start tok64 d64-p4as5L 10 REM ***tracker*** 20 RESTORE:CLR 30 c=0:FORa=828TO948:READb:POKEa,b:c=c+b:NEXT 40 c=0:FORa=49152TO49364:READ b:POKEa,b:c=c+b:NEXT 50 POKE49248,0 60 FORa=49500TO49539:READb:POKEa,b:NEXT 70 FORa=49542 TO 49564:READb:POKEa,b:NEXT 80 PRINTCHR$(8);CHR$(142);CHR$(147); 90 POKE 55,0:POKE 56,127:DIM nu$(495) 100 POKE53280,0:POKE53281,0 110 SYS 49500 120 n$(1)="seq":n$(2)="prg":n$(3)="usr":n$(4)="rel" 130 sp$="{space*25}" 140 GOSUB2520 150 a$="" 160 PRINT"{sh asterisk*7}{cm r}{sh asterisk*23}{cm r}{sh asterisk*8}"; 170 PRINT"{space*7}{sh -}number of entries #";nu 180 PRINT"{right*31}{up}{sh -}" 190 PRINT"{space*7}{cm z}{sh asterisk*23}{cm x}" 200 PRINT"enter the letter for the command" 210 PRINT 220 PRINT"a) abandon library" 230 PRINT"b) load tracker library" 240 PRINT"c) save tracker library" 250 PRINT"d) continue with entries" 260 PRINT"e) put in alphabetic order" 270 PRINT"f) look at enteries" 280 PRINT"g) delete an entry" 290 PRINT"h) edit an entry" 300 PRINT"i) print the entries" 310 PRINT"j) display the directory" 315 PRINT "k) notes to the user" 320 GETa$:IFa$>"k"ORa$<"a"THENGOTO320 330 a=ASC(a$)-64:IFa=1THENGOTO450:REM abandon file 340 IFnu=0 AND a>2 AND a<>10 AND a<>4 AND a<>11 THEN GOSUB2490:GOTO140 350 IFa=2THENGOTO730 360 IFa=3THENGOTO1180 370 IFa=4THENGOTO530 380 IFa=5THENGOTO1120 390 IFa=6THENGOTO2190 400 IFa=7THENGOTO2400 410 IFa=8THENGOTO980 420 IFa=9THENGOTO1340 430 IFa=10THENGOTO1840 435 IFa=11THENGOTO2900 440 END 450 GOSUB2520:PRINT"{space*12}abandon library" 460 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}"; 470 :PRINT"are you sure you want to abandon this{space*3}"; 480 PRINT"library? (y/n){space*26}"; 490 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN490 500 IFa$="y"THENSYS49525:POKE55,0:POKE56,160:SYS58260 510 IFa$<>"n"THEN140 520 GOTO 140 530 IFnu=495THENGOSUB2600:GOTO140 540 GOSUB 2520 550 PRINT"{space*13}enter entries" 560 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}"; 570 PRINT"enter 'end' or (return) to stop enteringentries" 580 PRINT 590 nu=nu+1:PRINTnu") " 600 nu$(nu)="" 610 z=nu:GOSUB 640 620 IFnu$(nu)="end"ORnu$(nu)=""THENnu=nu-1:nu$(nu+1)="":GOTO140 630 GOTO 530 640 PRINT"{home}{down*12}{right*6}";LEFT$(nu$(z)+"{reverse on} {reverse off}{space*2}",27) 650 PRINT"{home}{down*12}{right*31}{reverse on}{:*8}{reverse off}" 660 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN660 670 IFASC(a$)=13THENRETURN 680 IFASC(a$)=20ANDLEN(nu$(nu))>0THENnu$(z)=LEFT$(nu$(z),LEN(nu$(z))-1) 690 IFLEN(nu$(z))=25THENFORzz=1TO200:NEXT:GOTO660 700 IFASC(a$)<32ORASC(a$)>95THENGOTO640 710 nu$(z)=nu$(z)+a$:GOTO640 720 GOTO530 730 GOSUB2520 740 PRINT"{space*13}load library" 750 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}"; 760 PRINT"insert your disk with the tracker{space*7}library saved on it, and press"; 770 PRINT" {reverse on}space{reverse off}." 