start tok64 d64-PUd9IV 1 POKE 53280,12 100 DIM f$(8):DIM l(8) 110 sp$="{space*7}" 120 spc$="{space*8}" 130 PRINT"{clear}" 140 PRINTTAB(10)"function key labeller" 150 PRINTTAB(15)"{down*3}1. edit f1" 160 PRINTTAB(15)"2. edit f2" 170 PRINTTAB(15)"3. edit f3" 180 PRINTTAB(15)"4. edit f4" 190 PRINTTAB(15)"5. edit f5" 200 PRINTTAB(15)"6. edit f6" 210 PRINTTAB(15)"7. edit f7" 220 PRINTTAB(15)"8. edit f8" 230 PRINTTAB(10)"{down*2}please enter choice" 240 PRINTTAB(15)"{down*2}{reverse on}p{reverse off} to print" 250 PRINTTAB(15)"{down*2}{reverse on}q{reverse off} to quit" 260 GET a$:IF a$="" THEN 260 270 IF a$="1" THEN GOSUB 1000 280 IF a$="2" THEN GOSUB 2000 290 IF a$="3" THEN GOSUB 3000 300 IF a$="4" THEN GOSUB 4000 310 IF a$="5" THEN GOSUB 5000 320 IF a$="6" THEN GOSUB 6000 330 IF a$="7" THEN GOSUB 7000 340 IF a$="8" THEN GOSUB 8000 350 IF a$="p" THEN GOSUB 9000 360 IF a$<>"q" THEN 130 370 END 1000 PRINT"{clear}" 1010 PRINTTAB(10)"label for f1" 1020 PRINTTAB(10)"{down}enter details"; 1030 INPUT f$(1) 1060 LET l(1)=LEN(f$(1)):IF l(1)>8 THEN 1000 1070 RETURN 2000 PRINT"{clear}" 2010 PRINTTAB(10)"label for f2" 2020 PRINTTAB(10)"{down}enter details"; 2050 INPUT f$(2) 2060 LET l(2)=LEN(f$(2)):IF l(2)>7 THEN 2000 2070 RETURN 3000 PRINT"{clear}" 3010 PRINTTAB(10)"label for f3" 3020 PRINTTAB(10)"{down}enter details"; 3050 INPUT f$(3) 3060 LET l(3)=LEN(f$(3)):IF l(3)>8 THEN 3000 3070 RETURN 4000 PRINT"{clear}" 4010 PRINTTAB(10)"label for f4" 4020 PRINTTAB(10)"{down}enter details"; 4050 INPUT f$(4) 4060 LET l(4)=LEN(f$(4)):IF l(4)>7 THEN 4000 4070 RETURN 5000 PRINT"{clear}" 5010 PRINTTAB(10)"label for f5" 5020 PRINTTAB(10)"{down}enter details"; 5050 INPUT f$(5) 5060 LET l(5)=LEN(f$(5)):IF l(5)>8 THEN 5000 5070 RETURN 6000 PRINT"{clear}" 6010 PRINTTAB(10)"label for f6" 6020 PRINTTAB(10)"{down}enter details"; 6050 INPUT f$(6) 6060 LET l(6)=LEN(f$(6)):IF l(6)>7 THEN 6000 6070 RETURN 7000 PRINT"{clear}" 7010 PRINTTAB(10)"label for f7" 7020 PRINTTAB(10)"{down}enter details"; 7050 INPUT f$(7) 7060 LET l(7)=LEN(f$(7)):IF l(7)>8 THEN 7000 7070 RETURN 8000 PRINT"{clear}" 8010 PRINTTAB(10)"label for f8" 8020 PRINTTAB(10)"{down}enter details"; 8050 INPUT f$(8) 8060 LET l(8)=LEN(f$(8)):IF l(8)>7 THEN 8000 8070 RETURN 9000 FOR i=1 TO 7 STEP2 9010 LET f$(i)=f$(i)+RIGHT$(spc$,8-l(i)) 9015 l(i)=8 9020 NEXT i 9030 FOR i=2 TO 8 STEP2 9040 LET f$(i)=f$(i)+RIGHT$(sp$,7-l(i)) 9045 l(i)=7 9050 NEXT i 9060 OPEN4,4 9070 PRINT#4,"{cm a}{sh asterisk*28}{cm s}" 9080 PRINT#4,"{sh -}{space*28}{sh -}" 9090 PRINT#4,"{sh -}{space*28}{sh -}" 9100 PRINT#4,"{sh -}{space*7}{cm a}{sh asterisk*11}{cm s}{space*8}{sh -}" 9110 PRINT#4,"{sh -}f2{space*5}{sh -}{space*11}{sh -}f1{space*6}{sh -}" 9120 PRINT#4,"{sh -}{space*7}{sh -}{space*11}{sh -}{space*8}{sh -}" 9130 PRINT#4,"{sh -}";f$(2);"{sh -}{space*11}{sh -}";f$(1);"{sh -}" 9140 PRINT#4,"{sh -}{space*7}{sh -}{space*11}{sh -}{space*8}{sh -}" 9150 PRINT#4,"{cm q}{sh asterisk*7}{cm w}{space*11}{cm q}{sh asterisk*8}{cm w}" 9160 PRINT#4,"{sh -}f4{space*5}{sh -}{space*11}{sh -}f3{space*6}{sh -}" 9170 PRINT#4,"{sh -}";f$(4);"{sh -}{space*11}{sh -}";f$(3);"{sh -}" 9180 PRINT#4,"{sh -}{space*7}{sh -}{space*11}{sh -}{space*8}{sh -}" 9190 PRINT#4,"{cm q}{sh asterisk*7}{cm w}{space*11}{cm q}{sh asterisk*8}{cm w}" 9200 PRINT#4,"{sh -}f6{space*5}{sh -}{space*11}{sh -}f5{space*6}{sh -}" 9210 PRINT#4,"{sh -}";f$(6);"{sh -}{space*11}{sh -}";f$(5);"{sh -}" 9220 PRINT#4,"{sh -}{space*7}{sh -}{space*11}{sh -}{space*8}{sh -}" 9230 PRINT#4,"{cm q}{sh asterisk*7}{cm w}{space*11}{cm q}{sh asterisk*8}{cm w}" 9240 PRINT#4,"{sh -}f8{space*5}{sh -}{space*11}{sh -}f7{space*6}{sh -}" 9250 PRINT#4,"{sh -}{space*7}{sh -}{space*11}{sh -}{space*8}{sh -}" 9260 PRINT#4,"{sh -}";f$(8);"{sh -}{space*11}{sh -}";f$(7);"{sh -}" 9270 PRINT#4,"{sh -}{space*7}{sh -}{space*11}{sh -}{space*8}{sh -}" 9280 PRINT#4,"{sh -}{space*7}{cm z}{sh asterisk*11}{cm x}{space*8}{sh -}" 9290 PRINT#4,"{sh -}{space*28}{sh -}" 9300 PRINT#4,"{sh -}{space*28}{sh -}" 9310 PRINT#4,"{cm z}{sh asterisk*28}{cm x}" 9320 CLOSE4 9330 RETURN stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)