boss Man (22)
    282230The Big Boss Man"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (1)
    29 130"Stone Cold" Steve AustinVince McMahon (2)
    2Vince McMahon

    Winner: Vince McMahon (2).
    Vince McMahon had posted a $100,000 bounty for the one to eliminate Austin. After eliminating Golga, Austin and McMahon exited the ring under the ring ropes and battled outside the arena, with Austin being ambushed by McMahon's Corporation. Meanwhile the match continued in the ring. McMahon returned when Ken Shamrock came out as #19, but left the ring between the ropes again joining the commentator team. Austin returned to the match as #22 Big Boss Man entered. After eliminating everyone else, Austin came for McMahon, getting him into the ring. New WWF champion The Rock came to the ring, taunting Austin, giving McMahon the chance to eliminate him, winning the Rumble match.

In Your House XXVII - St. Valentine's Day Massacre

1999-02-14, The Pyramid, Memphis, Tennessee, USA

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  1. Goldust def. Bluedust (The Blue Meanie)
    Pinfall after the Curtain Call.
  2. Hardcore championship:
    Bob Holly def. Al Snow
    Match was for the vacated hardcore championship. Holly pins Snow after wrapping him in a steel fence on the Mississippi river bank outside the arena.
  3. Big Boss Man def. Midian
    Pinfall after a sidewalk slam. After the match, Undertaker's ministry carry Boss Man away.
  4. Tagteam championship:
    Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett (ch) def. D'Lo Brown & "Sexual Chocolate" Mark Henry (subm.)
    Jarrett attacks Henry with his guitar while the referee is not looking, and locks Henry into the figure-four.
  5. Intercontinental championship, Special referee: "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn:
    Val Venis [w/Ryan Shamrock] def. Ken Shamrock (ch)
    Shamrock snaps and attacks Gunn after Ryan slapped him, Gunn attacks Shamrock back, fast-counting on Venis to give him the championship. After the match, he attacks Venis as well.
  6. The Corporation (Kane & Chyna) def. D-Generation X (Triple H & X-Pac (European ch))
    Triple H hits Chyna with a pedigree, but with the referee out, Kane chokeslams Triple H, puts Chyna on top to get the pinfall victory when the referee returns.
  7. WWF championship, Last Man Standing Match:
    Mankind (ch) vs. "The Rock" Rocky Maivia (draw)
    Referee counts to ten on both men as they hit each other with steel chairs.
  8. Steel Cage Match:
    "Stone Cold" Steve Austin def. Vince McMahon
    Stipulation: If McMahon gets out of the cage, Austin forfeits his right to meet the champion at WrestleMania. Austin attacks McMahon before he is able to enter the ring. Before McMahon can be stretchered out, Austin forces officials to start the match. Paul Wight ("Big Show") comes out from under the ring, taking out Austin. Wight throws him into the cage wall, accidentally breaking it. Austin lands on the floor, winning the match.

WrestleMania XV

1999-03-28, First Union Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

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  1. Hardcore championship, Triple threat match:
    Hardcore Holly Holly def. Al Snow [w/Head], "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn (ch)
    Holly pinned Snow after Gunn performed the fame-ass-er on Snow onto a steel chair.
  2. Tagteam championship:
    Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart (ch) [w/Debra] def. D'Lo Brown & Test [w/Ivory]
    Jarrett pins D'Lo when Jacqueline and Terri Runnels come out ringside to harass Ivory.
  3. Brawl for all match:
    Butterbean def. Bart Gunn
    Butterbean wins by knockout in the first round.
  4. Mankind def. "The Big Show" Paul Wight (DQ)
    Stipulation: Winner will be the referee in the WWF championship match. Big Show is disqualified when he chokeslams Mankind through a couple of steel chairs.
  5. Intercontinental championship, four corners elimination match:
    "Road Dogg" Jesse James (ch) def. Ken Shamrock, Val Venis, Goldust [w/Ryan Shamrock & The Blue Meanie]
    Eliminations in order:
    1. Val Venis & Ken Shamrock (count-out).
    2. Goldust (by Road Dogg).
  6. Kane def. Triple H (DQ)
    Triple H is disqualified when Chyna attacks Kane with a steel chair, helping Triple H.
  7. Women's championship:
    Sable (ch) def. Tori
    Nicole Bass enters the ring attacking Tori while the referee is out, allowing Sable to get a pinfall victory after a Sable bomb.
  8. European championship:
    Shane McMahon (ch) [w/Test] def. X-Pac
    X-Pac is attacked by Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson on the way to the ring, but they fail to stop him. Triple H comes in, pedigreeing X-Pac giving McMahon the pinfall victory.
  9. Hell in the cell match:
    Undertaker [w/Paul Bearer] def. The Big Bossman
    Undertaker pins Bossman after a tombstone piledriver.
  10. WWF championship, no disqualification match:
    Stone Cold Steve Austin def. The Rock (ch)
    Despite Mankind winning the match to determine the guest referee earlier, Vince McMahon himself came out as the referee. Commissioner Shawn Michaels, however, came out sending him back and barring his Corporation from ringside. Several referees were involved, but eventually Mankind counts a pinfall after Austin hits Rock with a Stone Cold stunner.

