Royal Rumble 1997
1997-01-21, Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas, USA

Intercontinental championship:
Hunter Hearst Helmsley (ch) [w/Curtis Hughes] def. Goldust
Much wrestling took place outside the ring in this powerwrestling
match. Goldust knocked Hunter with the IC belt that Hunter had got into
the ring, but only got a two count. Hunter could eventually win the match
with a pedigree
Ahmed Johnson def. Faarooq [w/Nation of Domination] (DQ)
Faarooq tried a lot of illegal moves, for one thing he brought a whip
inside the ring, but Ahmed got it. The disqualification of Faarooq was because
of his gang, Nation of Domination, coming in and starting messing around with
Vader def. Undertaker
Undertaker showed a lot of strength, even surviving a Vaderbomb in
the earlier part of the match. Later, Paul Bearer showed up, and when
Undertaker was about to attack Paul Bearer, Vader got in between and Bearer
could hit the Undertaker with the urn. Vader won the match with yet another
Vaderbomb, and then Vader and Bearer left the ring together. Undertaker
chokeslammed the referee after the match, thinking that he should have
seen Bearer's outside interference
AAA Six man tagteam match:
Perro Aguayo, Canek & Hector Garza def.
Fuerza Guerrera, Heavy Metal & Jerry Estrada
As always, the Mexican wrestlers gave a great show of technical and
acrobatic wrestling, even though it had a bit too much powerwrestling to
really show the Mexicans' superiority in the sport. Even though the match
was most entertaining, the audience seemed very uninterested about it
- The Royal Rumble:
Elim. |
Ent. |
#Ent. |
Name |
By |
1 | 3 | 3 | "Razor Ramon" | Ahmed Johnson (2)
2 | 2 | 3 | Ahmed Johnson | Self (went after Faarooq)
3 | 1 | 5 | Crush | Phineas Godwinn (4)
4 | 4 | 5 | Phineas Godwinn | Steve Austin (5)
5 | 6 | 6 | Bart Gunn | Steve Austin (5)
6 | 7 | 8 | Jake "The Snake" Roberts | Steve Austin (5)
7 | 10 | 12 | The Sultan | British Bulldog (8)
8 | 8 | 13 | British Bulldog | Owen Hart (13)
9 | 15 | 16 | Cibernetico | Mascaras (11)
10 | 9 | 16 | Pierot Jr. | Mascaras (11)
11 | 11 | 16 | Mascaras | Self (jumped Pierot)
12 | 12 | 16 | Hunter Hearst Helmsley | Goldust (14)
13 | 14 | 17 | Goldust | Owen Hart (13)
14 | 17 | 18 | Latin Lover | Faarooq (18)
15 | 18 | 18 | Faarooq | Self (attacked by Ahmed)
16 | 16 | 18 | "Wild Man" Marc Mero | Steve Austin (5)
17 | 13 | 17 | Owen Hart | Steve Austin (5)
18 | 19 | 19 | Savio Vega | Steve Austin (5)
19 | 20 | 20 | "Double J" Jesse James | Steve Austin (5)
20 | 22 | 22 | Jerry "The King" Lawler | Bret "Hit Man" Hart (21)
21 | 27 | 30 | Flash Funk | Vader (28)
22 | 29 | 30 | Henry O. Godwinn | Undertaker (30)
23 | 25 | 30 | Rocky Maivia | Mankind (26)
24 | 24 | 20 | Terry Funk | Mankind (26)
25 | 26 | 30 | Mankind | Undertaker (30)
26 | 5 | 30 | Steve Austin | Bret "Hit Man" Hart (21) See below
27 | 28 | 30 | Vader | Steve Austin (5)
28 | 30 | 30 | Undertaker | Steve Austin (5)
29 | 23 | 30 | "Diesel" | Bret "Hit Man" Hart (21)
30 | 18 | 30 | Bret "Hit Man" Hart | Steve Austin (5)
Rightful winner: Bret "Hit Man" Hart (18).
However, since the referees didn't see Steve Austin being thrown out of the
ring (they had their hands full with getting Mankind out), he was judged as
the winner, and was to be given a title shot at
WrestleMania XIII.
However, instead of that, a "final four" match was setup at
In Your House XIII.
- WWF championship:
Shawn Michaels def. Sycho Sid (ch)
This was a psychological match with much powerwrestling. Sid had the
advantage in the beginning, where he tried to tire Shawn. Shawn came back
with air maneuvers, which however were stopped by Sid. When Shawn tried to
apply his special move, the "sweet chin music", Sid could stop that too,
reversing it into a powerbomb, after which he (again) went for Shawn's
manager, Jose Lothario. Shawn stopped him though. Later on, Sid managed
to get the referee unconscious, by slamming him with Shawn. He then covered
Shawn, but the new referee that came running to the ring only counted to
two. Shawn then gave Sid the same treatment he got at Survivor Series '96, that is, he slammed him with a TV
camera. Shawn could then, after another "sweet chin music", get a
slow pinfall by the newly awakened referee.
