Getting all translators together!

From: Swedish GNU/LI List (
Date: 1995-05-10 14:06:00

     List:     Swedish GNU/LI List
     Sender: (François Pinard)
     Subject:  Getting all translators together!
     Date:     Wed, 10 May 95 08:06 EDT

Hi, all people.  This message is sent to:

. people who already contributed translations for GNU packages,

. all people who wrote to <>, offering to
  help at translating GNU programs to their own native language,

. those who contacted me, or whom I contacted, directly or indirectly,
  for speaking about linguistic matters in context of programming.

GNU is almost ready to start setting up translation teams for real,
one per targeted language.  Here is the current list of teams, each
followed by its ISO 639 two-letter code:

   Chinese (zh), Czech (cs), Danish (da), Dutch (nl), Esperanto
   (eo), Finnish (fi), French (fr), Irish (ga), German (de), Greek
   (el), Italian (it), Japanese (ja), Indonesian (in), Norwegian
   (no), Polish (pl), Portuguese (pt), Russian (ru), Spanish (es),
   Swedish (sv) and Turkish (tr).

Currently, some teams contain only one member.  The widest
team (the German team) currently contains 12 members.  The GNU
internationalization project will get more widely announced, and
<> will surely receive many more offers
from possible translators.  I would like to redirect those requests
to the appropriate teams, and let each team receive its volunteers.
In fact, each team should decide for itself on its organization
and set up its own ways.  My only role, as GNU coordinator for
localization, should be to help establishing common ways so teams,
maintainers and users communicate smoothly.

National Language Support utilities will soon be ready.  This is
a wonderful package, which should soon be prereleased to the
translation teams themselves, for it should itself be translated
to many languages.  Other packages are also getting ready for
localization, and they will always be announced to all translating
teams as soon as pretesting and translation is possible.

Each team has its own mailing list, courtesy of Linux International.
Because Linux has a wider scope than strictly GNU, translation
teams may also elect to extend their scope beyond GNU, at their
discretion.  For writing to all members of your team, use the
email address <>, replacing `XX' by the two letter code
for your language, given earlier in this message.  For example,
Chinese would use <>.  Feel free to use your native
language when discussing items on your mailing list, unless your
team collectively decide otherwise.

Everybody can subscribe or unsubscribe for any list.  Swedish people
can send a message to <> having one of the words:


in the body of their message, depending if they want to be added
or removed from the team mailing list.  Please keep in mind that
team members should be interested in *working* at translations, or
at solving translational difficulties, far more than merely lurking
at what others do!

I took the unusual step of subscribing quite a few people to the different
mailing lists.  I did this because it was the easiest way to reach
everyone and hopefully you'll be interested enough that you'll want
to participate (thereby saving you some work in subscribing).  My
sincere apologies for not consulting with you first.  If you'd like
me to remove your name, please email me (else you could unsubscribe

All lists are administrated by Majordomo.  For those who are curious,
send a message to <> with the word:


in the body of the message.  You will receive a list of available
commands.  Please write to <> if you need to reach a
human being, instead of Majordomo.  Patrick D'Cruze is the one maintaining
the mailing lists at Linux International.

To warm you up, waiting for nlsutils to be prereleased to all of
you, let me give you two little initial tasks.  First, discover if
you are alone or not in your team.  For example, if you are Italian,
send a message to <> containing this line in the
body of the message:

   who it

Of course, you replace `it' by your own team code, here.  If you
discover you are not alone, present yourself to the other members,
using the translation team mailing list itself.

Second, working all together, or even if you are all alone, replace
the default greeting message which newcomers see, by one that better
suits the taste of your team, while possibly translating it to your
own language.  To see the default greeting message, French members
should send a message to <> containing this line
in the body of the message:

   info fr

Once you all agree on the text, send it to <> with
instructions on which list its for.  Patrick will then install it.
Check that it works!  Note: this info file is automatically sent out
to new subscribers to the list.  It was not sent to you because we
took a short-cut when subscribing you to the lists (we edited the
mailing-list files manually).

Consider electing some representative in your team for submitting
material, like this translated greeting message.  This might ensure
unique submissions, and it will surely ease later communications
if each team has a well-identified representative.  If you are alone
in your team, selection will surely be easier to achieve :-).

OK!  That's enough for now.  We should be back with real news within
a few weeks.  Have fun in the meantime!

François Pinard         ``Vivement GNU!''       <>
Email for info about the League for Programming Freedom.

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