start tok64 d64-8DuGLV 100 REM ************************** 200 REM * public domain * 300 REM * by mark bim-merle * 400 REM * 10/18/87 * 500 REM * set up with okidata120 * 600 REM * nlq disk labeler * 700 REM * up to 15 files printed * 800 REM************************** 900 PRINT"{clear}" 1000 p1$="{right*7}{reverse on}{white}" 1100 p2$="{C*27}" 1200 DIMd$(144) 1300 GOTO3900 1400 FORr=0TOi:d$(r)="":NEXTr:i=0:a$="":b$="":c$="":OPEN1,8,0,"$0" 1500 GET#1,a$,a$ 1600 GET#1,a$,a$:IFa$=""THENCLOSE1:GOTO2400 1700 GET#1,a$,b$ 1800 c$=MID$(STR$(ASC(a$+CHR$(0))+ASC(b$+CHR$(0))*256),2)+CHR$(32) 1900 GET#1,a$:IFa$=""THEN2100 2000 d$(i)=d$(i)+a$:GOTO1900 2100 d$(i)=c$+d$(i):d$(i)=LEFT$(d$(i),22):d$(i)=RIGHT$(d$(i),17) 2200 IFi=0THENi=1:GOTO1600 2300 PRINTi;"-";d$(i):i=i+1:GOTO1600 2400 PRINTp1$;"U";p2$;"I":PRINTp1$;"B be sure printer is set up B" 2500 PRINTp1$;"B{space*2}press any key to print{space*3}B":PRINTp1$;"J";p2$;"K{light blue}" 2600 IFi>18THENd$(16)=STR$(i-18)+" more file(s)" 2700 GETq$:IFq$=""THEN2700 2800 OPEN3,4,7 2900 PRINT#3,CHR$(27);"8";CHR$(29); 3000 FORr=1TO8 3100 PRINT#3,;d$(r);d$(r+8) 3200 NEXTr 3300 CLOSE3 3400 PRINT"{up*3}";p1$;"B{space*11}another?{space*7}" 3500 PRINTp1$;"B{space*11}{reverse off}[y]{reverse on}/{reverse off}[n]{reverse on}{space*7}{light blue}" 3600 GETq$:IFq$=""THEN3600 3700 IFq$="y"THENPRINT"{clear}":GOTO3900 3800 PRINT"{clear}{down*3}{right*3}done":GOTO4500 3900 PRINT"{clear}{down*20}";p1$;"U";p2$;"I" 4000 PRINTp1$;"B insert disk to be labeled B" 4100 PRINTp1$;"B{space*2}hit any key to continue{space*2}B" 4200 PRINTp1$;"J";p2$;"K{light blue}" 4300 GETq$:IFq$=""THEN4300 4400 PRINT"{clear}":GOTO1400 4500 END stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)