+! USAGE: !äoptionå SYNOPSIS: ! is the history substitution prefix. It is used in conjunction with the HISTORY command to recall previous commands. Variations: !! repeats the previous command !!:p prints the previous command !* append all the arguments from the previous command !↑ append the first argument from the previous command !$ append the last argument from the previous command !:n append the n'th argument (n=1-9) from the previous command !n repeats the n'th command of your session !-n repeats the command issued n times ago !word repeats the command that starts with 'word' !?word repeats the command that contains the string 'word' Note that with !! you can add arguments, for example: % ls % !! -F = ls -F +< USAGE: % äcommandå < äfileå SYNOPSIS: Take input from a disk file. This command is usually unnecessary, since most commands already take file arguments. See > +> USAGE: % äcommandå > äfileå SYNOPSIS: Re-route output to a disk file. A command such as LS >FILE will show the directory and copy the screen output to the sequential file FILE. '>>' can be used in place of '>' to append the data to the file instead of overwriting it. +@ USAGE: % @ädos commandå SYNOPSIS: Issue a standard Commodore DOS command (examples: @i0 will initialize drive 0; @s0:text will delete the file 'text') NOTE: Disk commands issued in this fashion will NOT update Unix 128's internal directories; 'fsck' must be performed. +ADDUSER USAGE: % adduser SYNOPSIS: (Requires root privelege) Add a new user to the password file. Enter the user's username, password, privilege (1=superuser/full access, 2=user/restricted access), and home directory (the directory must exist first, 'root' (/) is the default). +ALIAS USAGE: % alias ä name ädefå å SYNOPSIS: Assign def to the alias name. def is a list of words that will replace the name on the command line. If def is omitted, the alias name is displayed along with its current definition. If both name and def are omitted, all aliases are displayed. See unalias. +ALLOC USAGE: % alloc SYNOPSIS: Show the current memory allocated, free variable memory, free program memory, and expanded (REU) memory. +APROPOS USAGE: % apropos ä phrase å SYNOPSIS: Perform a keyword search for a phrase in the manual, and list the manual pages and lines on which the command is found. +AS USAGE: % as -h or % as ä filename å SYNOPSIS: This is the 8510 (6502) assembler/machine language monitor /disassembler for the Unix 128 system. To compile assembler source code, type '% as filename'. The assembler will first parse the code and write 'filename.o' (an 8510 source file). It will then compile the code into a binary file (called 'a.out') and returns to the system prompt. Type 'as -h' for the command reference / help screen and see the 'intro' document for a more complete introduction to using as. +BANNER USAGE: % banner ä string å SYNOPSIS: banner prints the given string in large capital letters on the standard output device (i.e. to be useful, use banner string ◤ lpr). banner knows how to print only capital letters, numbers, and some punctuation marks (!.*=). +BASIC USAGE: % basic SYNOPSIS: The BASIC utility allows the conversion of SEQ editor files to Commodore BASIC 2.0/7.0. This feature allows the programmer to use emacs to write BASIC code, instead of using the standard screen editor. +BDIFF USAGE: % bdiff ä file1 å ä file2 å SYNOPSIS: Display the differences between two large files. +BROWSE USAGE: % browse ( command ) SYNOPSIS: Enter the interactive manual browser, and lookup the command specified, if applicable. The browser is an extension of the man command useful in learning the commands used in Unix 128. +CAL USAGE: % cal ä month å ä year å SYNOPSIS: cal displays a calendar for the specified month and year. year can be between 1905 and 2300. month is between 1 and 12. cal requires both arguments, which must be numeric. +CAT USAGE: % cat ä filelist... å SYNOPSIS: cat is used to display the named text files (use 'od' to display binary files). If an output redirection is specified, cat can be used to combine (concatenate) multiple files. (ex. cat file1 file2 >file3 combines file1 and file2 and writes the result to file3). If no input file is specified (i.e. cat >file1), cat can be used as simple line editor (it will create file1 and take its contents from the standard input. (CTRL-D to quit)) +CD USAGE: % cd ä dir å SYNOPSIS: Change the shell's working directory to directory dir. The following have special meaning to cd: 'cd  ' or 'cd' changes to your home directory. 