OSLO 24-SEP-92  � User's Manual �� GraphPad v3.0 by Kåre Aanestad � always brings you back to the � MAIN MENU ��. Keep away from the -key! Editor� The 80-screen editor is very similar to the Basic editor with identical cursor movements, reverse on/off and clear screen (). and delete forward. Some additional features are included: - The top lines leaving the screen when the cursor is moved below the bottom line, is sent to a dynamic buffer. Press the cursor to top of the screen to get the lines back again. Lines leaving the bottom of the screen are lost. This means also that changes to any lines must be scrolled over the top of the screen else the buffer will not be updated. - inserts a new line on the bottom of the screen. The top line is lost (is not sent to the buffer). - Press the -key together with cursor-down or -right to draw lines. - allows free-hand drawing with Joystick no. 2. - N and O set expanded characters on/off like a CBM printer. Copy and Search� The drop down menus give instructions. either puts you into memory search mode or swiches between the various copy options (stamp, overlay, reverse). Use + and - to fine-tune when searching memory. Copy of quadrangles may be tilted over. One line copy, length in multiples of 8 positions (64 bytes) may decode sprite data. In addition the Load option allows for decoding of PrintShop graphics occupying 2 or 3 blocks on the directory and graphic windows (96*48 bits). When such graphics or windows are loaded, you are put into the Copy and Search Mode to properly locate the figures. Load and Save File� GraphPad supports two disk drives. One of these may be REU RAMDOS. Current disk is either unit 8 or 9 according to the Disk Command. Loading and saving to memory may overwrite the dynamic buffer. A new character set is taken from the upper 2k bytes of the screen when the 'Save to screen or memory' is answered with # (3) instead of d or m. Be sure the screen actually contains a chr. set or every thing will be messed up. Grab Text File� Text files saved as SEQ or PRG files in Commodore or Standard ASCII can be read. IBM text files downloaded with a modem from a BBS works fine. When required, the System Disk must always be inserted in disk unit no. 8. Print� This is a Public Domain program utilizing the expanded operating system  � OPEN SYSTEM KA43/61 �� To be able to fully control your printer write to the address below to get a copy of the system disk. KA43/61 sets up an SHELL like operating system in the Basic environment. The printer drivers, established with user specified parameters, are relocateable and are made available for any Basic and MC-program. KA43/61 supports Epson/IBM dot matrix compatible printers connected to either the User Port or the Commodore Serial Port. Text can be printed with either the characters used on the screen (with high speed) or the fonts of the printer. Text and HIRES can be intermixed in the same document. The User Port acts, when required, like a parallel Centronics interface. Even daisy-wheel printers will work with the program (but will not print from GraphPad). KA43/61 opens up for external commands. Utilities and extensions will be loaded and executed like a breeze! A lot of these commands are included on the system disk. All MC-programs used by GraphPad are easily available. KA43/61 gives the disk drive added support. REU RAMDOS linked to KA43/61 will load in less than 10 seconds, and that is fast! Limited support is also given for the cassette recorder (Turbos). Back to the print routine, the current version of GraphPad supports a Centronic printer in Alternate Graphic Mode with line feed 20/180". If it dosen't suit you, get hold of KA43/61. Remember KA43/61 works fine with cartridges like BC-BASIC, Simons Basic and MC-programs like SpeedScript, SpeedCalc etc.. Send NOK 100.- or GBP 10.- �or equivalent to: Kåre Aanestad Snipemyrlia 28 1273 OSLO NORWAY �and get your copy of the system disk and be an authorised user of:  OPEN SYSTEM KA43/61