In Your House XXVIII - Backlash

1999-04-25, Providence Civic Center, Providence, Rhode Island, USA

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  1. Six man tagteam match:
    Ministry of Darkness (Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) & Midian) def. The Brood (Gangrel & Edge & Christian)
    Viscera came in attacking Christian, allowing Bradshaw to pin him for the victory.
  2. Hardcore championship:
    Al Snow [w/Head] def. Hardcore Holly (ch)
    Snow hits Holly with Head, and wins the title by pinfall.
  3. Intercontinental championship:
    The Godfather def. Goldust (ch) [w/Blue Meanie]
    Godfather pins Goldust after a Death Valley driver.
  4. New Age Outlaws ("Road Dogg" Jesse James & "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn) def. Jeff Jarrett & Owen Hart
    The match was for the number one contendership for the tag-team championship. Gunn pinned Owen for the victory.
  5. Boiler room brawl:
    Mankind def. "The Big Show" Paul Wight
    Mankind manages to crawl out from the boiler room, to win the match, only to be attacked by Big Boss Man and Test.
  6. Triple H [w/Chyna] def. X-Pac
    Chyna interferes, until Kane comes out chokeslamming her. Triple H gets a pinfall after a pedigree.
  7. Undertaker [w/Paul Bearer] def. Ken Shamrock
    Undertaker pins Shamrock after Bradshaw came to the ring breaking Shamrock's ankle lock.
  8. WWF championship, no holds barred match, Special guest referee: Shane McMahon
    Stone Cold Steve Austin (ch) def. The Rock
    The Rock came out with Austin's personalized Smoking Skull belt. Shane refuses to count a three-count for Austin after knocking out The Rock by mistake with the championship belt. Vince McMahon comes in with referee Earl Hebner, who counts a pinfall when Austin hits the Stone Cold Stunner on The Rock. Vince then returns the Smoking Skull belt to Austin.

No Mercy

1999-05-16, Manchester Evening News Arena, Manchester, England, UK

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  1. Tiger Ali Singh def. Gillberg (light heavyweight ch)
    This was a non-title match. Singh gets a quick pinfall victory after a reverse neckbreaker.
  2. Six man tagteam match:
    The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) & Viscera def. The Brood (Edge & Christian & Gangrel)
    Mideon comes to the ring attacking Gangrel, allowing Bradshaw to pin him after a clothesline from hell.
  3. Steve Blackman def. Droz (subm.)
    Droz taps out to Blackman's arm bar.
  4. Kane (tag ch) def. Mideon (DQ)
    Mideon is disqualified when the Corporate Ministry comes to the ring attacking Kane.
  5. Nicole Bass [w/Sable] def. Tori
    Bass substituted for Sable, who claimed to have a cold. Bass chokeslammed Tori to get a quick pinfall.
  6. European championship: Shane McMahon (ch) def. X-Pac (tag ch)
    McMahon un-retired the championship for the evening. Chyna and Triple H attacked X-Pac, allowing McMahon to get the pinfall victory.
  7. "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn def. Mankind
    Mankind is attacked in the back, but makes it to the ring anyway. Gunn pinned Mankind after the fame-ass-er.
  8. WWF championship, No holds barred, triple threat:
    Stone Cold Steve Austin (ch) def. Undertaker [w/Paul Bearer] & Triple H [w/Chyna]
    Shane McMahon came out at the beginning of the show adding a No holds barred stipulation to the match. Austin puts the Stone Cold stunner first on Chyna, then on Triple H, and gets a three-count to retain the title.