780 GETa$:IFa$<>" "THENGOTO780 790 OPEN 2,8,2:CLOSE2:IF st=0 THEN 830 800 PRINT "{down}turn disk drive on, and press a key" 810 GET a$:IFa$=""THEN810 820 PRINT"{up}{space*35}":PRINT"{up*2}"; 825 GOTO 790 830 OPEN2,8,2,"tracker library,s,r":INPUT#2,a$:CLOSE2:IFst=0THEN880 840 PRINT"{down}error, file was not found." 850 PRINT"press {reverse on}space{reverse off} to return to main menu":OPEN15,8,15,"i":CLOSE 15 860 GETa$:IFa$<>CHR$(32)THEN860 870 GOTO 140 880 IF nu=0 THEN 940 890 PRINT"{down}{red}danger{!*3}{white}{space*2}all names in memory will be{space*2}erased.{space*2}press {reverse on}space{reverse off} to "; 900 PRINT"continue.":PRINT"or any other key to quit." 910 GET a$:IFa$=""THEN910 920 IF a$=" "THEN GOTO 940 930 GOTO 140 940 PRINT"{down}please wait, loading the tracker library" 950 CLOSE1:OPEN1,8,8,"0:tracker library,s,r":INPUT#1,nu 960 FORa=1TOnu:INPUT#1,nu$(a):NEXTa:CLOSE1 970 GOTO140 980 GOSUB2520:PRINT"{space*18}edit" 990 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}"; 1000 PRINT"{down}which entry do you wish to edit?" 1010 PRINT"(1 -";nu;", 0 for none) "; 1020 INPUTz:IFz>nuTHEN980 1030 IFz=0THEN140 1040 IFz<1THEN980 1050 PRINT:PRINT"are you sure you want to edit":PRINT"{reverse on}";nu$(z);"{reverse off}?" 1060 GETa$:IF a$="n"THEN 980 1070 IF a$<>"y"THEN1060 1080 GOSUB 2520:PRINT"{space*17}edit" 1090 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}"; 1100 PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINTnu") " 1110 GOSUB 640:GOTO 140 1120 GOSUB2520:PRINT"{space*14}alphabetize" 1130 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}"; 1140 PRINT"please wait putting in alphabetic order" 1150 n2=INT(nu/256):n1=nu-256*n2:POKE49366,n1:POKE49367,n2 1160 SYS49152 1170 GOTO140 1180 GOSUB2520:PRINT"{space*11}save library" 1190 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}"; 1200 PRINT"insert the disk you want to save the{space*4}library onto. then press {reverse on}space{reverse off}" 1210 GETa$:IFa$=""THENGOTO1210 1220 IFa$<>" "THEN1210 1221 OPEN 2,8,2:CLOSE2:IF st=0 THEN 1230 1222 PRINT "{down}turn disk drive on, and press a key" 1223 GET a$:IFa$=""THEN1223 1224 PRINT"{up}{space*35}":PRINT"{up*2}"; 1225 GOTO1221 1230 OPEN1,8,8,"tracker library,s,r":INPUT#1,a$:CLOSE1:IFst<>0THEN1290 1240 PRINT"{down}file already exists, replace (y/n) ?" 