start tok64 d64-rptF7a 45 SYS2794: 50 PRINT"{clear}{space*16}{reverse on}q-tility" 60 PRINT" copyright (c) 1986 by charles shelton":PRINT 70 PRINT"q-tility is now activated. press the" 80 PRINT"cntrl and crsr up/down keys at the" 90 PRINT"same time to access the function menu," 100 PRINT"even if another program is running." 110 PRINT:PRINT"this program is public domain," 120 PRINT"but is being distributed under the" 130 PRINT"'shareware' concept. if you find it" 140 PRINT"useful, the author would appreciate" 150 PRINT"your sending $10 to: 160 PRINT 165 PRINT"{space*3}charles shelton" 170 PRINT"{space*3}2626 federal st." 180 PRINT"{space*3}el paso, texas 79930" 190 PRINT:PRINT"in return, you will become a registered" 200 PRINT"user, and receive full documentation in" 210 PRINT"the mail, along with support and" 220 PRINT"opportunities to receive upgrades." 230 END stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)