start tok64 d64-4KxuBO 1 REM music driver p2 2 REM 1983 by vince sorensen 3 REM ---------------------- 4 REM this program, like the 5 REM other two in this set, 6 REM are exclusively for 7 REM public domain 8 REM distribution. 9 REM ---------------------- 10 DATA c1,4,48 11 PRINT"{clear}{white}music driver p2: alter notes 20 DATA c#1,4,112 21 PRINT"{down}music driver is written by v. sorensen, 30 DATA d1,4,180 31 PRINT"who can be contacted through 35 DATA d#1,4,251 40 DATA e1,5,71 41 PRINT"{reverse on}fantasy universal of regina, sask., can.{reverse off}or 45 DATA f1,5,152 50 DATA f#1,5,237 52 PRINT"{reverse on}telegames of hampton, ont., canada. {down} 55 DATA g1,6,71 60 DATA g#1,6,167 65 DATA a1,7,12 70 DATA a#1,7,119 80 DATA b1,7,233 110 DATA c2,8, 97 120 DATA c#2,8,225 130 DATA d2,9, 104 135 DATA d#2,9,247 140 DATA e2,10,143 145 DATA f2,11,48 150 DATA f#2,11,218 155 DATA g2,12,143 160 DATA g#2,13,78 165 DATA a2,14,24 170 DATA a#2,14,239 180 DATA b2,15,210 200 DATA c3, 16,195 201 INPUT"default input: what's there(1) or last{141}note given(2)";o 210 DATA c#3,17,195 220 DATA d3, 18,209 230 DATA d#3,19,239 240 DATA e3, 21, 31 250 DATA f3,22,96 260 DATA f#3,23,181 265 DATA g3, 25, 30 266 PRINT"note possibilities (z=rest, l=go back tolast, s=skip note): 270 DATA g#3,26,156 280 DATA a3, 28, 49 290 DATA a#3,29,223 291 READa$,b,c:PRINTa$" ";:IFa$<>"z"THEN291 295 DATA b3, 31,165 297 DATAz,0,0 298 PRINT:PRINT"note#"TAB(17)"old note" 299 POKE53281,12:POKE53280,15:PRINT"{white} 300 x=0:sh=11*256:sl=10*256 301 DATA???,0,0 310 m$="":RESTORE:READm$,b,c 311 READm$,b,c 312 IFm$="{?*3}"THEN320 313 IFb=PEEK(sh+x)ANDc=PEEK(sl+x)THEN320 314 GOTO311 320 PRINT"{white}"xTAB(4)sh+xTAB(10)sl+xTAB(18)m$TAB(24)"{black}"; 321 IFx<0ORx>256THENPRINT:PRINT"{up}{space*28}":PRINT"{up}";:x=0:GOTO310 325 IFo=1THENa$=m$ 330 INPUTa$ 335 IFa$="l"THENPRINT"{up}{space*32}":PRINT"{up}";:x=x-1:GOTO310 336 IFa$="s"THENPRINT"{up}{space*32}":PRINT"{up}";:x=x+1:GOTO310 340 RESTORE 350 READ b$,h,l 361 IFb$=a$THEN390 362 IFh<>0THEN350 370 PRINT"{up}";:GOTO310 390 PRINT"{up}{space*39}{up}" 391 POKEsh+x,h:POKEsl+x,l 400 PRINTxTAB(5)hTAB(10)lTAB(15)a$TAB(19)"{arrow left*3}note#,freq.,name 410 x=x+1 420 IFx<256THEN310 430 PRINT"finished{.*3}" 440 PRINT"{down*3} 445 REM 450 REM fantasy universal software 460 REM 3615 mccallum avenue 470 REM regina, saskatchewan 480 REM canada s4s 0s6 490 REM 500 REM telegames software 510 REM box 152 520 REM hampton, ontario 530 REM canada l0b 1j0 540 REM 550 REM this program is in 560 REM the public domain. 570 REM 580 REM others i can be contacted thru: 590 REM public domain inc., 600 REM w. milton, ohio, u.s.a. 610 REM tpug inc., 620 REM toronto, ontario, canada 630 REM commercial data systems 640 REM regina, saskatchewan, canada 650 REM stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)