1250 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN1250 1260 IF a$="y"THENGOTO1290 1270 IF a$<>"n"THEN65535 1280 GOTO140 1290 PRINT"{down}please wait, saving tracker library" 1300 CLOSE1:OPEN1,8,8,"@0:tracker library,s,w":PRINT#1,nu:FORa=1TOnu 1310 PRINT#1,nu$(a):NEXT 1320 CLOSE1 1330 GOTO140 1340 GOSUB2520 1350 PRINT"{space*13}print library" 1360 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}"; 1370 PRINT"{down}please enter title of library:" 1380 INPUT tl$ 1390 PRINT"{down}please enter today's date (mm/dd/yy)." 1400 INPUTda$ 1401 PRINT"{down*2}get the printer ready and press {reverse on}space{reverse off}":PRINT"{space*12}when ready." 1402 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN1402 1403 IF a$=" "THEN1410 1404 GOTO 140 1410 GOSUB2520 1420 PRINT"{space*13}print library" 1430 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}"; 1440 PRINT"printing file" 1450 OPEN4,4 1460 ww=nu 1470 tr=0 1480 a=INT(79-LEN(tl$))/2:FORb=1TOa:PRINT#4," ";:NEXTb:PRINT#4,tl$ 1490 a=INT(79-LEN(tl$))/2:FORb=1TOa:PRINT#4," ";:NEXTb 1500 FORb=1TOLEN(tl$):PRINT#4,"{sh asterisk}";:NEXTb:PRINT#4 1510 PRINT#4,"{space*36}library" 1520 a=INT(79-LEN(da$))/2:FORb=1TOa:PRINT#4," ";:NEXTb:PRINT#4,da$; 1530 d=69-a-LEN(da$):FORa=1TOd:PRINT#4," ";:NEXTa:PRINT#4,"( page";tr+1;")" 1540 FORa=1TO79:PRINT#4,"{sh asterisk}";:NEXT:PRINT#4 1550 IFww>165THENww=165 1560 IFww<55THENGOTO1590 1570 IFww<110THENGOTO1630 1580 GOTO1750 1590 CLOSE4:OPEN4,4 1600 FORa=1TOww:PRINT#4,LEFT$(nu$((165*tr)+a)+sp$,25):NEXT 1610 FORa=61 TO ww STEP-1:PRINT#4:NEXT 1620 CLOSE4:GOTO140 1630 CLOSE4:OPEN4,4 1640 FORb=1TO55 1650 PRINT#4,LEFT$(nu$((165*tr)+b)+sp$,25);"{space*2}";LEFT$(nu$((165*tr)+b+55)+sp$,25) 1660 IFww=55+bTHENb=b+1:GOTO1680 1670 NEXTb:GOTO1690 1680 FORc=bTO55:PRINT#4,LEFT$(nu$((165*tr)+c)+sp$,25):NEXTc:GOTO1690 1690 REM check for next page 1700 FORa=1 TO 6:PRINT#4:NEXT 1705 IFnu<=wwTHEN140 1710 IF nu<330 AND tr=1 THEN 140 1720 IF tr=0 THEN tr=1:ww=nu-165:GOTO1480 1730 IF tr=1 THEN tr=2:ww=nu-330:GOTO1480 1740 GOTO 140 1750 REM 1760 CLOSE4:OPEN4,4 1770 FORb=1TO55 1780 PRINT#4,LEFT$(nu$((tr*165)+b)+sp$,25);"{space*2}";LEFT$(nu$((tr*165)+b+55)+sp$,25); 1790 PRINT#4,"{space*2}";LEFT$(nu$((tr*165+b+110))+sp$,25) 1800 IFww=104+bTHENb=b+1:GOTO1820 1810 NEXTb:GOTO1690 1820 FORc=bTO54:PRINT#4,LEFT$(nu$((tr*165)+c)+sp$,25);"{space*2}"; 1830 PRINT#4,LEFT$(nu$((tr*165)+c+54)+sp$,25):NEXTc:GOTO1690 1840 GOSUB 2520:PRINT"{space*13}read directory" 1850 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}"; 1860 PRINT"{down*3}{right*6}insert a disk to read, and" 1870 PRINT"{down}{right*4}press the {reverse on}space bar{reverse off} when ready" 1880 GETa$:IFa$<>CHR$(32)THEN1880 1890 SYS 49525:PRINT"{clear}{white}hold space to slow, or return to exit.{down}" 1900 OPEN 15,8,15,"i":CLOSE15:IFst=0THEN1950 1910 PRINT"{down*2}{red}error{!