In Your House XIII - Final Four
1997-02-16, UTC Arena, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA

Final Four for WWF Championship:
Bret "Hit Man" Hart def. Vader, Undertaker, Steve Austin
Order of elimination: Steve Austin (by Bret Hart),
Vader (by Undertaker), Undertaker (by Bret Hart)
WWF tag team championship:
Philip Lafon & Doug Furnas def. British Bulldog & Owen Hart (ch)
- Intercontinental championship:
Rocky Maivia (ch) def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Six man tagteam match:
Nation of Domination (Faarooq, Crush, Savio Vega) def.
Flash Funk, Bart Gunn, Goldust
Marc Mero def. Leif Cassidy
WWF European Championship Tournament
Deutschland Xpress Tour, 20-25 February 1997
British Bulldog | British Bulldog | British Bulldog | Finals held at European Championship Berlin
Vader | Vader
Rocky Maivia
Owen Hart | Owen Hart | Owen Hart
Flash Funk
Hunter Hearst Helmsley | Bret "Hit Man" Hart
Bret "Hit Man" Hart
WWF European Championship
1997-02-26, Deutschlandhalle, Berlin,
Brandenburg, Germany

Televised in its entirety 1997-03-01 on DSF.
In the US, partly aired as Monday Night Raw 1997-03-03,
and WWF Superstars 1997-03-09.
Salvatore Sincere def. Alex "The Pug" Porteau
The opening bout was a bit boring at start, with both men
desperately trying to get the other one to submit to a pin.
Sincere could finally get a pin fall after having Porteau in a Full
Between these two matches, German ring-announcer and commentator Carsten
Schaeffer, with help of Billy Gunn, awarded a lucky winner with a DF1
digital receiver for the combined DSF/DF1 competition that had run through
the Deutschland Xpress Tour.
Doug Furnas & Philip Lafon def. Bob "Spark Plugg" Holly &
"Man-O-War" Aldo Montoya
This match was a true display of sportsmanship from both teams.
It was also a display of power wrestling (as often is with the American
wrestling in general). Furnas and Lafon won after a Half Nelson followed by
a slam.
Here The Honky Tonk Man arrived, apparently helping out in the American
commentator position.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. Bret "Hit Man" Hart (dq)
The audience was definitely on Bret's side, he's said that his
German fans are the best, and it seems like that. After a slow start, it
showed up to be a match in which Bret seemingly wanted to injure Hunter,
working on his leg, for example with a Figure 4 leglock around the ring
The match ended when Bret had Hunter hanging up-side-down from the ring
ropes, and the referee (Earl Hebner) told him to let Hunter go. Bret then
pushed the referee away, which costed him a disqualification.
Intercontinental championship:
Rocky Maivia (ch) def. Vader (dq)
Even though Vader certainly knew how to throw his weight around, the match
was surprisingly even. Vader tried many of his powermoves, but could not get
Rocky pinned. In the end, Rocky wanted to end the match with a flying
cross-body, but didn't get a pin position. Mankind then entered the ring,
and hit Rocky with the urn, which got Vader disqualified.
In the pause that now followed, we were informed about the most recent
developments in the WWF championship ranks. In the arena, one could hear
that through the commentators' microphones, Honky Tonk Man was singing (or
WWF championship:
Sycho Sid (ch) def. Mankind
Mankind showed one of his interesting talents, when he gave an
interview in German before the match. There, he said that all WWF stars
were in "Lebensgefahr" (danger of life), and that
"ich bin kein Mensch, ich bin Mankind"
(I'm not a human, I'm Mankind).
This slow powerwrestling match showed a lot of action outside the ring.
Even though Mankind was booed at by the audience, he got the advantage when
he applied the Mandible Claw to Sycho Sid, but Sid, in a display of great
strength, could get out of it.
Sid won the match with a powerbomb.
Ahmed Johnson was interviewed by Carsten Schaefer, and being asked if he
would accept Faarooq's challenge for a match at WrestleMania XIII. Ahmed
accepted, dedicating the match to his German fans, but he said that this
time, he wouldn't be alone.
The Sultan def. Flash Funk
Flash Funk showed off his great techniques, but The Sultan got the
advantage with his powermoves. The Sultan won after turning a headscissors
into a camel clutch.
Ahmed Johnson def. Leif Cassidy
Ahmed won the match on a piledriver, followed by a spinebuster, a
pearl river plunge and then the pin.
WWF European championship final:
British Bulldog (tag ch) def. Owen Hart (tag ch)
The championship final was interesting, since it was between the two
tag team champions.
British Bulldog was, not unexpectedly, the audience's favourite, but there
were a number of Owen fans too.
Since they have been wrestling as a tag team, they knew each other's style
quite well, which made it a technical match. The Bulldog showed an
impressive bow & arrow on Owen.
You could see that they were friends, since they didn't do any foul moves,
except when Owen faked a leg injury, which made Bulldog quite angry.
