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Miscellaneous technobabble from a Swede in Norway.

More on updating the Info panel

Published: 2007-01-11 15:01:15

I recently wrote about updating the Info panel for a upcoming Opera release. I received a lot of comments and suggestions and although I am not able to add everything people have asked for, I have tried to add a lot, and to have a good reasoning for not adding something specific. A big thank you to everyone who came with suggestions.

First of all, this is an info panel, showing the properties of the page you are viewing. This means that it contains static information, and it cannot control the page. So no “disable this stylesheet” and similar will not show up. Also, there is a limit on what information is programmatically available to the info panel, which unfortunately means that items like “time used while loading” cannot be included.

We have not decided yet whether to include information on what Opera applied to display the document. The display mode (standards or quirks mode) is displayed, but currently there is no information on whether browser.js was used on the page (browser.js does post a message to the console when it runs, so you can find out from there if it is in use), nor anything about site-specific preferences or active content blocks. These are on the list of ideas to consider.

On the right hand side, you can see a current screenshot. It does not display everything that has been added, since the page I had open did not contain any linked JavaScript files, there were none to list.

Do you have more ideas, questions or suggestions? If so, please feel free to post a comment to this post.

Tags: browsers opera info panel


Maybe put the linked style sheets and JS files before "meta information".

Is adding accessibility information being considered ? At least keyboard shortcuts available via SHIFT+ESC. Another related thing I would like to see is all the shortcut mappings. Also, voice commands available.

I would also like to see images (and ) etc listed - perhaps you have this already but did not have any on that URL. Are the urls links? Can they be clicked? Can they be used to download directly?

I'd like to see a section containing the raw HTTP headers. Then I would no longer have to use third-party scripts like

Plus I would be able to see the headers on local pages which Rex's tool does not have access to.

I know, that the panel space should be used as good as possible, so you can't list everything.
I think a tree like structure could solve this problem. The user could choose wich information a valuable to him and only unfoldt those parts of the tree (The panel would save the tree folding state of course).

What do you think about this idea?

dantesoft: The ordering is not final, but they are currently grouped so that entries which have title/description are first, and ones that are just lists come later. There is a links panel for links (Ctrl+J), and I would think that access keys would belong there.

tarquinwj: Image properties are available through right-click, so they are not listed in the info panel. All URLs are clickable.

GreyWyvern: Due to internal technical reasons, raw HTTP headers are not available to the Info panel.

gun: We have thought about having some kind of collapsing/expanding, but nothing has been decided yet.

Would it be possible to get the Last-Modified timestamp for the page?

I see one bugg right there ;)

Logically I agree with access-keys belong to the links in the links panel, but they'll probably be invisible in the links panel in the usual case that there are a lot of links. It is additional and for some people relevant information and useful to see the most important links (from the viewpoint of the webmaster) and probably some users will get aware of the availability of access keys for the first time. Maybe they can be combined with the quite similar navigation links.

Seeing the already available amount and complexity of information expanding/collapsing should be a must - maybe with click on the section header.

Last modified would be really nice. Maybe there could be a section for all the other header information / meta-tags, too, although I don't know whether someone would need it.

And I like Tarquin's idea to have all images listed - and I propose to display all other inline (linked and not linked) elements, too. You already show CSS and JS files.
The value of the already existing number and size of inline elements could be greatly improved if the elements itself are named and accessible (via URL).

I'd propose to show the title/name of the objects and provide the URL as a link visible in pop-up or status bar (or in the Link panel if the Info panel is expanded to show up on a normal page - I saw there is no additional information / features for the info-panel displayed as a page and - consistently - is not provided as an option in the Tools-menu).
There would be the advantage that a smaller panel width is needed to see all the information. Best would be the ability to toggle the displaying of URLs as some users will prefer to see the information without those cryptic URLs and some are used to them as valuable source of further information.

Two more general features (probably also concerning the other panels or even the browser itself) that would be handy for the special interests of some people:
1) show additional information besides the URL or title by simply hovering a entry where useful, e.g. for the image properties instead of right-click + properties.
2) have several (maybe even user defined) CSS files for the Info panel. Today there is only "Small screen" in the View menu of the Info panel. Via CSS there could be a variety of possibilities to provide the information in the Info panel. E.g. the image properties could be displayed always visible next to the image title and with another CSS it is displayed in a hover-box and in the default CSS this info may not be displayed at all or whatever (if the needed information is available in the Info panel source). Additionally it is easy to hide not wanted information, to display URLs etc.
Well, advanced users can change the info.css on file level, but to have all mentioned possibilities, there probably would have to be more information in the Info panel source than actually is displayed by default.

Last modified would be really nice. Maybe there could be a section for all the other header information / meta-tags, too, although I don't know whether someone would need it.

