American Wrestling Trivia

World Wrestling Federation 1988


Saturday Night's Main Event, January 1988

1988-01-02, Capital Center, Landover, Maryland, USA

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Shown 1988-01-02 on NBC. Attendance: 13,000.

  1. Tagteam championship:
    Tito Santana & Rick Martel (ch) def. Boris Zhukov & Nikolai Volkoff
  2. Jake Roberts def. Sika
  3. WWF championship:
    Hulk Hogan (ch) def. King Kong Bundy
  4. Greg Valentine def. Koko B. Ware (subm)

Royal Rumble 1988

1988-01-24, Copps Colliseum, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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  1. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat def. Rick Rude (DQ)
    After trading finishers, Rude is disqualified by making the referee take an attack from Steamboat.
  2. Women's Tag Team Championship, two out of three falls:
    Jumping Bomb Angels (Tateno Noriyo & Yamazaki Itzuki) def. Glamour Girls (Leilani Kai & Judy Martin) [w/Jimmy Hart]
    1. Kai pinned Yamazaki
    2. Tateno pinned Kai
    3. Yamazaki pinned Martin
  3. The Royal Rumble:
    Elim. Ent. #Ent. Name By
    1 3 5"The Natural" Butch ReedJake Roberts (5)
    2 1 8Tito Santana (tag ch)Bret Hart (2)
    31011Boris ZhukovJim Brunzell (7) & Jake Roberts (5)
    4 612Harley RaceDon Muraco (11)
    5 714Jim BrunzellNikolai Volkoff (12)
    6 415Jim NeidhartHillbilly Jim (17)
    7 815Sam HoustonRon Bass (14)
    8 218Bret "Hit Man" HartDon Muraco (11)
    91519B. Brian BlairOne Man Gang (19)
    10 519Jake "The Snake" RobertsOne Man Gang (19)
    111220Nikolai VolkoffJim Duggan (13)
    121620Hillbilly JimOne Man Gang (19)
    13 920Dangerous Danny DavisJim Duggan (13)
    141820Ultimate WarriorDino Bravo (18) & One Man Gang (19)
    151420"Outlaw" Ron BassDon Muraco (11)
    161120"The Rock" Don MuracoDino Bravo (18)
    171720Dino BravoOne Man Gang (19)
    181920One Man GangJim Duggan (13)
    192020Junkyard DogJim Duggan (13)
    13"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

    Winner: "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan (13).

  4. Two out of three falls:
    Islanders (Haku & Samoan Savage "Tama") def. Young stallions (Paul Roma & Jim Powers)
    1. Roma was count-out after being thrown out by Tama
    2. Haku made Roma submit

The Main Event, February 1988

1988-02-05, Market Square Arena, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

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  1. Intercontinental championship:
    "Macho Man" Randy Savage [w/Elizabeth] def. Honky Tonk Man [w/Peggy Sue & Jimmy Hart] (ch) (countout)
    Savage leaves the ring to save Elizabeth from Peggy Sue, Honky Tonk gets counted out when he comes after him and fails to return to the ring in time. Honky Tonk keeps the title.
  2. WWF championship:
    André the Giant [w/"The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase & Virgil] def. Hulk Hogan (ch)
    TiBiase distracts referee so that he doesn't see Hogan pinning André. Instead André pins Hogan to win the title, only to immediately surrender the title to DiBiase. After the match, it is revealed that the referee Dave Hebner was impersonated by his twin Earl Hebner, who was paid by DiBiase. André is later stripped of the title, which remains vacant until WrestleMania IV.
  3. Tagteam championship:
    Strike Force (Tito Santana & Rick Martel) (ch) def. Hart Foundation (Bret "Hit Man" Hart & Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart)
    Martel pins Bret just after the TV time runs out.

Saturday Night's Main Event, March 1988

1988-03-07, Nashville Municipial Auditorium, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. Brutus Beefcake def. Greg Valentine
  2. Hulk Hogan def. Harley Race
  3. Ted DiBiase def. Randy Savage (CO)
  4. Two out of three falls:
    Haku & Tama def. the Killer Bees
    2 falls to 1 with Haku pinning Blair to win
  5. One Man Gang def. Ken Patera

WrestleMania IV

1988-03-27, Trump Plaza, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA

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  1. 20 man invitational Battle Royal:
    Elim. Name By
    1Sam HoustonDanny Davis
    2SikaJunkyard Dog & Hillbilly Jim & B. Brian Blair
    3Jim NeidhartGeorge "The Animal" Steele
    4B. Brian BlairRaymond Rougeau
    5Raymond RougeauJim Brunzell
    6Jim BrunzellJacques Rougeau
    7Hillbilly JimBad News Brown
    8Ron BassJunkyard Dog
    9George "The Animal" SteeleDQ (never entered the ring)
    10Jim PowersBad News Brown
    11Dangerous Danny DavisPaul Roma
    12Nikolai VolkoffKen Patera
    13Boris ZhukovKen Patera
    14Ken PateraBad News Brown
    15Jacques RougeauBad News Brown
    16Harley RaceJunkyard Dog
    17Paul RomaBad News Brown
    18Junkyard DogBret Hart & Bad News Brown
    19Bret HartBad News Brown
    Bad News Brown

    Winner: Bad News Brown.
    Brown was awarded a trophy for the victory, but Bret Hart comes back to the ring, destroying it.

