start tok64 d64-3H8N11 5 PRINTCHR$(147)"{blue}" :POKE 53280,0:POKE 53281,0:gf=6:lf=14 9 b=1:c=5:t=10 10 a$="Tarm-Johan och hans slagpasar, tex" 12 b$=" Tass-Nisse,Peter och Mamma !" 13 c$="{down}{space*6}Du gamla, Du fria, Du " 15 a=LEN(a$) 45 POKE 214,c:PRINT 50 PRINT SPC(b);a$:PRINT SPC(b);b$:PRINT SPC(b);c$ 52 w=1:f=40*c+40+b+2:g=40*c+40+b+a:GOSUB60 53 w=-1:g=40*c+40+b-1 :f=40*c+40+b+a-3:GOSUB60:GOTO 52 60 FOR d=f TO g STEP w 63 FOR tt=1 TO t:NEXT:bh=55296+d:hb=55296+d-w*3 65 POKE bh,lf:POKE bh+40,lf:POKE bh+120,lf 70 POKE hb,gf:POKE hb+40,gf:POKE hb+120,gf 75 NEXT 80 RETURN stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)