Fwd: Warning: antivirus system report

Författare: Per Tunedal (pt_at_radvis.nu)
Datum: 2003-03-27 20:11:15

Jag börjar bli trött på dessa Sobig-virus. Den enda rimliga tolkningen är 
att någon som är med på listan har viruset på sin Windows-burk. 
(Sobig-viruset sätter alltid big@boss.com som avsändare.) Kolla era 
datorer! Det finns onlinescanning om ni inte orkar ha antivirusprogram.
Per Tunedal

 >Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 19:03:13 +0100
 >From: Mailadmin / IT-Norr Group AB <24_7_watchguard@it-norr.com>
 >To: <sv@li.org>
 >Subject: Warning: antivirus system report
 >This is a MIME-encapsulated message
 > med e-postadress <big@boss.com> har skickat ett mail till er (<sv@li.org>)
 >som innehöll ett virus. Viruset som skickades går under namnet: Win32:Sobig
 >IT-Norr scannar alla mail som passerar våra mailservrar, och har plockat
 >bort viruset åt er.
 >OBS! Det finns virus som fingerar avsändaradressen, så det är inte 100%
 >säkert att avsändaren verkligen är <big@boss.com>
 >IT-Norr Group AB
 >E-post: support@it-norr.se
 >Tel. 020 - 313 314
 >Virus detected:
 >An email was sent to you by  (<big@boss.com>) that contained the following
 >Win32:Sobig [Wrm].
 >IT-Norr scan all emails that passes our mail servers for viruses and deletes
 >Please note that there are viruses that makes up the sending address, so the
 >actual sender can be somebody else.
 >IT-Norr Group AB
 >Customer service
 >E-post: support@it-norr.se
 >Phone. +46 933 10500
 >The original message was received at Thu, 27 Mar 2003 19:03:13 +0100
 >The message was sent from: <big@boss.com>
 >The virus found was: Win32:Sobig [Wrm]
 >Content-Type: message/rfc822
 >Received: from server5.dtype.org ([])
 >        by mail4.it-norr.com (IT-NORR Mail Cluster v2003) with ESMTP id
 >        for <pt@radvis.nu>; Thu, 27 Mar 2003 19:03:09 +0100
 >Received: from mail by server5.dtype.org with local (Exim 3.35 #1 (Debian))
 >	id 18ybgB-0008A7-00
 >	for <sv-list@server5.dtype.org>; Thu, 27 Mar 2003 18:00:43 +0000
 >Received: from dtype.org ([])
 >	by server5.dtype.org with esmtp (Exim 3.35 #1 (Debian))
 >	id 18ybgB-0008A0-00
 >	for <sv@li.org>; Thu, 27 Mar 2003 18:00:43 +0000
 >Received: from [] (helo=LABINFO12)
 >	by dtype.org with esmtp (Exim 3.35 #1 (Debian))
 >	id 18ybff-0003es-00
 >	for <sv@li.org>; Thu, 27 Mar 2003 18:00:20 +0000
 >From: <big@boss.com>
 >To: <sv@li.org>
 >Subject: Re: Here is that sample
 >Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 12:59:22 --0500
 >Importance: Normal
 >X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
 >X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
 >X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
 >MIME-Version: 1.0
 >Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
 >	boundary="CSmtpMsgPart123X456_000_00A1D7E1"
 >Message-Id: <E18ybff-0003es-00@dtype.org>
 >Sender: owner-sv@li.org
 >Precedence: bulk
 >Reply-To: sv@li.org

Arkiv genererat av hypermail 2.1.6.