  2. WWF championship tournament for the vacant title, first round:
    "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase [w/Virgil & André the Giant] def. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan
    DiBiase pins Duggan to advance to the second round.
  3. "The Rock" Don Muraco [w/Superstar Billy Graham] def. Dino Bravo [w/Frenchy Martin] (DQ)
    Bravo is disqualified when he grabs the referee, allowing Muraco to advance to the second round.
  4. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine [w/Jimmy Hart] def. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat [w/Little Dragon]
    Valentine pins Steamboat to advance to the second round.
  5. "Macho Man" Randy Savage [w/Elizabeth] def. "The Natural" Butch Reed [w/Slick]
    Savage pins Reed to advance to the second round.
  6. One Man Gang [w/Slick] def. Bam Bam Bigelow [w/Oliver Humperdink] (count-out)
    Bigelow is counted out when Slick pulls him out of the ring, allowing Gang to advance to the second round.
  7. "Ravishing" Rick Rude [w/Bobby "The Brain" Heenan] vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts (TLD)
    Rude and Roberts wrestle to a time-limit draw in the last first-round match, as Rude has Roberts down for a pinfall, giving One Man Gang a bye to the semi-final).
  8. Ultimate Warrior def. Hercules
    Warrior pins Hercules for the victory.
  9. WWF championship tournament, quarter finals:
    André the Giant [w/Ted DiBiase & Virgil] vs. Hulk Hogan (2xDQ)
    André and Hogan, being the last two holders of the vacant title, received byes to the quarter final round. Both men are disqualified after using a steel chair.
  10. "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase def. "The Rock" Don Muraco [w/Superstar Billy Graham]
    DiBiase pins Muraco to advance in the tournament. Due to the Hogan/Giant disqualification, he advances directly to the final.
  11. "Macho Man" Randy Savage [w/Elizabeth] def. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine [w/Jimmy Hart]
    In the final quarter final match, Savage pins Valentine to advance to the semi-final round.
  12. Intercontinental Championship:
    Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake def. Honky Tonk Man (ch) [w/Jimmy Hart & Peggy Sue] (DQ)
    Honky Tonk is disqualified for outside interference, giving Beefcake the victory but leaving the title with Honky Tonk.
  13. Six-man tagteam match:
    Islanders (Haku & Tama) & Bobby "The Brain" Heenan def. Koko B. Ware & the British Bulldogs (Dynamite Kid & Davey Boy Smith)
    Heenan pins Koko for the victory.
  14. WWF championship tournament, semi-final:
    "Macho Man" Randy Savage [w/Elizabeth] def. One Man Gang (DQ)
    Gang is disqualified when he hits Savage with a kane.
  15. WWF Tagteam championship:
    Demolition (Ax & Smash) [w/Mr. Fuji] def. Strike Force (Rick Martel & Tito Santana) (ch)
    Smash pins Martel to win the titles.
  16. WWF championship tournament, final:
    "Macho Man" Randy Savage [w/Elizabeth] def. "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase [w/André the Giant]
    With DiBiase having André in his corner, Elizabeth brings Hulk Hogan to keep him out of the way. Savage pins DiBiase after Hogan attacks DiBiase with a steel chair, to win the vacant title.
Hulk Hogan Hulk Hogan 2xDQ Ted DiBiaseRandy Savage
André André
Jim Duggan Ted DiBiase Ted DiBiase
Ted DiBiase
Don Muraco Don Muraco
Dino Bravo
Ricky SteamboatGreg ValentineRandy SavageRandy Savage
Greg Valentine
Randy Savage Randy Savage
Butch Reed
Bam Bam BigelowOne Man Gang One Man Gang
One Man Gang
Jake Roberts TLD
Rick Rude

Saturday Night's Main Event, April 1988

1988-04-22, Springfield Civic Center, Springfield, Massachusetts, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. Jim Duggan def. Hercules (DQ)
  2. Brutus Beefcake def. Danny Davis
  3. WWF championship:
    Randy Savage (ch) def. One Man Gang
  4. Tagteam championship:
    Demolition def. British Bulldogs (DQ)
  5. Ted DiBiase def. Don Muraco
  6. Rick Rude def. Koko B Ware