There were a lot of pin attempts from both wrestlers, Owen applied a
sharpshooter on Bulldog, but he got to the ropes, so Owen had to let go.
Bulldog won the match on a victory roll, which made him the first ever WWF
European champion.
Even though there were some heated feelings in the interview that followed,
it seems as if they're still friends.
WrestleMania XIII
1997-03-23, Rosemont Horizon, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Four team tag elimination match:
Headbangers def. Godwinns, New Blackjacks, Doug Furnas / Phil LaFon
As always with matches with more than two teams, it was a bit
messed up at times, but even with that, the Furnas/LaFon team could show off
their good wrestling technique. First elimination was a double countout
of the New Blackjacks and the Furnas/LaFon team after some brawling outside
the ring. The match ended when Headbanger Mosh pinned Phineas Godwinn
after a frog splash.
Intercontinental championship:
Rocky Maivia (ch) def. Sultan [w/The Iron Sheik & Bob Backlund]
This match contained of mostly boring power wrestling, where
Sultan dominated most of the match. Rocky managed to get a pinfall over
Sultan nevertheless. After the match, Rocky was interviewed, when the
Sultan attacked him from behind. Rocky Johnson, the father of Rocky Maivia,
entered the ring and defended Rocky.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley [w/Chyna] def. Goldust [w/Marlena]
It was an even match with a certain amount of foul play in it.
The audience was clearly on Goldust's side. Hunter Hearst Helmsley won
the match after a pedigree on Goldust, when he tried to protect Marlena
from Helmsley's "manager" Chyna.
Tagteam championship:
Owen Hart & British Bulldog (ch) vs. Vader & Mankind [w/Paul Bearer] (2xCO)
Owen and Bulldog seemed to have gotten past their personal
differences they had after their match for the European Championship.
There was a lot of action outside the ring, where, for example, Vader
attacked Bulldog with the urn. The match ended in a double countout after
Mankind and Bulldog jumped out of the ring while Mankind had a mandible
claw applied.
Submission match, Guest referee: Ken Shamrock
Bret "Hit Man" Hart def. Stone Cold Steve Austin
This match was at top speed from the beginning, but it was more
a brawl than a wrestling match, with both wrestling resorting to ugly
tactics. At some times they were even wrestling
out among the audience... Bret Hard worked much on Austin's bad leg,
but Austin didn't submit even though he was in pain. The match ended after
Bret hitting Austin with the ring gong, after Austin tried to choke him
with the microphone cables. Bret got Austin into a sharpshooter, which
rendered Austin unconscious. Even though him winning the match, Bret
continued attacking Austin, but referee Shamrock stopped him with a
belly-to-belly. After waking up, Austin applied a stone-cold stunner to
Chicago street fight:
Legion of Doom & Ahmed Johnson def. Nation of Domination (Faarooq,
Crush & Savio Vega) [w/Wolfie D, J.C Ice, D'Lo Brown, Clarence Mason]
Since this was a Chicago street fight, foreign objects were allowed
inside the ring (and outside), and much was used, like, for instance, the
French-Canadian commentators' table. Crush covered Hawk for the win, after
hitting him with a piece of plank.
WWF championship match:
Undertaker def. Sycho Sid (ch)
Bret Hart came into the ring and started humiliating the injured
Shawn Michaels who was a commentator, and then continued with Undertaker
and Sycho Sid. He said that the title should be his. Sid powerbombed him
and called him a cry-baby, and then Undertaker started the real match by
attacking Sid from behind.
Much action took place outside the ring, for example when the Undertaker
was slammed against the Mexican commentators' table. Both wrestlers tried
to get a quick victory, but none succeeded. Sid almost won the match
with a tombstone(!) on Undertaker. Hart once again entered the ring,
fighting Sid, which made it possible for Undertaker to win the match.
In Your House XIV - Revenge of the Taker
1997-04-20, Memorial Auditorium, Rochester, New York, USA

- Tagteam championship:
Legion of Doom (Road Warrior Hawk & Road Warrior Animal) def.
Owen Hart & "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith (ch) (DQ)
British Bulldog was also European champion at the time.
LOD are declared winners when they pin Bulldog after a Doomsday
device. That is reversed as Owen is the legal man. When Bret "Hit
Man" Hart comes in stopping a pinfall on Owen, LOD are awarded the
match on disqualification.
- Intercontinental championship:
Savio Vega [w/Nation of Domination] def. Rocky Maivia (ch) (c-o)
Maivia had Vega for a pinfall when the Nation distracted
the referee. Maivia is thrown out into Crush, who knocks him out,
causing Maivia to be counted out.
- Jesse James def. Rockabilly [w/Honky Tonk Man]
James pins Rockabilly (Billy Gunn) after a small
- WWF championship:
Undertaker (ch) def. Mankind [w/Paul Bearer]
With the referee down, Mankind picks up the steel steps
trying to attack Undertaker, but Undertaker dropkicks it into Mankind
and then attacks him with a steel chair. After having thrown Mankind
head-first through the Spanish announcers' table, he tombstones him
in the ring and gets a pinfall victory.
