start tok64 d64-BgMcAw 0 POKE53272,21:POKE53280,1:POKE53281,1:PRINT"{gray}" 500 PRINT"{clear}{down}"SPC(11)"*** esp test *** 510 PRINT"{down*2}this program tests one variety of 520 PRINT"extra-sensory perception: the ability topredict future events. 530 PRINT"{down}i will select one of five symbols 540 PRINT"randomly but will not disclose it until 550 PRINT"you have recorded your prediction. 560 PRINT"{down}the five symbols are diamond, parallels," 570 PRINT"{up}cross, triangle, and square. 580 PRINT"{down}sketch them on a piece of paper or 590 PRINT"remember the word 'depicts', which has 600 PRINT"the initial consonants in order. 605 hc=0:cc=0 610 PRINT"{down}do you wish to see the symbols before 620 PRINT"starting? press 'y' for yes, 'n' for no. 630 INPUT y$: IF y$="y" THEN f=1:GOTO1500 640 IF y$="n" THEN 650 645 PRINT" wrong key: try again.": GOTO 630 650 PRINT"{down}how many trials do you wish to make? i 660 PRINT"suggest a minimum of 25 for statistical significance. 670 INPUT n1 680 PRINT"ok. enter your selection (d,p,c,t,or s)": GOTO 690 685 PRINT"enter your next selection (d,p,t,c,or s) 690 INPUT g$:IF g$="d" THEN g=1:GOTO 1000 700 IF g$="p" THEN g=2:GOTO 1000 710 IF g$="c" THEN g=3:GOTO 1000 720 IF g$="t" THEN g=4:GOTO1000 730 IF g$="s" THEN g=5:GOTO 1000 740 PRINT"wrong key: try again.": GOTO 690 1000 d=INT(RND(5)*5)+1 1020 IF d=1 GOTO 1070 1030 IF d=2 GOTO 1170 1040 IF d=3 GOTO 1200 1050 IF d=4 GOTO 1290 1060 IF d=5 GOTO 1400 1065 STOP: REM: temp 1070 PRINT"{clear}{blue}"SPC(19)"{down*7}{reverse on}{sh pound}{cm asterisk} 1080 PRINTSPC(18)"{reverse on}{sh pound}{reverse off}{sh pound}{cm asterisk}{reverse on}{cm asterisk} 1090 PRINTSPC(17)"{reverse on}{sh pound}{reverse off}{sh pound}{space*2}{cm asterisk}{reverse on}{cm asterisk} 1100 PRINTSPC(16)"{reverse on}{sh pound}{reverse off}{sh pound}{space*4}{cm asterisk}{reverse on}{cm asterisk} 1110 PRINTSPC(15)"{reverse on}{sh pound}{reverse off}{sh pound}{space*6}{cm asterisk}{reverse on}{cm asterisk} 1120 PRINTSPC(15)"{cm asterisk}{reverse on}{cm asterisk}{reverse off}{space*6}{reverse on}{sh pound}{reverse off}{sh pound} 1130 PRINTSPC(16)"{cm asterisk}{reverse on}{cm asterisk}{reverse off}{space*4}{reverse on}{sh pound}{reverse off}{sh pound} 1140 PRINTSPC(17)"{cm asterisk}{reverse on}{cm asterisk}{reverse off}{space*2}{reverse on}{sh pound}{reverse off}{sh pound} 1150 PRINTSPC(18)"{cm asterisk}{reverse on}{cm asterisk}{sh pound}{reverse off}{sh pound} 1160 PRINTSPC(19)"{cm asterisk}{sh pound} 1165 PRINT"{gray}":IF f=1 THEN 1520 1166 GOTO 1600 1170 PRINT"{clear}"SPC(15)"{down*10}{reverse on}{cm y*10} 1180 PRINTSPC(15)"{down}{reverse on}{cm p*10} 1190 PRINT"{gray}"{reverse on}STEPWAITSTEP DUMP{reverse on}DUMP 63999 REM "Invalid BASIC input d64-BgMcAw stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)