Mysterious 1541 behaviour

Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2013 18:18:06 +0100
Message-Id: <>
Well... maybe mysterious only for me (which I hope it to be :-)

There is a code for 1541, which transfers A supplied byte over (SpeedDOS type) parallel port:

	sta unused_44
	lda $1800
	ora #$02
	sta $1800
	lda #$ff	; data direction for Port A ($1801) all OUTPUTS
	sta $1803
:	lda $1800
	and #$04	; mask bit 2 CLK-in bit out
	beq :-		; wait for (CLK-in) bit to get HI...
	lda $1800
	and #%11100101	; clear DATA-out (and CLK-out and ATN-out)
	lda unused_44
	sta $1801	; put the byte on parallel port
	sty $1800	; bring DATA LO (it will get inverted on the host side)
:	lda $1800
	and #$04	; mask bit 2 CLK-in bit out
	bne :-		; wait for CLK-in to get LO
	lda $1800
	ora #$02	; prepare to set DATA HI
	sty $1800	; set DATA HI

Handshakes are done over DATA line.

What is mysterious though is that if there is a delay before sending out the very first byte (only!) then instead of the actual byte a $ff gets through.

	jsr delay
	jsr sync_with_host
	jsr delay
	lda #'1'
	jsr parallel_send_byte_to_host
	jsr delay
	lda #'2'
	jsr parallel_send_byte_to_host
	jsr delay
	lda #'3'
	jsr parallel_send_byte_to_host
	jsr delay
	lda #'4'
	jsr parallel_send_byte_to_host
	jsr delay
	jmp ($FFFC)

Only the "delay" _directly_ before lda #'1' affects the result sent. "delay" is a simple busy loop like:

	ldy #$00
	ldx #$00
:	dex
	bne :-
	bne :-

On the host side an equally simple routine receives the bytes:

	ldx #$00    ; all CI2PRB (USER PORT)
	stx $dd03	; bits set for INPUTs
	ldx #$13    ; CLK HI and VIC bank 0 selected
	stx $dd00	; set to HI
	ldx #$03    ; that's for next handshaking - ATN, CLK, DATA set to LO while keeping VIC bank 0 selected
	bit $dd00	; wait for DATA line ack on the SERIAL (inverted LO from drive)
	bpl @wait_for_DATA_line_HI
	lda $dd01	; fetch the byte off the parallel port
	stx $dd00	; ATN and CLK set to LO while keeping VIC bank 0 selected
	bit $dd00	; wait for DATA line ack on the SERIAL (inverted HI from drive)
	bmi @wait_for_DATA_line_LO

IRQs are disabled on both sides.. Is there a known explanation to this phenomenon?

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