start tok64 d64-9PcD0D 10 PRINT"{clear}{space*9}{cm a}{sh asterisk*19}{cm s}" 15 PRINT"{space*9}{sh -}{cm +*19}{sh -}" 16 PRINT"{space*9}{sh -}{cm +}{space*2}peek utility{space*3}{cm +}{sh -}" 17 PRINT"{space*9}{sh -}{cm +}{space*7}by{space*8}{cm +}{sh -}" 18 PRINT"{space*9}{sh -}{cm +}finley w. goodwyn{cm +}{sh -}" 19 PRINT"{space*9}{sh -}{cm +}{space*2}copyright 1988 {cm +}{sh -}" 20 PRINT"{space*9}{sh -}{cm +*19}{sh -}" 25 PRINT"{space*9}{cm z}{sh asterisk*19}{cm x}" 30 PRINT"{down} {reverse on}1{reverse off} view directory{space*4}{reverse on}5{reverse off} validate a disk" 40 PRINT"{down} {reverse on}2{reverse off} format a disk{space*5}{reverse on}6{reverse off} change file name" 45 PRINT"{down} {reverse on}3{reverse off} change disk name{space*2}{reverse on}7{reverse off} scratch a file" 50 PRINT"{down} {reverse on}4{reverse off} change disk id{space*4}{reverse on}8{reverse off} quit" 52 PRINT"{down}{space*10}{reverse on}9{reverse off} instructions" 55 PRINT"{down*3}{space*11}{reverse on}enter a number" 60 GETa:IFa<1ORa>9THEN60 65 ONaGOTO 100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900 75 PRINT"{clear}{down*4}{space*5}are you sure you want to quit?{space*10}(y/n)?" 100 PRINT"{clear}{space*5}1. view directory" 102 PRINT"{space*8}{cm u*14}" 104 OPEN2,8,0,"$" 106 PRINT"{down}{space*3}you can pause it with 'space'" 108 PRINT"{space*3}any key to continue.":PRINT 110 GET#2,a$:GET#2,a$ 112 GET#2,l$:GET#2,l$:IF st=64 THEN CLOSE2:GOTO 128 114 GET a$:IF a$<>" " THEN120 116 POKE198,0 118 GET a$:IF a$="" THEN 118 120 GET#2,lb$:GET#2,hb$:ln=ASC(lb$+CHR$(0))+256*ASC(hb$+CHR$(0)) 122 PRINT ln; 124 GET#2,a$:IFa$=""THEN PRINT CHR$(13);:GOTO 112 126 PRINT a$;:GOTO 124 128 PRINT"{down}{reverse on}{space*2}press 'return' to go to menu" 130 GET a$:IF a$<>CHR$(13) THEN 130 132 PRINT CHR$(142):GOTO 10 200 PRINT"{clear}{down*2}{space*12}2. format a disk" 202 PRINT"{space*15}{cm u*13}" 204 PRINT"{down}{space*9}remove utility disk" 206 PRINT"{down}{space*9}insert disk to be formatted" 208 PRINT"{down*2}{space*9}then press space bar." 210 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN210 212 PRINT"{clear}{down} warning":PRINT"{down*2}disk to be formatted" 214 PRINT"will be erased. ok? y/n?" 216 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN216 218 IFa$="n"THENPRINTCHR$(147):PRINT"{down}{space*6}remove disk.":GOTO 260 220 IFa$<>"y"THEN216 222 PRINT"{clear}{down}enter disk name using 1 to 16 characters":INPUTn$ 224 PRINT"{down}{space*6}enter disk id using 2 characters":INPUT id$: 226 PRINT"{down*2}{space*6}are name and id correct? y/n?" 228 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN228 230 IFa$="y"THENPRINT"{down*2}":GOTO 236 232 IFa$="n"THEN200:GOTO222 234 GOTO 228 236 PRINT"has disk been used before? y/n?":PRINT 238 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN238 240 IFa$="n"GOTO250 242 IFa$<>"y"GOTO238 244 GOSUB272 246 PRINT#15,"new0:"n$ 248 GOTO254 250 GOSUB272 252 PRINT#15,"new0:"n$","id$ 254 CLOSE15 256 PRINT"{clear}":c$=CHR$(13) 258 PRINT"disk" CHR$(34)n$","id$c$c$ "is ready to use." 260 PRINT"{space*6}end of format utility." 262 PRINT"{down}{space*4}would you like to format another{space*8}disk? y/n?" 264 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN264 266 IFa$="y"GOTO200 268 IFa$="n"THEN PRINT"{down*2}{space*7}press return to continue" 270 GETa$:IFa$<>CHR$(13)THEN270 271 GOTO10 272 OPEN15,8,15 274 PRINT"{clear}":FORi=1TO10:PRINT:NEXT:PRINTTAB(11)"formatting disk" 276 RETURN 300 PRINT"{clear}{space*10}3. change disk name" 302 PRINT"{space*13}{cm u*16}" 305 INPUT"{down*2}{space*6}new disk name";dn$ 310 IFLEN(dn$)<16THENdn$=dn$+CHR$(160):GOTO310 315 IFLEN(dn$)>16THENdn$=LEFT$(dn$,16) 320 OPEN15,8,15,"i" 325 OPEN8,8,8,"#" 330 PRINT#15, "u1:"8;0;18;0 335 PRINT#15, "b-p:"8;144 340 PRINT#8, dn$; 345 PRINT#15, "u2:"8;0;18;0 350 CLOSE8 355 CLOSE15 360 PRINT"{down*2}{space*7}{reverse on}press return to continue" 365 GETa$:IFa$<>CHR$(13)THEN365 370 GOTO10 400 PRINT"{clear}{space*10}4. change disk id" 402 PRINT"{space*13}{cm u*14}" 405 INPUT"{down*2}{space*6}new disk id";id$ 410 IFLEN(id$)<>2THEN405 415 OPEN15,8,15,"i" 420 OPEN8,8,8,"#" 425 PRINT#15, "u1:"8;0;18;0 430 PRINT#15, "b-p:"8;162 435 PRINT#8, id$; 440 PRINT#15, "u2:"8;0;18;0 445 CLOSE8 450 CLOSE15 455 GOTO 360 500 PRINT"{clear}{space*9}5. validate a disk" 502 PRINT"{space*12}{cm u*15}" 504 PRINT"{down*2}validation may take several minutes." 506 PRINT"{down*3}are you sure you want to validate the disk? y/n?" 508 GETa$:IFa$<>"y"ANDa$<>"n"THEN508 510 IFa$="n"GOTO10 512 OPEN15,8,15 514 PRINT#15,"v" 516 CLOSE15 518 GOTO 360 600 PRINT"{clear}{space*10}6. change a file name" 602 PRINT"{space*13}{cm u*18}" 604 PRINT"enter old file name":INPUT s$ 606 PRINT"is old nsure you want ts$ 63999 REM "Invalid BASIC input d64-9PcD0D stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)