start tok64 d64-5eIcyq 7 REM"{141}{up}{reverse on} directory link examiner (c)1991 mr.p. {reverse off} 8 REM"{141}{up}{reverse on} and softwolves software public domain {reverse off} 9 REM"{141}{up}{space*9}{down}{reverse on} for sys pd {141}{space*9}{reverse on} - the # 1! {down} 10 PRINT"{clear}sector:","link: 11 FORi=.TO18:PRINT"{left}"i:NEXT 12 PRINT"#: 13 PRINT"sc:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1"; 14 PRINT"{space*23}0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 v$="abcdefghijklmnopqr 16 PRINT"{home}{down*2}",,"the directory link",,,"examiner",,,,"(c)1991 mr.p. 17 dn$="{home}{down*20} 18 OPEN15,8,15,"i0:":OPEN2,8,2,"# 19 GOTO22 20 ns=ns+1:IFNOTlTHENPRINTLEFT$(dn$,os+2),"{left}"s 21 PRINTdn$TAB(os*2+3)MID$(v$,ns,1)"{home}{down*6}",,"# of sectors:"ns:IFlGOTO26 22 os=s:PRINT#15,"u1 2 0 18"os 23 GET#2,t$:GET#2,s$ 24 IFt$=""THENl=-1:GOTO20 25 s=ASC(s$+CHR$(.)):GOTO20 26 CLOSE15:CLOSE15:PRINT"{home}{down*20} 27 REM"{141}{up}save"dir link exam",8 stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)