Over the Edge

1999-05-23, Kemper Arena, Kansas City, Missouri, USA

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  1. Tagteam championship:
    X-Pac & Kane (ch) def. D'Lo Brown & Mark Henry
    Kane pins Henry after a chokeslam.
  2. Hardcore championship:
    Al Snow (ch) def. Hardcore Holly
    Snow powerbombs Holly through a table, and gets a pinfall to retain the title.
  3. The Godfather vs. The Blue Blazer
    The Blue Blazer, Owen Hart, was making an entrance from the ceiling of the arena when something broke and he fell down and got critically injured. He was sent over to hospital where he later was pronounced dead.
  4. Mixed tagteam match:
    Val Venis & Nicole Bass def. Jeff Jarrett & Debra (Women's ch)
    Venis pins Jarrett after the money shot.
  5. "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn def. Road Dogg
    Pinfall after the fame-ass-er.
  6. Eight man tag-team elimination match:
    The Union (Mankind, The Big Show, Ken Shamrock & Test) def. The Corporate Ministry (The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw), Viscera & The Big Bossman)
    Eliminations in order:
    1. Test (by Bradshaw)
    2. Bradshaw (by Shamrock) (subm.)
    3. Shamrock (dq)
    4. Faarooq (by Big Show)
    5. Viscera & Big Show (countout)
    6. Bossman (by Mankind) (subm.)
    Survivor: Mankind.
  7. The Rock [w/Chyna] def. Triple H (dq)
    Triple H is disqualified when he attacks the referee.
  8. WWF championship, Special referees: Shane McMahon & Pat Patterson
    Undertaker [w/Paul Bearer] def. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (ch)
    Vince McMahon was supposed to be the other special referee, but the Corporate Ministry had taken him out and he was replaced by Pat Patterson, who was immediately chokeslammed by Undertaker. Austin had Undertaker for a pinfall, but Shane stopped counting at two. At his next attempt, Gerald Brisco came out as a referee, but only got to count to two. Undertaker also took Brisco out. Vince eventually came out, trying to count both men out, but eventually Shane fast-counted Undertaker to win the title.

King of the Ring 1999

1999-06-27, Greenborough Colloseum, Greenborough, USA

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First round matches (not on the main event):

  1. Sunday Night Heat 1999-05-30: Ken Shamrock def. Jeff Jarrett [w/Debra (Women's ch)] (subm.)
  2. Hardcore Holly def. Al Snow
  3. X-Pac def. Big Bossman
  4. Mr. Ass def. Viscera
  5. Sunday Night Heat 1999-06-06: Road Dogg def. Godfather
  6. The Big Show def. Droz [w/Prince Albert]
  7. Kane def. Test
  8. Chyna [w/Triple H] def. Val Venis [w/Nicole Bass]

Matches on the main event:

