
Information about the Fidonet meeting SupCon.

Long before today's ubiquitous always-on social media, there was the hobbyist computer network FidoNet; a network of electronic bulletin boards (BBS'es) reachable by modem, where you could get in contact with normal people (well, mostly computer nerds) from all over the world. As widely known, computer nerds are well known for their social capabilities, and for that SupCon was arranged on the last weekend of July between 1995 and 2001, to let the participants meet each other in another way than through electronic communication. Besides chit-chatting they competed in stupid games and went for a swim in the hot water of Lake Vättern (if you liked such things, otherwise you risked being thrown in anyway).

A more detailed background story can be found for those who like to know more. There is also more information about the different occasions when this spectacle has taken place, more on that below.

Since the Swedish Fidonet site since a long time ago has fallen off the web, I have published a mirror of the SupCon pages that were hosted there.

Some related links (all long gone, but preserved through Internet Archive: Swedish Fidonet, (last seen in 2007) and A bowl of non-potato chips (1997).

These pages are copyright © 1998-2024 Peter Krefting unless otherwise noticed.

Peter does the show and tell

I personally attended the event at several different occasions, and whether you like it or not, I have summarised a bit about what happened there.


Most information is still classified.


Sensitive viewers are advised.


Photo safari. I was there, but I try my best not to remember ;)


1998 was the second time I went to SupCon, the first I brought my camera. I have collected some picture evidence that SupCon 1998 actually occurred, and have collected links to other people's information pages.


In the summer when the Y2K hysteria permeated the world of computers I unfortunately could not attend the event, since I was busy starting up my masters' thesis. There is some information here, however.


The last SupCon of the twentieth century I was able to attend, though, a guest from far away as I was.


The 2001 event can most easily be described with the clichés “it can't get any worse” and “at least the weather was nice”.

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