start tok64 d64-WIKfa1 1 REM hangman 2 REM 3 REM (c) larry phillips 4 REM vancouver b.c. 5 REM (604)325-6224 6 REM 7 REM i believe in free or cheap software,just leave the credits. 8 REM 9 REM modified by g j flynn 10 REM 30 PRINT"{clear}{down*6}"TAB(16)"hangman." 40 PRINT:PRINTTAB(7)"do you need instructions?" 50 GETi$ 60 IFi$="y"THEN90 70 IFi$="n"THEN200 80 GOTO50 90 PRINT"{clear}{space*4}i will think of a word." 100 PRINT"{down}the dashes ({sh asterisk}{sh space}{sh asterisk}{sh space}{sh asterisk}) will show you" 105 PRINT"how many letters it has.":PRINT 110 PRINT"if you guess a letter correctly," 115 PRINT"i will put it into the word, and give" 116 PRINT"you a chance to guess the whole word.": 118 PRINT"if you don't want to guess the word thenpress 'space'.":PRINT 120 PRINT"if you are wrong, i will draw another" 125 PRINT"part of the man.":PRINT 130 PRINT"the man will be compeltely drawn after" 135 PRINT"ten wrong guesses.(and will be hung)":PRINT 140 PRINT:PRINT"he is depending on you!":PRINT:PRINT 189 PRINT"do you want to play now?" 190 GETi$:IFi$="y"THEN200 191 IFi$="n"THEN1999 192 GOTO190 200 PRINT"{clear}{right*5}{down*5}working{.*4}" 203 GOSUB2500:SYS704:GOSUB2000 210 POKEx(1)+y(0),85 220 POKEx(5)+y(0),74 230 POKEx(1)+y(21),73 240 POKEx(5)+y(21),75 250 FORi=1TO20:POKEx(1)+y(i),64 260 POKEx(5)+y(i),64:NEXTi 270 POKEx(4)+y(0),93:POKEx(4)+y(21),93 280 POKEx(3)+y(0),93:POKEx(3)+y(21),93 290 POKEx(2)+y(0),93:POKEx(2)+y(21),93 300 FORi=26TO39:POKEx(0)+y(i),160:NEXTi 310 FORi=0TO24:POKEx(i)+y(39),160:NEXTi 320 FORi=26TO38:POKEx(23)+y(i),206 330 POKEx(24)+y(i),207:NEXTi 340 POKEx(23)+y(26),233:POKEx(23)+y(39),232 350 POKEx(1)+y(35),95:POKEx(1)+y(36),223 360 POKEx(2)+y(36),95:POKEx(2)+y(37),223 370 POKEx(3)+y(37),95:POKEx(3)+y(38),223 380 POKEx(4)+y(38),95:POKEx(1)+y(28),66 390 POKEx(2)+y(28),66:POKEx(3)+y(28),66 400 POKEx(24)+y(39),207 410 PRINT"{home}{space*2}letters guessed" 420 PRINT"{down*12}" 430 GOSUB2050:GOSUB2200:GOSUB2260 460 GOSUB3000:GOSUB3010:GOSUB3020 490 GOSUB3030:GOSUB3040:GOSUB3050 510 GOSUB3050 520 GOSUB3060:PRINTTAB(10)"hangman" 540 FORi=1TO3000:NEXTi 550 PRINTTAB(10)"{up}{space*7}{up}":GOSUB2300 560 DIMlg$(26),w$(50),wu%(50):DIMlm$(12) 570 FORi=0TO49:READw$(i):NEXTi 580 FORi=0TO49:wu%(i)=0:NEXTi 590 s1=0:s2=0:fl=0 600 FOR i=0TO25:lg$(i)=" ":NEXTi 605 wr=0:nc=0:GOSUB3140 610 w=INT(RND(1)*50):IFwu%(w)=1THEN610 611 nw=nw+1 612 IFnw<50THEN620 615 PRINT"you tried ";nw;"words": 616 PRINT:PRINT"you guessed";nr;"of them" 617 PRINT"and hung the poor fellow";nh;"times";"{down*3}": 618 END 620 wu%(w)=1:nl=LEN(w$(w)):PRINT"{home}{down*8}" 630 FORi=1TOnl:PRINT" {sh asterisk}";:NEXTi:PRINT 635 n=-1 640 FORi=1TO11:lm$(i)="{sh asterisk}":NEXTi 650 PRINT"{home}{down*14}guess a letter?{space*2}"; 660 GETl$:fl=0:IFl$<"a"THEN660 665 PRINTl$ 670 IFl$>"z"THEN660 680 FORi=0TO25 681 IFlg$(i)<>l$THEN689 685 fl=1 687 GOSUB7300 689 NEXTi 690 IFfl=1THEN650 695 n=n+1 700 FORi=1TOnl 710 IFl$<>MID$(w$(w),i,1)THEN740 720 lm$(i)=l$ 730 fl=1 740 NEXTi 745 lg$(n)=l$ 750 IFfl=1THEN1050 760 wr=wr+1 770 PRINT:PRINT"sorry, that letter " 780 PRINT"is not in this word":PRINT 785 GOSUB3200 790 ONwrGOSUB800,810,820,830,840,850,860,870,880,890 795 GOTO650 800 PRINT"you get a head":GOSUB7000:GOSUB2050:GOSUB3070:GOSUB3140:RETURN 810 PRINT"here's the body.":GOSUB7000:GOSUB2200:GOSUB3070:GOSUB3140:RETURN 820 PRINT"now his first leg":GOSUB7000:GOSUB2260:GOSUB3070:GOSUB3140:RETURN 830 PRINT"second leg!":GOSUB7000:GOSUB3000:GOSUB3070:GOSUB3140:RETURN 840 PRINT"this gets you an arm":GOSUB7000:GOSUB3030:GOSUB3070:GOSUB3140:RETURN 850 PRINT"the other arm{.*3}":GOSUB7000:GOSUB3040:GOSUB3070:GOSUB3140:RETURN 860 PRINT"oh no!{space*2}a foot!":GOSUB7000:GOSUB3010:GOSUB3070:GOSUB3140:RETURN 870 PRINT"hey, don't hang me!!":GOSUB7000:GOSUB3020:GOSUB3070:GOSUB3140:RETURN 880 PRINT"a hand--only one left"3000:GOSUB3070:GOSUB3140:RETURN 63999 REM "Invalid BASIC input d64-WIKfa1 stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)