  1. Quarter final 1:
    X-Pac def. Hardcore Holly (DQ)
    Holly slapped X-Pac over the head with a chair, and got disqualified. He continued after the match, but was stopped by Road Dogg.
  2. Quarter final 2:
    Kane def. Big Show
    Hardcore Holly came to the ring and tried to hit Big Show with a chair while the referee was out, but was stopped by Kane, who himself took the chair and hit Big Show, thus ensuring himself a victory by pinfall.
  3. Quarter final 3:
    Mr. Ass def. Ken Shamrock (referee decision)
    Ken Shamrock was injured earlier on by Steve Blackman, but came to the ring anyway. He looked exhausted during the match, and the referee finally stopped the match and awarded the decision to Mr. Ass.
  4. Quarter final 4:
    Road Dogg def. Chyna [w/Triple H]
    This was a first, a woman competing with the men, and doing a very good job at it! Road Dogg started the match carefully, not being used to wrestling with a woman. Triple H interfered on Chyna's behalf, which almost got here the win, but Road Dogg managed to kick out, and commissioner Shawn Michaels came out and escorted Triple H back to the dressing room. Chyna tried to use the distraction by a cheap shot, which failed because of Road Dogg's added insurance. Road Dogg then pinned Chyna after a scoop slam.
  5. Hardy Boyz (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) def. Brood (Edge & Christian) [w/Gangrel]
    Fast and intense match. Jeff Hardy pinned Edge for the top tagteam contender spot.
  6. Semi final 1:
    Mr. Ass def. Kane
    Big Show came in and removed a chair that Mr. Ass had taken to hit Kane, but then he himself hit Kane, making it possible for Mr. Ass to get the pin
  7. Semi final 2:
    X-Pac def. Road Dogg
    X-Pac won this match between the best of friends with a pin after executing his "X-Factor".
  8. WWF championship:
    Undertaker (ch) [w/Paul Bearer] def. The Rock
    The referee got knocked early on, and the substitute was removed from the ring by Paul Bearer when Rock almost got a pinfall. Much of the match took place outside the ring, and it consisted mostly of slow power-wrestling. Triple H came in an knocked both men, which almost resulted in a double count-out, but Undertaker came out of it at nine. Undertaker won by a pinfall after executing a tombstone
  9. King of the Ring final:
    Mr. Ass def. X-Pac
    Mr. Ass worked on X-Pac's neck injury from the start, by executing bulldogs, neckbreakers, etc. Mr. Ass won the pinfall after some top-rope action
  10. Handicap match for control of WWF, Ladder match:
    Mr. McMahon & Shane McMahon def. Stone Cold Steve Austin
    Stipulation: The winning team gained control of the WWF, symbolized by a briefcase hung up above the ring. McMahon's associates were banned from interfering with the match. Mr. McMahon came out, stating that Shane was injured, and instead brought out Steve Blackman. But backstage footage showed that Shane was quite all right, so commissioner Shawn Michaels made sure he came to the ring. Stone Cold was superior all the way, but when he finally managed to climb the ladder to get the case, someone lifted it up in the air so he didn't reach it. When he later stopped Vince from getting it, Shane managed to climb and get the case, thus winning the match
Mr. AssMr. AssMr. AssMr. AssMr. Ass
Ken ShamrockKen Shamrock
Jeff Jarrett
The Big ShowThe Big ShowKane
Road DoggRoad DoggRoad DoggX-Pac
Val Venis
Al SnowHardcore HollyX-Pac
Hardcore Holly
Big BossmanX-Pac

Fully Loaded

1999-07-25, Marine Midland Arena, Buffalo, New York, USA

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  1. Intercontinental championship:
    Jeff Jarrett def. Edge (ch)
    Edge won the championship at a house show the previous night. Edge is attacked by Gangrel, allowing Jarrett to win the title back after a pinfall.
  2. Tagteam championship, Acolyte rules:
    Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) def. The Hardy Boys (Matt & Jeff) (ch) & Michael Hayes
    Bradshaw pinned Hayes after a double powerbomb, to win the titles.
  3. European championship:
    D'Lo Brown def. Mideon (ch)
    Brown pins Mideon after a Lo Down to win the title.
  4. Hardcore championship:
    Big Boss Man def. Al Snow (ch)
    Boss Man handcuffs Snow to a railway gate and gets a pinfall victory to win the title.
  5. Special guest referee: Hardcore Holly
    Big Show def. Kane
    Holly attacked Kane, allowing Big Show to chokeslam Kane to get a pinfall victory.
  6. Iron circle match:
    Ken Shamrock def. Steve Blackman
    This was an unsanctioned match in the parking garage. Shamrock takes out Blackman to win the match.
  7. Road Dogg & X-Pac def. Mr. Ass & Chyna
    Stipulation: Winning team gains rights to the "D-Generation X" name. Road Dogg pins Mr. Ass after a pumphandle slam.
  8. Strap match:
    Triple H [w/Chyna] def. The Rock
    Mr. Ass came out helping Triple H, and Triple H eventually pinned The Rock after a pedigree. Triple H earned a title shot at Summerslam.
  9. WWF championship, First blood, End of an Era match:
    Steve Austin (ch) def. Undertaker
    Stipulation: If Undertaker wins, Austin never again gets a title shot. If Austin wins, Vince McMahon will no longer appear on WWF TV. Austin hits Undertaker with a TV camera to draw first blood and win the match.

