OPEN SYSTEM KA43/61� All rights to these programs (sources & executables), fonts and documentary files remain with the author: Kåre Aanestad. The utility disk � OPEN SYSTEM KA43/61 � is being distributed as SHAREWARE and may be copied and distributed at will, provided that the individual files remain unchanged and together. Any one is free to do their user tests of the programs. Reviews published in magazins are welcomed. The author seeks contributions of good external commands. OPEN SYSTEM KA43/61 has set the de facto standard. The system disk gives anyone the opertunity to tailormake their programs which may freely be distributed with specific utilities from this collection, but without the documentary files. Due regard to the author of KA43/61 is expected. Anyone who finds these programs worthwhile for their tasks should send the fee to the author to be a registrated user and be entitled to a free disk with the last version of the software. Send NOK 100.- or GBP 10.- �or equivalente to: Kåre Aanestad Snipemyrlia 28 1273 Oslo NORWAY� OSLO 20-oct-92 PRESS � � to continue!