- "Stone Cold" Steve Austin def. Bret "Hit Man" Hart (DQ)
Hart came out with Owen Hart and The British Bulldog, but
they were sent back to the locker room by Gorilla Monsoon. The men
brawled all through the match, with Hart attacking Austin's injured
knee. Austin locked Hart in a sharpshooter when Owen and Bulldog came
back to the ring, attacking Austin with a steel chair to cause a
In Your House XV - Cold day in Hell
1997-05-11, Richmond Colliseum, Richmond, Virginia, USA

- Hunter Hearst Helmsley [w/Chyna] def. Flash Funk
Helmsley gets a pinfall applying the pedigree on
- Mankind def. Rocky Maivia (subm)
Mankind catches a diving Maivia with a mandible
claw for the victory.
- Gauntlet match:
Nation of Domination (Crush, Savio Vega & Farooq) def.
Ahmed Johnson
Stipulation: If Johnson can beat all three men of the
Nation of Domination (in succession), the N.O.D is
Matches in order:
- Ahmed Johnson def. Crush
Crush starts out, after WWF president Gorilla Monsoon
sends the rest of the Nation away from ringside. Johnson pins
Crush after a reverse heel kick.
- Ahmed Johnson def. Savio Vega (DQ)
Vega is disqualified after attacking Johnson with a
steel chair outside the ring.
- Farooq def. Ahmed Johnson
After being attacked with the steel chair by Vega,
Farooq pins Johnson after a dominator.
- No holds barred match:
Ken Shamrock def. Vader (subm)
Stipulation: The only way to win the match is by knockout or
submission. Shamrock wins via submission after applying an ankle
lock on Vader.
- WWF championship:
Undertaker (ch) def. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Brian Pillman, who sat ringside with the Hart Foundation,
rang the bell when Austin had Undertaker set up for a pin. This gave
Undertaker enough time to get back up, pinning Austin after a
The Kuwait Tournament 1997
Round one:
- Tiger Ali Singh def. Leif Cassidy
- Billy Gunn def. Bob Holly
- British Bulldog def. "Diesel"
Running powerslam
- Mankind def. Phineas Godwinn
Mandible claw
- Freddie Joe Floyd def. Sycho Sid
Forfeit due to injury
- Vader def. Bart Gunn
- Stone Cold Steve Austin def. Bret "Hit Man" Hart (co)
- Owen Hart def. Henry Godwinn
Spin kick
Round two:
- Tiger Ali Singh def. Billy Gunn
Spin kick
- Mankind def. British Bulldog (DQ)
- Vader def. Freddie Joe Floyd
- Owen Hart def. Stone Cold Steve Austin (outside interference)
Semi finals
- Tiger Ali Singh def. Mankind
Small package
- Owen Hart def. Vader
- Tiger Ali Singh def. Owen Hart
Spin kick
King of the Ring 1997
1997-06-08, Providence Civic Center, Providence,
Rhode Island, USA

First round matches (not on the main event):
- Monday Night Raw 1997-05-12:
Ahmed Johnson def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley [w/Chyna] (DQ)
- Monday Night Raw 1997-05-19:
Hunter Hearst Helmsley def. Crush [w/Nation of Domination]
Helmsley substituted for Vader, who was injured from
his match with Shamrock at In Your House XV.
Helmsley was given an extra opportunity for not being fully informed of
the rules for his first qualification match.
- Monday Night Raw 1997-05-26:
Jerry "The King" Lawler def. Goldust [w/Marlena]
- Monday Night Raw 1997-06-02:
Mankind def. Savio Vega [w/Nation of Domination]
Matches on the main event:
- Semi final 1:
Hunter Hearst Helmsley [w/Chyna] def. Ahmed Johnson
Hunter pinned Ahmed after a pedigree after Chyna distracts
- Semi final 2:
Mankind def. Jerry "The King" Lawler (subm)
Lawler submits to the mandible claw after Mankind reverses a
- Goldust [w/Marlena] def. Crush [w/Nation of Domination]
Goldust pinned Crush after a DDT.
- Six man tagteam match:
Hart Foundation (British Bulldog (European ch) &
Owen Hart (Intercontinental ch) & Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart)
def. Legion of Doom & Sycho Sid
Owen pinned Sid after a sunset flip.
- King of the Ring Final:
Hunter Hearst Helmsley [w/Chyna] def. Mankind
Hunter Hearst Helmsley became the 1997 King of the Ring by
winning by a pinfall over Mankind. Hunter attacked Mankind with the
crown after the match.
