"tele-chess version 1.4 " "this is a two player chess game that "allows the players to each play from "the comfort of their own home via a "modem and telephone connection. " "the following files are needed to play "this game:tele-chess 1.4, chess.chrset, "and tele-chess.doc. " "after the program has loaded in, you "will be asked for your name, the name "of your opponent, and for a modem "command. " " "the modem command is for smart modems. "the command you enter will be sent to "your modem before the start of the "match. eg: ata, ato, " "if you do not have a smart modem, just "press return at the modem command "prompt. " "the two players should contact each "other by phone, and decide who will "play white, and who will play black. "answer the prompt for the side to play "and the board will be set up. the "players should switch on their modems, "one in answer mode, the other in "originate mode, and then the game can "begin. " "use joystick in port 2. click once on "the piece you wish to move and click "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot "again on the square that you want to "move to. the piece will automatically "be moved on each of the players "boards. please note that due to the "error checking in the move routines, "you cannot move pieces unless you are "in modem contact with anot