163 data base research & reports ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ almost all report and informat- ion retrieval from the book- keeping files is done with this function. - the chart of accounts can be accessed - as can expense entries and revenue records. searches will locate records in any file by date or account number and other groupings. special reports may be prod- uced to provide in depth financial analysis of account- ing data. - many valuable reports can be generated with the following functions. - chart of accounts searches ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ there are three search functions available for the chart of accounts data base. the first finds the name of a chart entry if you know the account reference number. the screen will clear and display- - account number to find (xxx) - enter the three digit account reference number. the system will search and provide you with a chart of accounts title that matches the number. a similar task can be done if you know the name and need to find the account's number. when requesting a search by account name the screen will clear to display - - account title to find - enter the title and press the return key. if the title you input is held in the file a complete record will display. - if the information you input does not match any data that is held in the files the fol- lowing message will display - - entry not found - the third type of search will provide a complete listing of the chart of accounts. this function will provide both screen displays and printed reports. revenue information searches +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ revenue searches will find all records that match your re- quested data. follow the screen directions and select the type of search you wish to perform. this may be by date - account no. - amount or a display of all revenue records. the screen will give the following choice - - select 1 search by date . 2 search by amount . 3 search by accnt. # . 4 display all info. - make the appropriate selection and press the return key. if records exist that match your request all data will display. finding expense records +++++++++++++++++++++++ expense record searches are the most powerful data base queries of the entire book- keeping system. the functions will provide both screen displays and printed reports. - you may obtain just one specific record from the file or find all records of a particular type. - if you obtain a listing of all transactions the system will provide a complete list- ing in date order. - screen displays will show all informaion held in the files for every entry. this includes check numbers and description - as well as account information and amounts. - you may choose to examine just one type of expense records. a special single factor search will locate all records by these groups - - day...finds all records for a given date - such as all expenses incurred on may 5th. - month...finds all records for any given month. - account number...will find all records within a specific chart of accounts reference number grouping. - amount... will find all expenses of the given amount. - type (cash-check-card-other) ...finds all entries made with a given payment medium. - check number...here you can locate any check you have written by entering the check number. - - a two criterion (factor) search will develop a report based on multiple pieces of information in the files. this function could be used - for example - to find all credit card purchases for any month. or possibly to find how many checks were written on december 25th. any com- bination of elements may be used to structure the report. - both screen displays and formal printed reports can be generated with this system feature.