Stone Cold Steve Austin (tagteam champion) vs. Shawn Michaels
(tagteam champion) (2xDQ)
First Austin knocked down one referee, and when another one came
in, Shawn knocked him. Earl Hebner then came in and disqualified both
- WWF championship match:
Undertaker (ch) [w/Paul Bearer] def. Faarooq [w/Nation of Domination]
Undertaker pinned Faarooq after a tombstone. Paul Bearer ordered
Undertaker to apply more tombstones to Faarooq, but Undertaker didn't
really want to do that. Ahmed Johnson then appeared in the ring, stopping
the Undertaker with a chickenwing suplex.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley | Ahmed Johnson | Hunter Hearst Helmsley | Hunter Hearst Helmsley King of the Ring 1997
Ahmed Johnson
Hunter Hearst Helmsley | Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Goldust | Jerry "The King" Lawler | Mankind
Jerry "The King" Lawler
Savio Vega | Mankind
In Your House XVI - Canadian Stampede
1997-07-06, Calgary Sattledome, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

- Hunter Hearst Helmsley [w/Chyna] vs. Mankind (2xCO)
Both men are counted out as the match ends in a brawl
outside the ring.
- The Great Sasuke def. Taka Michinoku
Sasuke pins Michinoku after a tiger suplex.
- WWF championship:
Undertaker (ch) def. Vader [w/Paul Bearer]
Pinfall after a tombstone.
Ten man tagteam match:
The Hart Foundation (Brian Pillman & Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart
& "British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith [w/Diana Hart-Smith]
(European ch) & Owen "The Rocket" Hart (IC ch) &
Bret "Hit Man" Hart def.
Goldust & Ken Shamrock & Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal)
& "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Owen Hart rolls up Austin, who is concentrated on fighting
the rest of the Hart family outside the ring, and gets a pinfall
Tag-team championship tournament 1997
1997-06-16 to 1997-07-14
When tag team champions "Stone Cold" Steve Austin & Shawn Michaels
were unable to defend the titles due to Michaels' injury, a tournament
was set up to determine which team would meet Austin, and a partner of his
choice, to determine the new champions.
- First round matches, for the contendership:
Monday Night Raw 1997-06-16:
Hart Foundation (British Bulldog & Owen Hart) def.
New Blackjacks (Blackjack Windham & Blackjack Bradshaw)
- Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) def.
Jerry "The King" Lawler & Rob Van Dam
- Monday Night Raw 1997-06-23:
Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal) def. Godwinns (Phineas &
- Nation of Domination (D'Lo Brown & Farooq) [w/Kama Mustafa]
def. Undertaker & Vader [w/Paul Bearer]
- Second round matches:
Monday Night Raw 1997-06-30:
Nation of Domination (D'Lo Brown & Farooq) [w/Kama Mustafa]
def. Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal)
- British Bulldog & Owen Hart def. Headbangers (Mosh &
- Third round match:
Monday Night Raw 1997-07-07:
British Bulldog & Owen Hart [w/Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart &
Brian Pillman] def. Nation of Domination (D'Lo Brown & Farooq)
[w/Kama Mustafa] (DQ)
- Tagteam championship:
Monday Night Raw 1997-07-14:
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin & Dude Love def.
British Bulldog & Owen Hart
Bulldog was WWF European champion at the time, and Owen
was Intercontinental champion. Austin came out to the ring alone,
but was joined by Mankind's alter ego "Dude Love" who "debuted"
as Austins partner, winning the titles.
King / Van Dam | Headbangers | Bulldog / Owen | Bulldog / Owen Gets title match
Bulldog / Owen | Bulldog / Owen
New Blackjacks
Legion of Doom | Legion of Doom | Nation of Domination
Nation of Domination | Nation of Domination
Undertaker / Vader
Summerslam 1997: Hart & Soul
1997-08-03, Continental Airlines Arena, East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA

Steel-cage match:
Mankind def. Hunter Hearst Helmsley [w/Chyna]
Chyna stopped Mankind from coming out, knocked the referee, and threw
in a chair for Hunter to use, but Mankind used it against Hunter, and
catapulted him against Chyna who was outside the cage. Mankind then climbed
out, almost, but climbed back in and performed an elbow drop from the cage
top. Then he climbed out and won the match, even though Chyna attempted to
pull Hunter out of the ring. Instead of the Mankind music, the Dude Love
(Mankind's alter ego) was played, which made him appear as a totally
different person.
Goldust [w/Marlena] def. Brian Pillman
Stipulation: If Pillman lost the match, he would have to
appear in one of Marlena's dresses on the following Raw is War.
Goldust won by pinfall after Marlena hit Pillman with her purse.
Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal) def. The Godwinns (Henry &
Animal pins Henry Godwinn after a spike piledriver.
European Championship:
British Bulldog (ch) def. Ken Shamrock (DQ)
Stipulation: If Bulldog lost the match, he would have to eat
a can of dog food. Bulldog threw the dogfood in Shamrock's face,
which made him very angry. Shamrock replied by hitting Bulldog in the head
with the dog food can, which got him disqualified. After the match, Shamrock
placed a sleeper hold on Bulldog, and refused to let go. When the officials
finally got him to let go of it, he began to do belly-to-belly:s on the
Eight man warfare:
Los Boricuas (Savio Vega, José Estrada, Miguel Pérez, Jesús Castillo)
vs. Disciples of Apocalypse (Crush, Skull, 8-Ball, Chainz)
(no contest)
A high-paced match, with Los Boricuas tagging in and out very often.