'cd /' changes to the root directory 'cd .' changes to the current directory (useless, but compatible). 'cd ..' changes to the current directory's parent (go up 1 dir) +CDN USAGE: % cdn SYNOPSIS: Change the 1571 drive's device number. This command physically changes the drive's number. See DEV. +CHDIR USAGE: % chdir ä dir å SYNOPSIS: CHDIR is identical to the CD command. See CD. +CHMOD USAGE: % chmod ä p1 å ä p2 å ä filename å SYNOPSIS: Change the permissions mode of a file. p1 are the permissions for the owner of the file, and p2 are the permissions for the world (other users). The permissions field may be either r (read only), w (write only), rw (read and write), or - (no permission granted). chmod takes a single filename as an argument. +CLEAR USAGE: % clear SYNOPSIS: Clears the video display screen. +CMP USAGE: % cmp ä file1 å ä file2 å SYNOPSIS: Read two files and show the differences between them line by line. +COLOR USAGE: % color ä character color å ä background color å SYNOPSIS: Set the character and background color. Color must be between 1 and 16. +COMMANDS USAGE: % commands SYNOPSIS: Show the commands supported by this version of Unix 128. +CP USAGE: % cp (-i) ä filelist... å or % cp -F SYNOPSIS: CP is the copy command. -i (interactive), if specified, will cause cp to give a prompt before overwriting files. cp can perform one of four functions: cp dir1 dir2 copies all of directory dir1 to dir2 cp filelist... dirname copies the files named to the named directory cp file1 file2 make a copy of file1 called file2 cp -F copy the whole filesystem using two drives. This requires that the filesystem is up-to-date (% fsck first). Note: any filename or directory name can be prefixed by a device number and colon (ex: 9:stdlib.i) to specify copies from different drives. +DATE USAGE: % date or % date ä yymmddhhmmss å SYNOPSIS: Show the current date and time. When the 'yymmddhhmmss' is given, DATE will set the date (year-month-day) and the time (hour-minute-second). Ex.: date 890408030250 will set the date to 04-08-89 and the time to 3:02:50. +DC USAGE: % dc (expr) SYNOPSIS: Desktop calculator. This is a reverse polish notation engine similar to the Unix dc, with a standard (infix) notation interface similar to 'bc.' If no expression is given, dc is entered in interactive mode and the dc> prompt is given (type '?' for help.) If an expression is given, dc will evaluate that expression and return the solution to the standard output (% dc 3+2 will print '5') and return to the shell. To exit interactive mode, type 'exit'. +DD USAGE: % dd (convtype) ä (IF=)file1 å ä (OF=)file2 å SYNOPSIS: Reads the input file, converts text characters according to the convtype, and copies to the output file. The valid (convtype)s are: -lcase (-l) converts the input file to lower case -ucase (-u) converts the input file to upper case -scase (-s) swaps cases (Hello -> hELLO) +DELETE USAGE: % delete ä file å ä (ä)dir(å) å SYNOPSIS: Delete a file from a specified directory, but not from the diskette. The brackets äå around the directory are optional. +DEROFF USAGE: % deroff ä file å SYNOPSIS: deroff removes the nroff formatting constructs from nroff source files. It removes any önn macros, and any line beginning with a period (.). deroff writes the file with the extension '.txt' (example- file.txt). See NROFF. +DEV USAGE: % dev SYNOPSIS: Change the devices associated with input/output. You can alter: -input device: Usually 0, the keyboard- where any input comes from. -output device: Usually 3, the console screen- where output is printed. -system drive: where system files are to be loaded from (usually 8). -data drive: where data files are to be loaded from (usually 8 or 9). This does not alter hardware device numbers (see CDN), but is used to redirect i/o. See also EXT. +DF USAGE: % df SYNOPSIS: Display free and used disk space. +DIR USAGE: % dir ( n ) SYNOPSIS: DIR will show the CBM disk directory, as if the 'directory' or 'catalog' commands were issued