Archived copy of A Swedish wolf in Norway

Miscellaneous technobabble from a Swede in Norway.

Opera 8.0 på svenska, på riktigt

Published: 2005-04-21 18:04:58

Nu är den fullständiga svenska översättningen av Opera 8.0 tillgänglig från Enjoy!

Om länken ovan inte fungerar, kan du pröva att hämta den direkt från SUNET.


This link shows an US version... I am not sure what I will download when I click the mirror link...

Something seems not to be working properly at the moment. When I follow the link, I am taken to the front page. The same thing happen if I try to use the download customizer to select a download manually.

This was originally posted on My Opera at
Please note that links may be outdated and any information included here may be obsolete.

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