A bit into the match, the third team, Nation of domination, lead by
Faarooq and Ahmed Johnson, showed up, and made the match and in a general
brawl between the three groups.
Intercontinental championship:
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (tag ch) def. Owen Hart (ch)
Stipulation: If Stone Cold did not win, he would kiss
Owen's ass. This ending of this match was the one of the worst I've
seen. Stone Cold was obviously hurt after a pile-driver from Owen, but instead
of getting a certain pinfall, he walked around doing nothing at all
while the referee checked up on Austin. After a while, Stone Cold
rolled him into a pin situation, which would have been extremely easy
for Owen to get out of, if he just had wanted to. (Stone Cold
actually suffered a broken neck during this match.)
WWF championship, Guest referee: Shawn Michaels:
Bret "Hit Man" Hart def. Undertaker (ch)
Stipulation: If Hit Man did not win the title, he would not
wrestle in the US again. In the match that everybody knew who
would win, we saw a lot of pin and submission attempts from both sides.
The obvious ending came when Shawn by mistake had knocked the Undertaker
with the chair he had found Bret taking into the ring. Shawn Michaels
was planning on hitting Bret with it, since he refused to confirm that he
had taken it into the ring while Shawn was knocked outside the ring, and
also spit Shawn in the face.
In Your House XVII - Ground Zero
1997-09-07, Louisville Gardens, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

- Indecent proposal match:
Brian Pillman def. Goldust [w/Marlena]
Stipulation: If Pillman loses, he leaves WWF forever,
if Goldust loses, Marlena would be Pillman's personal assistant for
30 days. With the referee out, Marlena tried to attack Pillman with
her loaded purse. Pillman grabbed it, attacked Goldust and got a
pinfall victory.
Brian Christopher vs. Scott Putski (no contest)
Putski suffered a knee injury, so the referee stopped
the match awarding it to Christopher.
Triple threat match:
Savio Vega (Los Boricuas) def. Crush (Disciples of Apocalypse),
Faarooq (Nation of Domination)
Savio Vega pinned Crush after a spinning heel kick.
Max Mini def. El Torito
- Tagteam championship, fatal four-way match:
Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) def. Legion of Doom (Hawk &
Animal), The Godwinns (Henry & Phineas), Owen Hart & British
Bulldog (European ch)
- Legion of Doom (DQ)
- Godwinns (by Headbangers)
- Owen Hart & British Bulldog
After the injury sustained at
Summerslam, Steve Austin was forced to forfeit
his tagteam championship before the match. First eliminated are the
L.O.D when they use the Godwinn's bucket into the ring. Second,
Thrasher pinned Phineas. The match ended when Austin comes in and
attacks Owen, letting Thrasher get a pinfall to win the vacant
WWF Championship:
Bret "Hit Man" Hart (ch) def. The Patriot (subm)
British Bulldog came to ringside, breaking Patriot's
pin attempt against Hart. Vader also came ringside, attacking
Hart. Hart calls for a disqualification, but the match is allowed
to continue. Patriot puts Hart in the sharpshooter, but Hart
reverses it and the Patriot submits.
- Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels (no contest)
With the referee out, Rick Rude, Hunter Hearst Helmsley
and Chyna come to ringside, bringing another referee to count a pinfall
for Michaels, but the Undertaker kicks out. When Undertaker chokeslams
referee Earl Hebner, referee Tim White calls for the bell judging the
match a no contest.
One Night Only
1997-09-20, Birmingham NEC, Birmingham, England, UK

- Hunter Hearst Helmsley [w/Chyna] def. Dude Love
Pinfall after the pedigree.
- Tiger Ali Singh [w/Target Jeet Singh] def. Leif Cassidy
Pinfall after the tiger bomb.
- Tagteam championship:
Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) (ch) def. Los Boricuas (Savio Vega
& Miguel)
Miguel is pinned after missing a piledriver.
- The Patriot def. Flash Funk
The Patriot pins Funk after the Uncle Slam.
- Legion of Doom (Hawk & Animal) def. The Godwinns (Henry &
Animal pins Phineas after hitting the Doomsday
- Vader def. Owen Hart
Ken Shamrock was originally scheduled to meet Hart, but he
was injured in his match against Farooq in the
Intercontinental championship tournament
the previous Monday. Vader rolls up Hart to score a pinfall
- WWF Championship match:
Bret "Hit Man" Hart (ch) def. Undertaker (DQ)
Hart is trapped by the throat by the ring ropes, and the
referee calls for a disqualification when Undertaker does not let
him go. Undertaker bodyslams the referee and other officials because
of this.