from BASIC. Optionally, the device number n (n=8-30) may be specified. +DOS USAGE: % dos SYNOPSIS: Enter the DOS shell emulator. This is a command interpreter only; it cannot read nor execute MS-DOS files. +DU USAGE: % du SYNOPSIS: Show current disk usage statistics. +ECHO USAGE: % echo ä list å SYNOPSIS: The words in list are written to the shell's standard output, separated by SPACE characters. Echo is useful in scripts. +EMACS USAGE: % emacs ( filename ) SYNOPSIS: Enter the advanced text editor. CTRL-h will list the features of this watered-down version of the mainframe emacs text editor. If a filename is given, emacs will attempt to load that file into memory. See the 'intro' document for more information. +ERROR USAGE: % error ä n å SYNOPSIS: Returns information about a specified error number, both as a DOS error and a CPU error. +EXT USAGE: % ext SYNOPSIS: Set Unix to run as a multi-user system, using the modem as the input/ output device. The 'login:' security system is used. *Please* note that this system is largely untested and probably buggy :). +FILE USAGE: % file ä filename å SYNOPSIS: Show the file type (Prg, Seq, Dir, Usr, or Rel) of a file. +FILENAME COMPLETION USAGE: % (<-) or (ESC) SYNOPSIS: Filename completion key. Will complete an unfinished filename by searching the current directory. Example: 'cat .l (ESC)' should complete to 'cat .login' from the system disk root directory. +FIND USAGE: % find ä file å SYNOPSIS: Searches the disk for file and shows the correct directory path (/.../file) to that file. +FLUSH USAGE: % flush SYNOPSIS: FLUSH will send the remaining output from a background print to the printer without wait (makes the printing the first priority). See LPRM. +FMT USAGE: % fmt ä filelist... å SYNOPSIS: Display a text file on the standard output. See cat. +FOOT USAGE: % foot -änå ä filelist... å SYNOPSIS: Display the last n lines of the specified files. +FSCK USAGE: % fsck SYNOPSIS: fsck stands for filesystem consistency check- it copies the disk directory to the root directory (minus files that exist in subdirectories), and then checks all the subdirectories for files that no longer exist on the disk. Same as UPDATE. +FTP USAGE: % ftp (number) or ftp -server SYNOPSIS: ftp is used for inter-site file transfers between two Unix 128 systems. There are two modes: 1. ftp (number) enters the remote terminal mode. If a phone number is given, ftp will dial it and attempt to connect. 2. ftp -s enters server mode, which will allow others to dial your system. See the 'Introduction to ftp' section of 'intro' for more information. Also, you can type '?' for help while using ftp. +GREP USAGE: % grep (-vin) ä pattern å ä filelist... å SYNOPSIS: Search a file(s) for a string pattern. The options are: -v invert the search and show only lines that don't match -i ignore the case of letters (i.e. uppercase=lowercase) -n precede each line with its relative line number in the file +HEAD USAGE: % head ä -n å ä filelist... å SYNOPSIS: Display the first n lines of the specified files. +HISTORY USAGE: % history ä -r å ä n å SYNOPSIS: Display the history list; if n is given, display only the n most recent events. -r reverses the order of printout to be most recent first rather than oldest first. NOTE: UPCURSOR/DOWNCURSOR will step through the last 5 events. +HGREP USAGE: % hgrep ä pattern å ä file å SYNOPSIS: Search file for a string pattern. HGREP displays the file as it searches, and highlights in reverse the patterns found. +IOSTAT USAGE: % iostat SYNOPSIS: Show the disk error channel. +KEYS The following keys have been redefined on the Unix 128 keyboard layout: Ä left curly brace = SHIFT- (plus) Å right curly brace = SHIFT- (minus) ö backslash = british pound key ↑ exponent = exponent (up arrow) key   tilde = SHIFT- exponent (up arrow) key ◤ pipe = SHIFT- british pound key These keys are the same for all applications under Unix 128. +KILL USAGE: % kill (%änå) SYNOPSIS: Kill process n. KILL alone stops the current process. Use in conjunction with PS. kill %1 (the login) will generally log you off the system. See PS. +LEAVE USAGE: % leave SYNOPSIS: Set the alarm clock. +LN USAGE: % ln ä directory å ä linkname å SYNOPSIS: ln creates a soft symbolic link to a directory. An example of a symbolic