start tok64 d64-HfrdRX 100 REM bioprinter 6.0 110 DIMa%(12),m$(12) 120 PRINT"{clear}"TAB(9)"{reverse on} b i o p r i n t e r " 130 INPUT"{down}input device #, screen=3 printer=4";dv 140 IFdv<>3ANDdv<>4THEN130 150 OPEN4,dv 160 co=39 170 REM*for80 col:ifdv=4thenco=79 180 s$=CHR$(1):cl=INT((co-10)/2):cn=cl+10 190 FORi=1TO10:cr$=cr$+CHR$(13):NEXT 200 FORi=1TOco:sp$=sp$+" ":as$=as$+" ":ar$=ar$+"--":NEXT 210 FORi=1TO12:READa%(i):NEXT 220 FORi=0TO6:READday$(i):NEXT 230 FORi=1TO12:READm$(i):NEXT 240 READdd$ 250 INPUT"{down}input your name";n$ 260 LETz=0 270 INPUT"{down}input birth date mm,dd,yy";mb,db,yb 280 ms=INT(ms):ds=INT(ds):ys=INT(ys) 290 INPUT"{down}input start date mm,dd,yy";ms,ds,ys 300 mb=INT(mb):db=INT(db):yb=INT(yb) 310 DEFFNi(x)=INT(cl*SIN(2*{pi}*x/33)+.5) 320 DEFFNe(x)=INT(cl*SIN(2*{pi}*x/28)+.5) 330 DEFFNp(x)=INT(cl*SIN(2*{pi}*x/23)+.5) 340 ts=INT(ds+365.25*ys+a%(ms)+.01*ms-.03) 350 tb=INT(db+365.25*yb+a%(mb)+.01*mb-.03) 360 x=ts-tb 370 INPUT"{down}how many days to run";sp 380 PRINT"{down}would you like the biorhythm theory" 390 INPUT"explained on your printout";p$ 400 sp=sp-1 410 rb=tb-1-INT((tb-1)/7)*7 420 PRINT"{clear}"; 430 PRINT#4,"{down*3}";s$"********** b i o r h y t h m **********" 440 PRINT#4,LEFT$(cr$,2) 450 IFLEFT$(p$,1)="y"THEN GOSUB1130 460 t$=" analysis for "+n$+" " 470 t2$=s$:GOSUB1060 480 PRINT#4,"{space*17}" 490 t$=" born "+day$(rb)+", "+m$(mb)+STR$(db)+", 19" 500 t$=t$+RIGHT$(STR$(INT(yb/10)),1)+RIGHT$(STR$(yb),1)+" " 510 t2$="":GOSUB1060 520 r=ts-1-INT((ts-1)/7)*7 530 GOTO660 540 t$=" starting date "+day$(r)+","+m$(ms)+STR$(ds)+", 19" 550 t$=t$+RIGHT$(STR$(INT(ys/10)),1)+RIGHT$(STR$(ys),1)+" " 560 t2$="":GOSUB1060 570 t$=STR$(INT(23*(x/23-INT(x/23))))+" days into the physical cycle" 580 t2$="":GOSUB1060 590 t$=STR$(INT(28*(x/28-INT(x/28))))+" days into the emotional cycle" 600 t2$="":GOSUB1060 610 t$=STR$(INT(33*(x/33-INT(x/33))))+" days into the intellectual cycle" 620 t2$="":GOSUB1060 630 t$="p = the physical cycle":t2$="":GOSUB1060 640 t$="e = the emotional cycle":t2$="":GOSUB1060 650 t$="i = the intellectual cycle":t2$="":GOSUB1060 660 PRINT#4 670 PRINT#4,SPC(13)"down{space*16}up" 680 GOSUB1300 690 GOSUB1320 700 REM 710 t$=LEFT$(day$(r),3)+" "+MID$(dd$,2*ds-1,2)+" {cm k}"+m$(ms) 720 f(0)=cn:f$(0)="*" 730 f(1)=cn+FNi(x):f$(1)="i" 740 f(2)=cn+FNe(x):f$(2)="e" 750 f(3)=cn+FNp(x):f$(3)="p" 760 f=0 770 FORi=0TO2 780 FORj=i+1TO3 790 IFf(i)xTHENt$="{space*7}{cm k}":GOTO720 930 IFz=spTHEN1030 940 r=r+1:IFr=7THENr=0 950 ds=ds+1:IFms=4ORms=6ORms=9ORms=11THENl=30:GOTO990 960 IFms=2ANDys/4=INT(ys/4)THENl=29:GOTO990 970 IFms=2THENl=28:GOTO990 980 l=31 990 IFds>lTHENds=ds-l:ms=ms+1:GOTO1010 1000 t$=LEFT$(day$(r),3)+" "+MID$(dd$,2*ds-1,2)+" {cm k}":z=z+1:GOTO720 1010 IFms=13THENms=1:z=z+1:GOTO700 1020 z=z+1:GOTO700 1030 GOSUB1300:GOSUB1320 1040 FORss=1TO3:PRINT#4,:NEXT 1050 GOTO250 1060 ct=INT(co/2) 1070 IFt2$=""THENct=co 1080 t1=INT((ct-LEN(t$))/2) 1090 IFt1<1THENPRINT#4,t$:GOTO1120 1100 t2$=t2$+LEFT$(as$,t1)+t$ 1110 PRINT#4,t2$:PRINT#4 1120 RETURN 1130 PRINT#4,"the purpose of biorhythm is to predict" 1140 PRINT#4,"a physical, emotional and intellectual" 1145 PRINT#4,"pattern that indicates your up and" 1150 PRINT#4,"down days for any period of time." 1155 PRINT#4,"{down}{space*3}biorhythm can show which days were" 1160 PRINT#4,"good or bad for you beginning with" 1170 PRINT#4,"your birth.{space*2}it can also show you which" 1175 PRINT#4,"future days will be good or bad for" 1180 PRINT#4,"you." 1182 PRINT#4,"{down}{space*3}these predictions are based on" 1190 PRINT#4,"scientific studies to determine why" 1195 PRINT#4,"accidents occur.{space*2}it was learned" 1200 PRINT#4,"through these studies that a physical" 1210 PRINT#4,"cycle occurs every 23 days, an" 1215 PRINT#4,"emotional cycle occurs every 28 days," 1220 PRINT#4,"and an intellectual cycle occurs every" 1230 PRINT#4,"33 days." 1232 PRINT#4,"{down}{space*3}the critical days occur during the" 1235 PRINT#4,"transition from positive to negative" 1240 PRINT#4,"states.{space*2}during the critical days you" 1250 PRINT#4,"are more prone to errors, accident and" 1255 PRINT#4,"physical setbacks." 1260 PRINT#4,"{down}{space*3}this biorhythm plot flags the" 1270 PRINT#4,"critical days." 1280 PRINT#4:PRINT#4 1290 RETURN 1300 FORi=1TOco:PRINT#4,"-";:NEXT:PRINT#4 1310 RETURN 1320 FORi=1TOco:PRINT#4,"-";:NEXT:PRINT#4 1330 RETURN 1340 DATA0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334 1350 DATAmonday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday 1360 DATAjanuary,february,march,april,may,june,july,august 1370 DATAseptember,october,november,december 1380 DATA" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910{1*3}2131415161718192021{2*3}32425262728293031" stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)