Re: Super OS-9 REL volume: Question

From: Rhialto <>
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2020 23:01:43 +0200
Message-ID: <>
On Sat 26 Sep 2020 at 13:50:16 -0500, vtgearhead wrote:
> The SuperPET port of OS-9 mounts a Commodore REL file as its filesystem.  For
> some reason, the REL record size is 129 bytes.  Does anyone know why such an
> odd number was used?  I could understand 128 (2 records = one logical
> sector), but 129 strikes me as an unusual choice.

Or 127 would make sense too: 2 records fit in a single sector.
But 254 makes the most sense in Commodore disk context.

UCSD Pascal uses 128 byte records.

I recently improved REL file support in VICE for the "filesystem
device". That is where you're not using a disk image but access the
host's file system. My improvements seem good enough for Pascal but
maybe OS-9 does different things. Maybe you can try?

Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert -- rhialto at falu dot nl
___  Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on
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