Softwolves Software

Turquoise SuperStat

from Softwolves Software
Download now | GitHub

What is Turquoise?

Turquoise SuperStat reads the contents of a Fidonet message area in one of its supported formats, or standard Usenet news spools, and creates statistics about:

Turquoise SuperStat supports Squish, *.MSG, FDAPX/w, JAM, MyPoint and tanstaafl's message area base format, and Usenet news groups, either via standard Usenet news spools, or over NNTP.


This program is released under the GNU General Public License (with some minor additions to allow linking with proprietary code). This means that the source code of the program is included and can be modified to suit your needs.

Turquoise SuperStat is available in versions running from the command line and GUI (using Qt).

Software is not under active development. Do you want to take over and continue development? You're welcome, but please tell me so I can point to your information!

Get it!

You can download the files for Turquoise SuperStat from the file archive on SourceForge. The releases are currently only available as Unix formatted sources and a Window binary with sources, but it should also be possible to build the sources on OS/2. There used to be Debian packages available, but not anymore due to relying on obsolete libraries.
Version 3.0 was released on January 21st, 2008 and no further releases are planned.

The current source code can be retrieved via GIT from GitHub.

Since the repository was imported from an earlier CVS repository, there are some merge point information missing from it. To fix that, please download the grafts file and save it as .git/info/grafts in your newly cloned repository.


Command line version

Help screen:

$ turqstat -?
Turquoise 3.0 - Statistics tool for Fidonet and Usenet message bases
(c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Karlsson. GNU GPL 2 licensed.
A Softwolves Software Release in 2008.

Usage: turqstat [options] outputfile areadef(s)

Data selection and display options:
  -a path  Base path (see below)    -d days   Days back to count
  -n num   Maximum entries          -r range  Date range
  -F file  Use template file (default: default.tpl)

Input selection options:
  -s  Squish       -j  JAM          -p  MyPoint*
  -m  FTSC *.MSG   -f  FDAPX/w*     -U  Usenet nntp server**
  -o  Opus *.MSG   -t  Tanstaafl*   -u  Usenet news spool
    * = requires -a parameter         ** = use -a for server

Output selection options (turns off respective list):
  -Q  Quoters     -S  Subjects   -N  Fidonet nets   -H Hour stats
  -W  Writers     -P  Programs   -T  Topdomains*    -D Weekday stats
  -R  Receivers   -O  Original       * = off for Usenet, on for Fidonet
  -V          No version info    -A  Show all numbers in toplists
  -C charset  Output charset     -L  Use locale's date format

Statistics retrieval, Fidonet:

$ turqstat -j /tmp/report.txt -F /usr/share/turqstat/svenska.tpl /var/spool/ftn/msg/R20_INTR_KOM
Turquoise 3.0 - Statistics tool for Fidonet and Usenet message bases
(c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Karlsson. GNU GPL 2 licensed.
A Softwolves Software Release in 2008.

Finished reading /var/spool/ftn/msg/R20_INTR_KOM
Wrote /tmp/report.txt
Turquoise finished.


$ turqstat -U -a -d 31 /tmp/report.txt opera.general
Turquoise 3.0 - Statistics tool for Fidonet and Usenet message bases
(c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Karlsson. GNU GPL 2 licensed.
A Softwolves Software Release in 2008.

Finished reading opera.general
Wrote /tmp/report.txt
Turquoise finished.

GUI version

Main screen:




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Peter Krefting / $Date: 2023-12-06 23:15:50 $ /