WrestleFest 1988

1988-07-31, Milwaukee County Stadium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
  1. Big Boss Man def. Scott Casey
  2. Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake def. Hercules
  3. Jacques & Raymond Rougeau def. The Killer Bees (Jim Brunzell & Brian Blair)
  4. Bad News Brown def. Bret "The Hit Man" Hart
  5. Intercontinental championship:
    "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan def. The Honky Tonk man (ch) (DQ)
  6. The Powers of Pain def. The Bolsheviks
  7. Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart def. "Leaping" Lanny Poffo
  8. Mr. Perfect def. The Red Rooster
  9. Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs. "Ravishing" Rick Rude (2xCO)
  10. Haku def. Sam Houston
  11. The Ultimate Warrior def. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
  12. Tagteam championship:
    Demolition (ch) def. The British Bulldogs
  13. Dino Bravo def. Ken Patera
  14. Steel cage match:
    Hulk Hogan def. André the Giant
  15. WWF championship:
    Randy Savage (ch) def. Ted DiBiase

Summerslam 1988

1988-08-29, Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, USA

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  1. The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers (Jacques & Raymond) vs. British Bulldogs (Dynamite Kid & Davey Boy Smith) (time limit draw)
    Smith sends Jacques crotch first over the top rope, and after double-teaming him, Smith throws Kid on top of him for a cover, but the bell rings for the time limit before he can get the pinfall.
  2. Bad News Brown def. Ken Patera
    Patera makes a run for Brown, but Brown moves out of the way and Patera rams the ring post. Brown hits the ghettoblaster on Patera for the pinfall victory.
  3. "Ravishing" Rick Rude [w/Bobby "The Brain" Heenan] def. Junkyard Dog (DQ)
    Rude hits a reverse neckbreaker on Dog, and hits a chop from the top rope. Jake "The Snake" Roberts runs in, attacking Rude, causing Dog to be disqualified.
  4. Powers of Pain (Barbarian & The Warlord) [w/The Baron] def. the Bolsheviks (Nikolai Volkoff & Boris Zhuvok) [w/Slick]
    Powers of Pain hits a double flying tackle on Zhukov. Warlord then hits a powerslam and Barbarian hits the Barbarian bomb from the top rope to get the pinfall.
  5. Intercontinental championship:
    Ultimate Warrior def. Honky Tonk Man (ch) [w/Jimmy Hart]
    Honky Tonk Man was originally scheduled to wrestle Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, but as he was unable to wrestle he instead had a mystery opponent, which was revealed to be Ultimate Warrior. Warrior runs in, hitting a flying tackle, a clothesline and a big splash for the three-count. The match was over in twenty-eight seconds.
  6. Dino Bravo [w/Frenchy Martin] def. Don Muraco
    Bravo pins Muraco after a side suplex.
  7. Tagteam championship:
    Demolition (Ax & Smash) [w/Mr. Fuji & Jimmy Hart] def. Hart Foundation (Bret "Hit Man" Hart & Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart)
    With the referee distracted, Jimmy Hart throws the megaphone to Ax, who knocks out Bret with it. Smash then covers Bret for the pinfall victory.
  8. Big Boss Man def. Koko B.Ware
    Boss Man hits the Big Boss Slam on B.Ware to get the pinfall victory.
  9. Jake "The Snake" Roberts def. Hercules
    Roberts pins Hercules after a DDT.
  10. Special guest referee: Jesse "The Body" Ventura
    Mega Powers (Randy Savage & Hulk Hogan) [w/Elizabeth] def. Mega Bucks (André the Giant & Ted DiBiase) [w/Bobby "The Brain" Heenan & Virgil]
    Elizabeth distracts the Mega Bucks, allowing Savage to throw André out over the top rope with an elbow drop. Hogan then slams DiBiase, Macho Man hits the elbow drop from the top rope and then Hogan pins DiBiase after a leg drop.

King of the Ring 1988

1988-10-16, Providence Civic Center, Providence, Rhode Island, USA

Saturday Night's Main Event, October 1988

1988-10-25, Baltimore Arena, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. Jake Roberts def. Rick Rude (DQ)
  2. Tagteam championship:
    Demolition (ch) def. Hart Foundation
    Smash pinned Hart
  3. Hulk Hogan def. Haku
  4. Dino Bravo def. Ken Patera
  5. Big Bossman def. Jim Powers

Saturday Night's Main Event, November 1988

1988-11-16, ARCO Arena, Sacramento, California, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

Aired 1988-11-26.

