Archived old pages

Results from archælogical digs.

This is the last burial ground for old pages that no longer are actively maintained on this web site. Pages that have ended up here remain accessible for the public, but are no longer updated. Please note that this means that links are usually not checked, which results in that you may end up somewhere completely different from what was intended, or nowhere at all.

If you are interested in what the web looked like a few years ago, I recommend the Internet archive, which has a large database of historical web documents.


Quinta Essentia BBS [1999]
The page about my web based (and regular) Fidonet BBS system that was in operation during 1996-1999 (web based in 1999). A demo version of what the BBS looked like is available.
Frequently Asked Questions Archive [1997-2000]
FAQ documents I used to maintain for Fidonet.
Unofficial Pine Patches [1998-2000]
A collection of patches for the Pine e-mail program.
Nokia phone logotypes [2000]
Some logotypes for Nokia phones showing the Opera Software logotype.
Vote Yes for the euro [2003]
Campaign page for a yes vote to the euro, removed after the murder of foreign minister Anna Lindh.
Guest book [1995-2004]
My guest book, which I put up only a few months after publishing my first web page, and took down in 2004 because it then only attracted spammers.
Archive of the mailing list [1995-2005] is the old mailing list for the Swedish branch of the Translation Project, and was used until 2005 to discuss, compare and review translations within the project.
Opera Web Browser [2002-2008]
Pages about the Opera web browser (the classic one, version 2-12). I used Opera as my primare web browser for a very long time (before it was bought by the Chinese and went all weird; I have now switched to its spiritual successor Vivaldi) and worked for the company that produced it for several years. I wrote about some of my experiences here.
A Swedish wolf in Norway [2004-2012]
A re-constructed copy of my old technobabble blog from the now defunct My Opera site. I wrote a lot of this while an employee at Opera Software, so there is a lot of Opera-related information in there.
Reviderad svensk ordlista [1995-2017]
A Swedish dictionary for us that take things literally.
$Date: 2024-02-25 17:22:43 $ |