European Championship:
Shawn Michaels def. British Bulldog [w/Tracy Smith] (ch)
Bulldog dedicated the match to his sister Tracy, who was
fighting cancer. Michaels was eventually joined ringside by Rick
Rude and later by Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Chyna. Michaels locks
Bulldog in a figure-four leglock (with some help from his friends)
and the referee awards the title to Michaels when Bulldog passes out.
Shawn Michaels becomes the first man to have held all of the
European, Intercontinental, tagteam and heavyweight
Intercontinental championship tournament 1997
1997-09-08 to 1997-10-05
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin was ordered to forfeit the Intercontinental
championship due the injury sustained at Summerslam.
- First round matches:
Monday Night Raw 1997-09-08:
Owen Hart [w/Bret "Hit Man" Hart & "British Bulldog" Davey Boy
Smith] def. Goldust (DQ)
- Monday Night Raw 1997-09-15:
Ken Shamrock def. Faarooq
Shamrock was injured during his match and had to forfeit
his spot in the tournament.
- Brian Pillman [w/Marlena] def. Dude Love (DQ)
Goldust attacked Pillman.
- Monday Night Raw 1997-09-22:
Ahmed Johnson def. Rocky Maivia [W/Nation of Domination]
- Second round matches:
Owen Hart def. Brian Pillman [w/Marlena] (outside interference)
- Monday Night Raw 1997-09-29:
Farooq [w/Nation of Domination] def. Ahmed Johnson [w/Legion of Doom
& Ken Shamrock] (DQ)
Dude Love | Brian Pillman | Owen Hart | Title match at Badd Blodd
Brian Pillman
Goldust | Owen Hart
Owen Hart
Ken Shamrock | Ken Shamrock Farooq | Farooq
Ahmed Johnson | Ahmed Johnson
Rocky Maivia
In Your House XVIII - Badd Blood
1997-10-05, The Kiel Center, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

- Nation of Domination (D'Lo Brown, Rocky Maivia & Kama Mustafa)
def. Legion Of Doom (Hawk & Animal)
Ken Shamrock was supposed to tag with L.O.D, but was
injured and could not compete. Rocky pinned Hawk after outside
interference by Faarooq.
- Max Mini & Nova def. Mosaic & Tarantula
Max Mini pins Tarantula after a roll-up.
Tagteam championship:
The Godwinns (Henry O. & Phineas I.) [w/Uncle Cletus] def. The
Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) (ch)
Phineas pinned Mosh after Henry breaks Mosh's attempt to pin
Phineas, who instead got the victory to win the title.
Intercontinental championship tournament final:
Owen Heart def. Faarooq
Forfeiting champion "Stone Cold" Steve Austin came ringside
to present the belt. After wreaking havoc at the commentators tables,
with the referee distracted he hits Faarooq with the belt, giving Owen
an easy pinfall victory.
- 8-man tagteam match:
Disciples of Apocalypse (Crush & Chainz & 8-Ball & Skull)
def. Los Boricuas (Savio Vega & Jesus Castillo & Jose Estrada
Jr. & Miguel Pérez Jr)
Crush pinned Jesus after a backbreaker.
- Flag match:
Bret "Hit Man" Hart & The British Bulldog def. Vader & The Patriot
Stipulation: Match could be won by capturing your team's
flag, or by pinfall or submission. Patriot tries to roll up Hart for
the victory, but he reverses it to get a pinfall victory.
- Hell in a Cell match:
Shawn Michaels (European champion) [w/Triple H & Chyna] def.
Undertaker knocked Michaels with a chair, and was about to
cover him, when his brother Kane appeared with Paul Bearer,
tombstoning Undertaker. Michaels could then cover Undertaker to get a
pinfall victory.
Survivor Series 1997 - Gang rulz
1997-11-09, Molson Centre, Montréal, Québéc, Canada

Road Dog Jesse James, Bad Ass Billy Gunn & The Godwinns
(Phineas & Henry) def.
Headbangers (Mosh & Thrasher) &
New Blackjacks (Windham & Bradshaw)
Order of elimination:
- Henry (pin by Bradshaw)
- Windham (pin by Phineas)
- Mosh (pin by Bad Ass)
- Phineas (pin by Thrasher)
- Bradshaw (pin by Road Dog)
- Thrasher (pin by Bad Ass)
Survivors: Road Dog & Bad Ass
Truth Commission (Jackyl, Recon, Sniper & The Interrogator)
def. Disciples of Apocalypse (Chainz, Skull, 8-Ball & Crush)
Order of elimination:
- Chainz (pin by Interrogator)
- Jackyl (pin by Skull)
- Recon (pin by Skull)
- Skull (pin by Interrogator)
- 8-Ball (pin by Interrogator)
- Sniper (pin by Crush)
- Crush (pin by Interrogator)
Survivor: The Interrogator
Team Canada (British Bulldog, Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon)
def. Team USA (Vader, Goldust, Marc Mero [w/Sable] & Steve Blackman)
Order of elimination:
- Blackman (countout)
- Anvil (pin by Vader)
- LaFon (pin by Vader)
- Mero (pin by Furnas)
- Goldust (countout)
- Furnas (pin by Vader)
- Vader (pin by Bulldog)
Survivor: British Bulldog
This was interesting, since the only Canadian on Team Canada was
Phil LaFon, but it still was quite an interesting match, with Goldust being
counted out because he refused to get into the ring and wrestle, claiming to
have a broken arm. Team Canada won the match when Bulldog put Vader out by
hitting him with the ring announcer's bell.