Summerslam 1999

1999-08-22, Target Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

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  1. Intercontinental & European championship:
    Jeff Jarrett [w/Debra] def. D'Lo Brown (ch)
    Jarrett sends Debra back backstage, but she comes back out with Brown. Mark Henry hits D'Lo with Jarrett's guitar, which enables Jeff Jarrett to win both titles by pinfall.
  2. Tag team turmoil match for top contender spot:
    1. Edge & Christian def. Hardy Boyz [w/Gangrel]
      Fast and technical match. Christian pins Matt Hardy after an elbow drop.
    2. Edge & Christian def. Midian & Viscera
      Midian was pinned by Edge after a spear.
    3. Edge & Christian def. Droz & Prince Albert
      Edge pinned Prince Albert after a downward spiral.
    4. The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) def. Edge & Christian
      Christian was very close to get a pin over Bradshaw, but failed. Bradshaw pinned Christian after a chokeslam
    5. The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) def. Crash & Hardcore Holly
      Crash covered Faarooq, but Hardcore wanted to pin him himself, so he threw him away, which enabled Faarooq to instead pin Hardcore after a spinebuster.
    Winners: The Acolytes, who gets a title shot at the following Monday Night Raw
  3. Hardcore championship:
    Al Snow def. Big Boss Man (ch)
    Road Dogg, doing commentary on-site, hits Boss Man with a beer bottle, allowing Snow to pin him on a pool table in a bar across the street, to win the title.
  4. Women's championship:
    Ivory (ch) def. Tori
    Ivory pins Tori after a sunset flip.
  5. Lion Den's Weapon Match:
    Ken Shamrock def. "Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman (KO)
    Shamrock knocks out Blackman with a kendo stick, to win the match.
  6. Greenwich street fight, Love her or leave her match:
    Test def. Shane McMahon
    Stipulation: If Shane wins, Test would never date Stephanie McMahon again, if Test wins, Shane would not interfere in the lives of Test and Stephanie again.
    The Meanstreet Posse came to the ringside, parking in a sofa just outside the ring. They didn't stay in it very long before starting to help Shane, though. Test could have gotten Shane pinned early, but the Posse distracted the referee. Shane almost pinned Test after a superplex towards the Spanish commentators' table, but failed. In the end, Pat Patterson and Jerry Brisco came out and eliminated the Posse, enabling Test to win by a pinfall after a flying elbow from the top rope
  7. Tagteam championship:
    Undertaker & Big Show def. X-Pac & Kane (ch)
    Big Show almost pinned X-Pac after a chokeslam, but it took an additional tombstone from Undertaker to win it. Even though they won, they weren't very happy with each other after the match, Undertaker and Big Show
  8. Kiss My Ass match:
    The Rock def. Mr. Ass [w/Mystery guest]
    Mr. Ass came to the ring with a robed figure, who turned out to be a lady whom he claimed Rock would kiss the ass of. The Rock wins by pinfall after people's elbow.
  9. WWF championship match, triple threat match: Special guest referee: Minnesota governor Jesse "The Body" Ventura:
    Mankind def. Triple H [w/Chyna], "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (ch)
    Triple H hit Mankind with a steel chair, but Ventura refused to count after that. The match ended when Mankind pinned Stone Cold after a double-armed DDT


1999-09-26, Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

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  1. Val Venis def. Steve Blackman
    Pinfall after the Money shot.
  2. European championship:
    D'Lo Brown def. Mark Henry (ch)
    Brown pins Henry after a frog splash.
  3. Intercontinental championship:
    Jeff Jarrett [w/Miss Kitty] (ch) def. Chyna (dq)
    Jarrett was set to attack Chyna with his guitar when Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young came to the ring, bodyslamming him. Jarrett chased them out, but Debra came to the ring hitting Jarrett with the guitar instead. The referee counted a pinfall on Jarrett giving Chyna the title, but the decision was overturned and changed into a disqualification.
  4. The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) def. The Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray)
    Stevie Richards superkicked D-Von, allowing Farooq to pin D-Von to win the match.
  5. Women's championship, hardcore match:
    Ivory (ch) def. Luna Vachon
    Ivory pins Luna backstage to retain the championship.
  6. Tagteam championship:
    New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Mr. Ass) (ch) def. Edge & Christian
    The Hardy Boyz came out attacking Edge and Christian, allowing Mr. Ass to pin Edge to retain the championships.
  7. Kennel from Hell match, Hardcore championship:
    Al Snow (ch) def. Big Boss Man
    This was a steel cage match inside a Hell in a Cell, with dogs in between the cage and the cell. Boss Man tried to escape by climbing out through the roof of the cell, but Snow beat him, escaping the cell to retain his championship.
  8. X-Pac def. Chris Jericho [w/Curtis Hughes] (dq)
    With the referee down, Hughes attacks X-Pack, getting Jericho disqualified.
  9. 6-Pack match, WWF championship:
    Triple H def. The Rock, Big Show, British Bulldog, Mankind, Kane
    The match was for the vacant title. Big Show had Mankind down for a pinfall when the referee was attacked by his striking colleagues, breaking the count. Stone Cold Steve Austin takes over refereeing the match, eventually counting a pin for Triple H over The Rock.