  1. Intercontinental championship:
    Ultimate Warrior (ch) def. Super Ninja (Rip Oliver) [w/Mr. Fuji]
    Warrior scores a quick pinfall.
  2. Hercules def. Virgil [w/Ted DiBiase]
    Hercules wins by pinfall and throws him out on top of Ted DiBiase.
  3. WWF championship:
    "Macho Man" Randy Savage (ch) [w/Elizabeth] vs. André the Giant [w/Bobby "The Brain" Heenan] (2xDQ)
    The match ended in a double disqualification when Heenan tried to remove the snake of Jake "The Snake" Roberts from the ring area.
  4. Flag match:
    "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan def. Boris Zhukov
    Duggans pin Zhukov for the right to fly the US flag above the ring.
  5. Fabulous Rougeaus Bros. (Jacques & Raymond) def. Young Stallions (Paul Roma & Jim Powers)
    Jacques pinned Roma for the victory.

Survivor Series 1988

1988-11-24, Richfield Coliseum, Richfield, Ohio, USA

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  1. Warriors's Team (Ultimate Warrior, Brutus Beefcake, Blue Blazer (Owen Hart), Sam Houston, Jim Brunzell) def. Honky Tonk Man's Team (Honky Tonk Man, Ron Bass, Greg Valentine, Danny Davis, Bad News Brown)
    Eliminations in order:
    1. Dangerous Danny Davis by Beefcake (subm)
    2. Jumping Jim Brunzell by Bad News Brown
    3. Brown (CO)
    4. Sam Houston by Ron Bass
    5. The Blue Blazer by Greg The Hammer Valentine (subm)
    6. Honky and Beefcake (2xCO)
    7. Ron Bass by the Warrior
    8. Valentine by the Warrior
    Survivor: The Ultimate Warrior
  2. Powers of Pain's Team (Powers of Pain, Hart Foundation, The Young Stallions, The Rockers, British Bulldogs) def. Demolition's Team (Demolition, Brainbusters, Bolsheviks, Rougeau Bros., The Conquistadors)
    Eliminations in order:
    1. Fabulous Rougeau Brothers by the Hart Foundation (Hart pinned Raymond)
    2. The Young Stallions by the Bolsheviks (Zhukov pinned Powers)
    3. Bolsheviks by The Rockers (Jannetty pinned Zhukov)
    4. The Hart Foundation by The Brain Busters (Blanchard pinned Hart)
    5. The Rockers and Brain Busters (2xDQ)
    6. The British Bulldogs by Demolition (Smash pinned Dynamite Kid)
    7. Demolition (CO)
    8. The Conquistadors by The Powers of Pain (Barbarian pinned Conquistador #2)
    Survivors: Powers of Pain
  3. André the Giant's Team (André the Giant, Dino Bravo, Mr. Perfect, Ravishing Rick Rude, Harley Race) def. Jake Robert's Team (Jake Roberts, Jim Duggan, Ken Patera, Scott Casey, Tito Santana)
    Eliminations in order:
    1. Ken Patera by Ravishing Rick Rude
    2. Scott Casey by Bravo
    3. Harley Race by Tito Santana
    4. Santana by André
    5. Duggan (DQ)
    6. Rick Rude by Jake the Snake
    7. André (DQ)
    8. Jake the Snake by Mr. Perfect
    Survivors: Dino Bravo & Mr. Perfect
  4. The Mega Powers (Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Hercules, Koko B. Ware, Hillbilly Jim) def. The Twin Towers (Big Boss Man, Red Rooster, Ted DiBiase, King Haku, Akeem)
    Eliminations in order:
    1. The Red Rooster by Savage
    2. Hillbilly Jim by Akeem
    3. Koko B Ware by the Boss Man
    4. Hercules by Ted DiBiase
    5. DiBiase by Savage
    6. the Boss Man (CO)
    7. Akeem (DQ)
    8. King Haku by Hogan
    Survivors: Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage

Saturday Night's Main Event, December 1988

1988-12-07, USF Sun Dome, Tampa, Florida, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

Aired 1989-01-07.

  1. Hair Vs. Hair match:
    Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake def. "Outlaw" Ron Bass (subm)
    The Barber wins by holding Bass in a sleeper hold and cuts off Bass' hair.
  2. Hulk Hogan [w/Elizabeth] def. Akeem [w/Big Boss Man & Slick] (DQ)
    Akeem is disqualified when Big Boss Man interferes in the match.
  3. Intercontinental championship:
    Ultimate Warrior (ch) def. Honky Tonk Man [w/Jimmy Hart]
  4. Tito Santana def. Red Rooster [w/Bobby "The Brain" Heenan]
    Santana rolls up Rooster for a pinfall.
  5. Mr. Perfect def. Koko B. Ware.
    Perfect pins Ware after a Perfect Plex.
Peter Krefting / $Date: 2025-01-30 23:31:02 $ /