As mentioned, headers are unavailable (shameless plug). LMD is however available, if sent, via javascript:alert("Page last modified " + document.lastModified) so I think that's doable.

We need all the info we can get. I do hope the panel can be customised (e.g. via CSS), but as a general rule of thumb for Opera users, if it's interesting for few, the info should be available.

And I like Tarquin's idea to have all images listed - and I propose to display all other inline (linked and not linked) elements, too.

I think an Images panel is better. I would really like that. Right now, as for many other things, a workaround is a bookmarklet.

As others might have said, if linked CSS path is clickable, it would be welcome, I'm sure. And if the other URI in this panel are clickable, it's quite welcome as well, though we already have Ctrl+J :)

Saito - it is clickable, as it is a link. Nafmo disabled underlines ;)

Others - you can customize info.css to your heart's content even today in 9.1.

I think it's better if users can choose what kind of informations to be shown in the Info panel. Why not make some options in opera:config? Using Opera internal commands is the best of course. Use internal commands to put the options in the View button. screenshot :idea:

where can this and mark_poleon`s info panel improvements be downloaded?

I like mark_poleon's idea for improvement.

Kelson, dantesoft: Last-Modified is a bit problematic, but I am trying to figure out if there is a way to include it in a useful manner.

saito: Links are clickable. I dislike underlines, so I have turned them off, but since Moose doesn't like colours, it makes link not look like links in my screenshot...

mark_poleon: I'm trying to not make it more complex than it has to.

asdas: The changes are not in a publically available version yet.

Sorry, I’m late…
But what about info on background-images? To my mind, that’s annoying lack in Opera’s functionality.

I would like to see in the panel info about embedded elements :)

Active Content Blocks better to include in the Site Preferences (IMO).

I will be very happy. :love:

nonduc: The background images are included in the count of loaded elements, I believe. I do not think there will be a listing of them, since they can be generated from several different places (HTML, CSS, scripting), and not all of them are necessarily visible.

medium: What kind of information are you looking for? I am just listing aggregate information at the moment, not the particular paths to images and such, which also sort of goes with nonduc's request.

I would like to read the information about elements, which need to start additional programs or plugins at the Opera (kind of the file on the site and of its possible requirements as for running a program or plugin).

And sorry for my English :(

Well, accesskeys have their own place: Shift+Esc.

I would like to have, in the info panel, links to all the used stylesheets (the linked css files)
and why not a button near each, to redirect you to the page where it validates itself (at
That would be very helpful

And, the HTTP status of the current page.

Also, and finally, for framed webpages, a link to the non-frames version of the site (which is alread yspecified in the HTML of the site) because sometimes one may like not to browse within frames.

Copy into your menu:

[Document Popup Menu]
Submenu, "Page Info", Page Info Menu

[Page Info Menu]            
Item, 44002=View document source,,,,"View"
Item, 70465=Validate frame source,,,,"Go to page"
Item, "Stylesheet"=Go to link element, "stylesheet"
Item, "Validate CSS"=Go to page, ""

Yahia: The list of style sheets will be included. Adding HTTP status is not currently planned.

It is difficult to link to a non-frames version, since that requires changing a setting (available under advanced preferences).

nafmo: okay, got that.
medium: I don't oftenly hack opera's files, so if you could specify where I should put that? Idon't see what nor where "[my] menu" is.

Yahia: B])_menu.ini Save as... into profile > menu directory.
Unfortunetly this is version with Polish till now, but I'm going to write my menu in English :)
But try it and write me about it.
In Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Toolbars choose this file & done.

English version ready now! :)

medium: I think it is a good idea to use the numbers of the language file as often as possible, as it then is independend of localisations (yes it is a bit more of work and quite useless for personal use only).

Yes, ResearchWizard, but it's my first work...
Maybe in few hours I will write it in English.

I'm rectifying my mistake. I translated into English. Link higher; I changed files ;)

well I already suggested this somewhere in the forums, but could it be possible that info panel shows specific info about the bage depending on what the page is about. I mean current layout is great with normal website, but when whaching pictures etc with opera, there aren't panel that shows for example the data of picture, like exif or even resolutin. And there are lots of other formats that with info panel could be more informative.

Still great work.

In my file medium_9_(v.1.3-en)_menu.ini I have founded some bugs, sorry. I removed this file.

Now works following link to my menu:

I will be bugging you about Last-Modified, because that's very useful for both end users and developers :)

Another idea I got in my mind is showing how cacheable the content is. Will Opera cache it for 10 minutes or 10 days? Will it be revalidated, or used straight from disk?
This would be very helpful in implementing properly cacheable pages, as currently no browser exposes that information and there's a huge gap between the HTTP RFC and reality.

This was originally posted on My Opera at
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