*3} {white}unable to read disk." 1920 PRINT"press {reverse on}space{reverse off} to continue." 1930 GETa$:IFa$<>" "THEN1930 1940 GOTO 140 1950 OPEN1,8,2,"$":IFst=0THEN1970 1960 CLOSE1:GOTO 1910 1970 FOR x=1 TO142:GET#1,a$:NEXT 1980 IFst<>0THEN1910 1990 PRINT"{clear}{white}0 {reverse on}";CHR$(34); 2000 FORl=1TO16:GET#1,a$:PRINTa$;:NEXT:GET#1,a$,a$:PRINTCHR$(34);" "; 2010 FORl=1TO5:GET#1,a$:PRINTa$;:NEXT 2020 FORl=1TO89:GET#1,a$:NEXT:PRINT 2030 FORp=1TO8:GET#1,t$,a$,a$:IFt$CHR$(32)THEN2170 2180 SYS49500:GOTO140 2190 PRINT"{down}";:IFnu<10THENGOSUB2310:GOTO140 2200 FORa=1TOnuSTEP10:GOSUB2520 2210 PRINT"{space*12}look at entries" 2220 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}"; 2230 FORb=aTOa+9 2240 IFb>nuTHEN2350 2250 PRINTb")"nu$(b):NEXTb 2260 PRINT"{down}{reverse on}{space*7}press any key to continue{space*8}"; 2270 PRINT"{reverse on}{space*8}or (return) to exit{space*13}{reverse off}"; 2280 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN2280 2290 IF ASC(a$)=13 THEN GOTO 140 2300 NEXT a:GOTO 140 2310 GOSUB 2520 2320 PRINT"{space*12}look at entries" 2330 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}"; 2340 FORa=1TOnu:PRINTa")"nu$(a):NEXTa 2350 PRINT"{down}{reverse on}{space*7}press any key to continue{space*8}"; 2360 PRINT"{reverse on}{space*8}or (return) to exit{space*13}{reverse off}"; 2370 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN GOTO 2370 2380 IFASC(a$)=13 THEN GOTO 140 2390 GOTO 140 2400 GOSUB 2520:PRINT"{space*13}delete a entry" 2410 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}"; 2420 PRINT"{down}which entry do you wish to delete" 2430 PRINT"( 1 -";nu;") ?" 2440 INPUTa:IFa<1ORa>nuTHENGOTO 2400 2450 PRINT"{down}are you sure you want to delete":PRINT"{reverse on}"nu$(a)"{reverse off} (y/n)?" 2460 GETa$:IFa$="n"THEN GOTO 140 2470 IFa$<>"y"THEN GOTO 2460 2480 FORb=aTOnu-1:nu$(b)=nu$(b+1):NEXT:nu$(nu)="":nu=nu-1:GOTO 140 2490 GOSUB 2520:PRINT "{down*4}{space*11}{reverse on}no entries in memory" 2500 FORb=1TO2000:NEXT:RETURN 2510 END 2520 PRINT"{clear}{white}{reverse off}{cm a}{sh asterisk*38}{cm s}"; 2530 PRINT"{sh -}{space*7}{red}public domain presents:{white}{space*8}{sh -}"; 2540 PRINT"{sh -}{space*7}{red}{reverse on}{space*8}tracker{space*8}{reverse off}{white}{space*8}{sh -}"; 2550 PRINT"{sh -}{space*7}{cyan}{reverse on}{space*11}by{space*10}{cm g}{reverse off}{white}{space*7}{sh -}"; 2560 PRINT"{sh -}{space*7}{156}{reverse on}{space*7}jason olds{space*6}{cm g}{reverse off}{white}{space*7}{sh -}"; 2570 PRINT"{sh -}{space*8}{green}{reverse on}{cm t*22} {reverse off}{white}{space*7}{sh -}"; 2580 PRINT"{cm z}{sh asterisk*38}{cm