Rebellion 1999

1999-10-02, National Indoor Arena, Birmingham, England, UK

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  1. Intercontinental championship:
    Jeff Jarrett (ch) [w/Miss Kitty] def. D'Lo Brown (European ch)
    Jarrett pins Brown after attacking him with a vacuum cleaner, while Miss Kitty distracted the referee.
  2. The Godfather def. Gangrel
    Godfather pins Gangrel.
  3. Val Venis def. Mark Henry
    Venis pins Henry after a splash from the top rope.
  4. Femme Fatal 4-Way, Women's championship:
    Ivory (ch) def. Jacqueline, Tori, Luna
    Ivory pins Jacqueline to retain the championship.
  5. Chris Jericho [w/Curtis Hughes] def. Road Dogg (tag ch)
    Hughes attacks Dogg with a steel chair, allowing Jericho to get a two-count. Dogg fights back, but Jericho hits him with a low blow to get the pinfall.
  6. Intercontinental championship:
    Chyna def. Jeff Jarrett (ch) [w/Miss Kitty] (DQ)
    Chyna attacked Jarrett at the start of the show, getting here a title match. British Bulldog comes in attacking Chyna, giving her the victory by disqualification.
  7. No disqualification:
    Kane def. Big Show
    Stipulation: There must be a winner. Kane pins Show after a body slam.
  8. British Bulldog def. X-Pac
    Bulldog pins X-Pac after a powerslam.
  9. Three-team tagteam elimination match:
    Edge & Christian def. The Acolytes (Bradshaw & Farooq) and Crash & Hardcore Holly
    This match was for the #1 contendership for the tagteam championship. Bradshaw powerbombs Crash Holly and delivers a Clothesline from hell, to get a pinfall, eliminating The Hollys. Christian pins Bradshaw after a tornado DDT to win the match.
  10. Steel cage, WWF championship:
    Triple H (ch) def. The Rock
    The Rock climbs out of the ring, but the referee was knocked out as he tried to stop Triple H from bringing a steel chair into the cage. The wrestlers return to the ring, and both British Bulldog and Chyna come out to the ring stopping The Rock from getting out again, allowing Triple H to get out and win the match.

No Mercy II

1999-10-17, Gund Arena, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

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  1. Godfather def. Mideon [w/Viscera]
    Godfather rolls up Mideon after the Ho train, to get the pinfall.
  2. Women's championship:
    Fabulous Moolah [w/Mae Young] def. Ivory (ch)
    Young distracts Ivory, allowing Moolah to roll her up and get a pinfall victory.
  3. The Hollys (Crash & Hardcore Holly) def. New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Mr. Ass) (DQ)
    Holly throws a steal chair into the ring, Mr. Ass hits the fame-ass-er on Crash onto the chair, getting them disqualified.
  4. Intercontinental championship, Good housekeeping match:
    Chyna def. Jeff Jarrett [w/Ms. Kitty]
    Jarrett hits Chyna with the championship belt, and get a three-count, but the decision was reversed due to the belt not being a "household item". Jarrett tries to attack the referee, when Chyna hits Jarrett with a guitar, gets a three-count and wins the championship, as the first woman ever.
  5. The Rock (tag ch) def. British Bulldog
    Rock pins Bulldog after a Rock Bottom and the People's Elbow.
  6. Terri Runnels Invitational, Ladder Match:
    New Brood (Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy) [w/Gangrel] def. Edge & Christian
    Match 5 of 5 for the services of Terri Runnels and $100,000. After an amazing match, Matt Hardy manages to reach up and grab the money bag to win the tournament.
  7. Val Venis def. Mankind (tag ch)
    Mankind has the mandible claw on Venis, but Venis holds "Mr. Rocko" in a "testicular claw" to take down Mankind and get the pinfall victory.
  8. Four corners elimination match4-Way Match:
    X-Pac def. Faarooq, Kane, Bradshaw
    Kane first pins Bradshaw, and while Kane is recuperating, his tag team partner X-Pac pins him leaving X-Pac and Farooq in the match. X-Pac pins Farooq after the X-Factor to win.
  9. WWF championship, anything goes:
    Triple H (ch) def. Steve Austin
    Triple H retains the championship after pedigreeing Austin, after the Rock came to the ring and inadvertently hit Triple H.

