102 open the 1st set of files +++++++++++++++++++++++++ this section is for the first time use of the financial system. a second use of this function could destroy records by erasing information on the data disk. - this sequence of tasks will be done only once. first the system will format (organize) two blank diskettes to hold your financial records. then you will be guided through a logical progression - building an accounting records storage and retrieval system. - - - - - step 1. create a data disk +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ follow the screen directions that have been displayed and remove the program disk from the disk drive unit. - follow the screen prompts that instruct you to insert a blank unformatted disk into the drive. this will be the disk that holds your records. the system will automatically for- mat the disk. when the disk drive stops remove it from the the drive and label it ledger data files. +++++++++++++++++ - - - - step 2. create a back-up disk ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ continue to follow the screen directions and insert a second diskette into the drive. this second disk will later hold a duplicate copy of your finan- cial records for security. - - step 3. the chart of accounts ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ the chart of accounts set up the system by which all your records are handled and class- ified. it is the essential key to maximum access of this system's bookkeeping features. a complete guide to creating a chart of accounts appears in the user manual and in the on- line instructions. refer to both before entering the in- formation. chart numbers must be three digits and conform to standard accounting practice formats for numbering. - - step 4. deposit revenue +++++++++++++++++++++++ the revenue files hold all records of incoming funds. follow the screen requests when adding information. the on-screen directions will be self explanatory. - if you have not used this sys- tem before or if you wish to review the information - refer to the user manual and the on- line instruction. - step 5. list expenses ++++++++++++++++++++++ the expense records file con- tains a financial trail of all outgoing funds. here all ex- penditures are listed. follow the screen directions when ad- ding the data. be sure to review the user manual and on- screen instructions before adding expense information if you are new to the system. -