Kane [w/Paul Bearer] def. Mankind
Kane seemed to be even more resistant to wrestling moves than
the Undertaker is. Kane won over Mankind by pinning him after a
Ken Shamrock, Ahmed Johnson & Legion of Doom (Hawk &
Animal) (tag ch)
def. Nation of Domination (Faarooq, Kama Mustafa, D'Lo Brown &
Rocky Maivia)
Order of elimination:
- Hawk (pin by Rocky)
- Faarooq (pin by Ahmed)
- Ahmed (pin by Rocky)
- Kama (pin by Animal)
- Animal (countout)
- D'Lo Brown (submission by Shamrock)
- Rocky Maivia (submission by Shamrock)
Survivor: Ken Shamrock
Bad Ass and Road Dog came down to ringside and disturbed Legion of Doom,
enough to get Animal counted out
Intercontinental Championship:
Stone Cold Steve Austin def. Owen Hart (ch) [w/British Bulldog, Jim "The
Anvil" Neidhart, Doug Furnas & Phil LaFon]
Austin gets a quick pin after a Stone Cold stunner.
WWF championship:
Shawn Michaels def. Bret "Hit Man" Hart (ch) (subm)
It took several minutes for this match to officially start,
because Bret and Shawn brawled outside the ring for quite a while.
Shawn won the match on submission, he applied a sharpshooter to Bret
Hart after managing to reverse a figure-four leglock, and the referee
called for the bell awarding the title to Michaels without Hart actually
tapping out.
Light heavyweight championship tournament 1997
1997-11-03 to 1997-12-07
- First round matches:
Monday Night Raw 1997-11-03:
Aguila def. Super Loco
- Monday Night Raw 1997-11-10:
Taka Michinoku def. Devon Storm
- Monday Night Raw 1997-11-17:
Scott Taylor def. Eric Shelley
Scott Taylor replaces Jerry Lynn in the graphics without any
on-screen mention of why.
- Monday Night Raw 1997-11-24:
"Too Sexy" Brian Christopher [w/Jerry "The King" Lawler] def. Flash Flanagan
- Second round matches:
Monday Night Raw 1997-12-01:
Taka Michinoku def. Aguila
- Brian Christopher def. Scott Taylor (forfeit)
Kane and Paul Bearer came out, taking out Taylor before
the match could take place.
Aguila | Aguila | | Finals held at In Your House XIX
Super Loco
Taka Michinoku | Taka Michinoku
Devon Storm
Scott Taylor | Scott Taylor | Brian Christopher
Eric Shelley
Flash Flanagan | Brian Christopher
"Too Sexy" Brian Christopher
In Your House XIX - Degeneration X
1997-12-07, Springfield, Massachusetts, USA

- WWF light heavyweight championship tournament final:
Taka Michinoku def. "Too Sexy" Brian Christopher
Michinoku wins the title by pinfall after the Michinoku
- Los Boricuas (José Estrada, Miguel Pérez, Jesús Castillo)
def. Disciples of Apocalypse (Chainz, Skull, 8-Ball) [w/Savio Vega]
José pins Chainz after Miguel interferes with Chainz
pinfall attempt.
Tough-man fight:
Butterbean [w/Art Dore & Marray Sutherland] def.
Marvelous Marc Mero [w/Ray Rinaldi & Sable] (dq)
This was a boxing match of four two-minute rounds.
Mero is disqualified after throwing a low blow and attacking
Butterbean with a chair.
Tagteam championship:
Road Dog Jesse James & Bad Ass Billy Gunn (ch)
def. Legion of Doom (dq)
Legion of Doom were disqualified when LOD hit Gunn and
James with the bucket from the Godwinns (who just had entered to
interfere with LOD).
Bootcamp match:
Triple H [w/Chyna] def. Sgt. Slaughter
Pinfall after Triple H pedigrees Slaughter onto a steel
- Jeff Jarrett def. Undertaker (dq)
Kane comes out with Paul Bearer, attacking Jarrett (who had
attacked Kane), causing Undertaker to be disqualified.
Intercontinental championship:
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (ch) def. Rocky Maivia [w/Nation of
Domination (Farooq & Kama Mustafa & D'Lo Brown)]
Pinfall for Austin after a Stone Cold Stunner
WWF championship:
Ken Shamrock def. Shawn Michaels (ch) (dq)
Shawn Michaels was disqualified when Triple H and Chyna
came into the ring attacking Shamrock. After the match Owen Hart
comes out attacking Michaels.