Survivor Series 1999

1999-11-14, Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, Michigan, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. Elimination Match:
    The Godfather & D'Lo Brown & Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) def. The Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray) & The Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw)
    Order of elimination:
    1. Thrasher by Bradshaw (Clothesline)
    2. Mosh by Bubba Ray Dudley (Dudley Death Drop)
    3. Bradshaw (DQ) (He knocked out Bubba Ray Dudley and D'Lo Brown with a steel chair)
    4. Faarooq by Countout (Fighting with D-Von Dudley)
    5. D-Von Dudley by Countout (Same time…fighting with Faarooq)
    6. Bubba Ray Dudley by D'Lo Brown (Lo Down and pinfall)
    Survivors: D'Lo Brown & The Godfather
    After The Godfather hit the "Ho Train" on Bubba Ray Dudley, D'Lo followed with a big "Lo Down" to get the pinfall.
  2. Kurt Angle def. Shawn Stasiak
    This was Kurt Angle's (televised) in-ring debut. Angle got the pinfall after a fallaway slam.
  3. Elimination Match:
    Val Venis & "Sexual Chocolate" Mark Henry & Gangrel & "Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman def. British Bulldog (European ch) & Mean Street Posse (Pete Gas, Rodney, Joey Abs)
    Order of elimination:
    1. Pete Gas by Steve Blackman (Scissor Kick/Guillotine Kick)
    2. Rodney by Gangrel (Impaler DDT)
    3. Joey Abs by Mark Henry (Big Splash)
    4. Gangrel by British Bulldog (Top Rope Superplex)
    5. Steve Blackman by British Bulldog (Fisherman's Suplex)
    6. British Bulldog by Val Venis (Money Shot and Pinfall)
    Survivors: Val Venis & Mark Henry
    Val Venis pinned British Bulldog after a Money Shot with the assistance of Mark Henry.
  4. Sudden Death 8-Woman tag-team match:
    Mae Young & Fabulous Moolah & Tori & Debra def. Jacqueline & Luna & Terri Runnels & Ivory (Women's ch)
    Fabulous Moolah pinned Ivory after a big splash to get the victory for her team, and then walked away with Ivory's Women's championship belt, even while this was not a title match.
  5. Kane def. X-Pac (DQ)
    Disqualification after Road Dogg and Triple H of D-Generation X interfered.
  6. Elimination Match:
    Big Show def. Prince Albert & Mideon & Viscera & Big Boss Man (Hardcore ch)
    Order of elimination:
    1. Mideon by Big Show (Superkick)
    2. Prince Albert by Big Show (Superkick)
    3. Viscera by Big Show (Chokeslam)
    4. Big Boss Man by Big Show (Countout after Boss Man ran into the back)
    Survivor: Big Show
    Big Show had been assigned Kaientai & Blue Meanie as his teammates, but attacked them earlier in the night on Heat to do the match by himself. Big Show won by count-out when Boss Man ran back to the locker room.

    At this point of the show, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, who was scheduled to take part in a match for the WWF championship, got hit by a speeding vehicle after being attacked backstage during an interview. The McMahon family and several EMTs arrive on the scene to attend to Austin, even DX showed up to deny any connection to the incident.