link is the directory entry "..", which is a link to the parent of the current directory. Links appear in the directory as '(l) link dir' or 'link dir@' depending on the ls options. Links may be used with 'cd', but not as a link to files. +LOCK USAGE: % lock ä filelist... å SYNOPSIS: Lock one or more files to prevent accidental erasure. Locked files appear in CBM directories with a < following their filetype (example: PRG< ). See UNLOCK. +LOGOUT USAGE: % logout or % logoff or CTRL-D SYNOPSIS: Terminate a login shell. If Unix is running as a multi-user system, control will return to the 'login:' prompt. Otherwise, control will return to BASIC. If you log out prematurely and wish to restart the program, type 'RUN "REBOOT"' from BASIC. +LPQ USAGE: % lpq SYNOPSIS: Show the files queued for background printing. +LPR USAGE: % lpr ä filelist... å (&) SYNOPSIS: Print a file. If the trailing & is included, the file will be printed in the background when the system is idle. Note: Files printed in the background can be queued, but files printed in the foreground cannot. See FLUSH, LPRM, LPQ, RESTART. +LPRM USAGE: % lprm SYNOPSIS: Dump the printer queue (stop background printing), without printing the rest of the current job. See FLUSH, RESTART. +LPTEST USAGE: % lptest SYNOPSIS: Prints a standard ASCII ripple pattern to the standard output device (so to actually test the printer, do lptest◤lpr) +LS USAGE: % ls ( -adfFlosr ) ( dir ) SYNOPSIS: List the contents of the specified directory, or the current directory if none is specified. The qualifiers are: -a Show all files (normally files starting with '.' are not shown) -d Show directories only -f Show files only -s Show size of files in Kb. -F Mark directories with a trailing slash (/), program files with a trailing asterisk (*), and symbolic links with a trailing at-sign (@). -l Print in long form (filetype permissions owner filename size(bytes)) -o Order (alphabetically sort) the directory -r Show all directories on the filesystem (must be the last option specified.) +MAIL USAGE: % mail or % mail ä username å SYNOPSIS: Enters the mail utility, mainly for use under the multi-user system. If a username is specified, 'mail' will prompt for a message to send to that user. If no argument is given, mail allows you to read the mail in your .mbox interactively. +MAN USAGE: % man (-k) ä command name å SYNOPSIS: Show the manual entry for a given command. The -k option allows keyword searching of the entire manual, and will report the command name and line on which the keyword match occured. See BROWSE. Manual entries: USAGE: This is what you type at the shell prompt (%). Of course, you don't type the '%'. Anything in ä brackets å is a required parameter, and anything in ( parentheses ) is an optional parameter. SYNOPSIS: This explains (succinctly) what the command accomplishes, and refers you to related commands (such as See foo). +MAZE USAGE: % maze (maze length) SYNOPSIS: maze will draw an 80 column wide maze on the standard output. The default length is 10, but can be as large as 39. +MENU USAGE: % menu or äALTå key or joystick/mouse button SYNOPSIS: Invokes the user-definable menu. In the .login you may include up to 15 lines describing menu operations. The .login syntax is 'menu titlestringöcommandöcommand2...' where titlestring is the <16 character line that appears in the menu, followed by a backslash and the command or commands (separated by more backslashes) to invoke. For example, to clear the screen and show the error channel: menu --do me--öclearöiostat. To exit without doing anything, use the command 'nop' (ex: menu --Quit--önop). You can use the cursor keys and RETURN, or a joystick to cycle through and select menu items. +MKDIR USAGE: % mkdir ä dir å SYNOPSIS: Create a new subdirectory called 'dirname', whose parent is the current directory. See rmdir. +MORE USAGE: % more ä file å SYNOPSIS: Page through a text file one screenful at a time. At the --MORE-- prompt, 'q' will quit, and äSPACEå will continue. +MV USAGE: % mv ä file1 å ( ä file2 å or ä dir å ) SYNOPSIS: If given two valid filenames, mv will rename file1 to file2. If the second parameter is a directory, mv will delete file1 from the current directory and move it into the named directory.