Re: TED based motherboard

From: MagerValp (
Date: 2007-04-04 13:34:40

>>>>> "AC" == Anders Carlsson <> writes:

AC> I have carefully removed the three EPROMs and read them one after
AC> eachother. The 2764:s seem to be fine, but I'm unsure if I managed
AC> to successfully read the AM27128.

Bit 3 appears to be stuck high:

00111101 00101000 10001000 00001111 10001000 00001111 00101001 00101000
11001100 11111111 10101001 00001000 10001101 00011101 00101000 00111100
10001100 01011000 10101010 10001000 01101100 00001000 00001011 10001010
00111000 00001011 01001100 11101111 10001111 01001100 01101100 10001000
00101000 11111001 10001000 00101000 00111001 10001000 00101000 10101001
10001000 00101000 11001000 10001000 10101010 11111011 10011010 11011000
11101001 10101001 01001100 10001101 01011000 10001101 01111011 10101001
00101100 10101000 10101100 10001101 01111100 10001100 01111101 10101001
01111110 10101000 10101101 10001101 00001100 10001100 00001101 10101001
01111001 10101000 10101011 10001101 00001010 10001100 00001011 10101010
01111100 10111101 01001001 10001001 10011101 10111001 00001011 11001010
11011000 11111111 10101001 00001011 10001101 01011111 10101001 00001000
10001101 01101100 10001101 00011101 10001101 00011010 10001101 00101101
00001100 10001101 00111000 00001011 10001101 10101011 00001011 10001101
10101100 00001011 10001101 00101001 00001100 10001101 00101000 00001100
10001101 00101010 00001100 10101010 00001001 10001110 11111101 00001001

I'm not sure how you'd go about repairing it, but at least small
pieces of code should be easy to reconstruct by manually resetting bit
3 if the code doesn't make sense.

    ___          .     .  .         .       . +  .         .      o   
  _|___|_   +   .  +     .     +         .  Per Olofsson, arkadspelare
    o-o    .      .     .   o         +
     -       +            +    .

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