  7. Intercontinental championship:
    Chyna (ch) [w/Miss Kitty] def. Chris Jericho
    Chyna pinned Jericho after a top rope pedigree, to keep her title.
  8. Elimination Match: Too Cool (Grand Master Sexay and Scotty Too Hotty) & The Hollys (Crash & Hardcore Holly) def. Edge and Christian & Hardy Boyz (Jeff & Matt) [w/Terri Runnels]
    Order of elimination:
    1. Edge by Hardcore Holly (Roll up)
    2. Matt Hardy by "Scotty 2 Hotty" Scott Taylor (Top rope jump into a DDT)
    3. "Scotty 2 Hotty" Scott Taylor by Jeff Hardy (450 splash)
    4. Jeff Hardy by "Grandmaster Sexay" Brian Christopher (Top rope Tennessee Jam)
    5. "Grandmaster Sexay" Brian Christopher by Christian (Inverted DDT)
    6. Crash Holly by Christian (Impaler DDT)
    7. Christian by Hardcore Holly (Rollup into a Pin)
    Survivor: Hardcore Holly
    Hardcore Holly defeated Christian with a roll up for the pinfall.

    At this point, Shane McMahon announced the Triple Threat match would continue with a replacement for "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

  9. Tagteam championship:
    The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Mr. Ass) (ch) def. Mankind & Al Snow [w/Head]
    Mr. Ass pinned Al Snow after both Outlaws connected with a spike piledriver.
  10. WWF championship, Triple threat match:
    Big Show def. Triple H (ch) and The Rock
    Big Show replaced the injured Stone Cold Steve Austin. D-Generation X came to ring, trying to help Triple H to win, but Big Show pinned Triple H after Vince McMahon hit him with the belt (Vince counted the pinfall himself).


1999-12-12, National Car Rental Center, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. Battle Royal, #1 contenders for tagteam championship:
    Acolytes (Farooq & Bradshaw) def. Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray), Edge & Christian, Hardy Boyz (Jeff & Matt) [w/Terri], Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher), Too cool (Grand Master Sexay and Scotty Too Hotty), Godfather & Mark Henry
    Elim. Team Wrestler By
    1Mean Street PossePete GasFarooq
    3Godfather & Mark HenryMark HenryFarooq & Bradshaw
    4Too coolScotty Too HottyChristian
    5Edge & ChristianEdgeD-Von
    6Dudley BoyzD-VonMatt
    7Hardy BoyzJeffFarooq
    Matt and Bradshaw went over at the same time, with the referee on the other side, so the match continued. Farooq went over next, but the referee didn't see it. Finally Farooq throws Jeff over to win the match for the Acolytes, giving them a championship match at Royal Rumble.
  2. Kurt Angle def. Steve Blackman
    Pinfall after a German suplex
  3. Women's championship, Evening gown match: Special referees: Mae Young & Fabulous Moolah
    Miss Kitty def. Ivory (ch), B.B. & Jacqueline
    Miss Kitty removes Ivory's evening gown to become the new champion.
  4. The Hollys (Hardcore & Crash Holly) def. Rikishi Phatu & Viscera
    Viscera accidentally nailed Rikishi after a spinning heel kick and that cost them the match, getting pinned by Hardcore Holly.
  5. European championship, triple threat match:
    Val Venis def. The British Bulldog (ch) [w/Mean Street Posse] & D'Lo Brown
    Venis pins Bulldog after the Money Shot.
  6. Steel Cage match:
    Kane [w/Tori] def. X-Pac
    Stipulation: Only X-Pac could win by climbing out of the cage, Kane could only win by pinfall. Pinfall after a tombstone.
  7. Intercontinental championship match:
    Chris Jericho def. Chyna (ch) [w/Miss Kitty] (subm.)
    Chyna taps out to Walls of Jericho.
  8. Tagteam championship:
    Rock'n Sock Connection (The Rock & Mankind) def. New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg & Mr. Ass) (ch) (DQ)
    Rock had Mr. Ass down for a pinfall after a Rock Bottom, when Al Snow comes in, costing Outlaws the victory by DQ.
  9. WWF championship:
    Big Show (ch) def. Big Boss Man [w/Prince Albert] (hardcore ch)
    Pinfall after chokeslam.
  10. Falls count anywhere:
    Triple H def. Vince McMahon
    Stipulation: If Triple H wins, he gets a world championship match, if Vince wins, the Triple H/Stephanie marriage is annulled. Stephanie had a sledgehammer and was going to nail Triple H, but she didn't have the guts and Triple H grabbed it and nailed Vince for the win. Afterwards Triple H was going to nail Stephanie, but they embraced and walked out holding hands.
Peter Krefting / $Date: 2024-07-03 12:57:35 $ /