x}"; 2590 RETURN 2600 GOSUB 2520:PRINT"{down*4}{space*13}{reverse on}no more memory{reverse off}" 2610 :FORb=1TO2000:NEXT:RETURN 2620 DATA174,172,3,232,224,15,208,2,162,1,142,172,3,162,0,173,172,3,157,81,216 2630 DATA232,224,36,208,248,174,173,3,232,224,15,208,2,162,1,142,173,3,162,0 2640 DATA173,173,3,157,121,216,232,224,36,208,248,174,174,3,232,224,15,208,2 2650 DATA162,1,142,174,3,162,0,173,174,3,157,161,216,232,224,36,208,248,174 2660 DATA175,3,232,224,15,208,2,162,1,142,175,3,162,0,173,175,3,157,201,216,232 2670 DATA224,36,208,248,108,132,193,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,3,4,0,0,0,0,0 2680 DATA173,214,192,208,6,173,215,192,208,1,96,165,47,24,105,10,133,34,165 2690 DATA48,105,0,133,35,76,163,192,160,0,177,34,72,177,36,145,34,104,145,36 2700 DATA200,192,3,208,241,76,116,192,169,0,141,218,192,168,177,34,240,59 2710 DATA141,213,192,177,36,240,219,205,213,192,176,8,141,213,192,169,1,141 2720 DATA218,192,200,177,34,133,251,177,36,133,253,200,177,34,133,252,177,36 2730 DATA133,254,160,0,177,253,209,251,144,180,208,11,200,206,213,192,208 2740 DATA242,173,218,192,208,167,165,36,24,105,3,133,36,165,37,105,0,133,37 2750 DATA173,216,192,208,3,206,217,192,206,216,192,173,216,192,208,158,173 2760 DATA217,192,208,153,165,34,24,105,3,133,34,165,35,105,0,133,35,173,214 2770 DATA192,208,3,206,215,192,206,214,192,173,214,192,208,6,173,215,192,208 2780 DATA1,96,173,214,192,141,216,192,173,215,192,141,217,192,165,34,24,105 2790 DATA3,133,36,165,35,105,0,133,37,76,47,192 2800 DATA173,20,3,141,132,193,173,21,3,141,133,193,120,169,134,141,20,3,169,193 2810 DATA141,21,3,88,96,120,173,132,193,141,20,3,173,133,193,141,21,3,88,96 2820 DATA174,0,194,232,224,10,208,8,162,0,142,0,194,76,60,3,142,0,194,108,132 2830 DATA193,255 2900 REM ***notes to user*** 2910 GOSUB 2520 2920 PRINT "{space*11}notes to the user{space*12}"; 2930 PRINT "{sh asterisk*40}"; 2940 PRINT "{yellow}{space*2}the whole idea behind this program was"; 2950 PRINT "to have a listing of all the programs" 2960 PRINT "in my inventory. the first time i wrote" 2990 PRINT"this program it did barely what i had" 3000 PRINT"indended it to do.{space*2}but i decided that" 3010 PRINT"it was a good enough idea to write it" 3020 PRINT"better and try to sell it.{space*2}well here it"; 3030 PRINT"is and it hasn't sold.":PRINT "{space*2}i've donated it"; 3040 PRINT" to public domain in{space*3}hopes that a couple"; 3050 PRINT" people might use it and remember my"; 3060 PRINT" name." 3070 PRINT "{down}{space*9}{white}press {reverse on}return{reverse off} to exit." 3080 GETa$:IFa$<>CHR$(13)THEN3080 3090 GOTO 140 stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)